Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 24, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Is a painful awakening to his newlife as slave when he became a new victim of the "Millionaire Contest", and nowhe ´s regretting have accepted the bet that took him to be the must despicablebeen of the society.

All began when he made with hisfriends the bet that his favorite team was going to win because it was the bestand undefeated, but like always happens when you make the bet your team losesand in these case the bet was that the loser had to register as a participantinto the "Millionaire Contest".

But like his team lost he had notmore option to register and as it was expected he lost.

One of his friends which he hadmade the bet bought him, although he had to go through a traumatic experiencebecause he was mistreated due that nobody was interested to buy him on the liveshow, so he was sent to an auction center where he was mistreated even morethan other slaves were being, because he was put several times on auction butfor the slave dealer unknown reasons nobody was interested to buy him.

So his former friend talked withthe slave dealer and he made a monetary deal, and although the purchase amountagreed was lower of the price that the dealer wanted, given the circumstanceshe considered that it was a good proposal.

The new enslaved since thebeginning has been mistreated by his former friend, since to take him home wasforced to walk naked on the street so their former friends and schoolmatescould see him exposed, but for the moment his master has not put on his neckthe collar yet, and when they were at home his master fucked him withoutlubricant and he put his cock inside him with one only ram causing him a lot ofpain that was shown on his face, but his master hadn't given him time to recover because he was fucking himmerciless, and his master was holding him by his hair so as soon as he heardany sound of pain he pulls it backwards.

Now he's insulted constantly too but as slavehe hasn ´t more option to endure it, and if he wants or not he has to offer hisbody to his master or all those that he wants.

But his punishment for his badluck doesnt end there because hes humiliated by his friend and is forced tosuck his masters cock, kiss and rimming him and even be fucked, but also he's forcedto see the games of the team that once had been his favorite before he wasenslaved, so he can see all those athletes that he used to admire as freecitizen and who were the cause of his misfortune, but the things dont stopthere because when the one that was his favorite team is playing, his masterweather alone or with his friends commands him to serve them both briningsnacks and beverages or sexually, and if the wretched slaved doesnt see a gameaction because he's doing what his master has told him or even some of hisfriend or his former friends orders, and they asked him about a specific play and he cant answer then he'sbrutally punished, and even the poor slave now is terrified that the team thatonce was his favorite one is going to play, due to the punishment that he mightface if he doesn`t answer correctly to his master or his former friends aquestion that they might ask him, or even to the comments the commentatorsmight say.

But also he's used as acheerleader in the university games and together with the cheerleaders he has toencourage the team being naked in front of all the fans that are in thestadium, even he can be touched in his body's most intimate parts and his nakedbody inspected by both the females and males cheerleaders, and his anus can befingered and then he has to clean their fingers with his mouth, so for theslaves is of vital importance keep himself clean both inside and outside.

The master is a twenty years oldLatin boy who colored his hair blond and he enjoys his slave's body that is ablack haired white boy and has the same age of the master beside that themaster also enjoys humiliating the slave in public.

But the Latin Master considershis slave as an animal so he is not ashamed to be naked in front of him, so hetakes advantage of this situation also being naked as his slaves at home,beside that he feels comfortable being naked to fuck in any time that he wants thewretched slaves or force the boy to serve him in other sexual ways, beside thathe knows that the slave hates be fucked by other male, without the need todisrobe when he wants fuck him, and even the slave doesnt have a loincloth tocover his nakedness, and when the master takes the slave out make the wretchedinferior wears a pink collar and is exhibited like the animal that hes nownaked and the free people approve that.

Even his master has allowed thatthose that used to be his friends and acquaintances fuck him, but to humiliatethe slave more than he's and to make that the slave doesn`t enjoy be fucked isnot allowed to luv his hole and also those who fuck him can't luv their cock,so the experience to be fucked was as much painful as possible.

And now they are in the slaveparent's house in the bathroom, and the Latin master is fucking the slave, butthe slave always has to be naked in front of his former family exhibited andhumiliated servicing them, and when he's not needed he has to be stood facing awall and cant move until his services are required again, even his brothershas already fucked him and to humiliating him even more hes not allowed toclean the cum that is deposited into his guts, and he has to be servicing them withthe cum going out from his anus and running out by the back side of his thighs,and if the viscous liquid falls to the floor he has to lick it with his tongue,and in front of his family he has to be the cheerleader encouraging his teamand those that once were his idols and the cause of his misfortune, while hisballs and cook are bouncing while jumping and pirouetting in front of hisfamily that is watching the TV set before the contempt of them, and many timeshe has to be a furniture and on his backor hands are put the beverages or dishes with food and he's not allowed tomove.

And The Millionaire Contest wherehe lost was precisely the Cheerleader event, since his friends where whodecided in which event he had to participate and the only male between thecontenders was him since the other ones were females.

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Next: Chapter 277: El Concurso Millonario 22

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