Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 6, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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He hasbegged over and over again to his captors to let him go, but they knowperfectly that this white boy as the others boys is very desirable merchandisein the black market.

Allbegan when he received an invitation to a party that took place in one of asheik properties, he was invited by the sheik's son without knowing what wasawaiting him.

Littlehe knew that on that party all the white boys were been evaluated by possiblebuyers that were in the middle east that were watching them on a privatetelevision transmission, and they could see them wearing speedos or nakedinside the locker room, and all those boys that got the highest scores would bekidnaped and sent to the black market in the middle east.

Now this illegally enslaved white boy iswaiting his turn to be taken to the cargo plane that will take him to theauction house and serve sexually to his new owner, now in his mind is repeatingover and over again, if he only had refused go to the party.

But he knows that he never would have rejectedthat invitation, because all the boys of his boarding school was what theywanted be invited by the sons of the millionaire Arabs to go to one of thoseparties, since what he heard from the other boys that already had gone and comeback was something very hard to believe considering the luxury and the giftsthat the Arabs boys gave to their guest, and only he had believed that becausehe had seen some of those gifts, such as gold watches and even some of thestudents had received a luxury car as a gift.

But the invitation that the Arab boys made tothe school students, were perfectly planned and not only were invited thoseboys that might be the slaves of the potential buyers, but also to cover theiroperations were invited other boys that they knew that they never would be soldin the black market, and was precisely them who received the most valuablegifts.

But toavoid that someone could suspect the reason why certain students disappearedafter have gone to one of the Arabs' parties wasnt a problem for the Arabboys' fathers, because the candidate that was going to be enslaved didntdisappeared during the party or immediately after it, but the boy disappearedmonths after when nobody could relate the party with the boy disappearance.

Although the disappearance of teenage boys inthe country was being alarming and although the authorities new that in thecountry were operating white teenage boys meat traffickers, until that momentthey could not stop the boys kidnap and disappearance.

Thisdark brown haired eighteen years old boy have been for three days locked in abasement waiting to be transported to the black market, and he knows what isawaiting him and is terrify and he has the hope that if he begs enough to hiscaptors they release him, but what he doesn`t know is that that night he'sgoing to be transported by a chopper to the airport, and put into a cage insideof an airplane's cargo compartment with the other boys that have been kidnapedaround the country, and in few days more he is going to be one more boy sold inthe slaves black market.

Theboy is confused because he was taken out from the cage in which he has beencaged naked all the time, even he has to shit and pee there and after a blondslaves of his same age cleaned him, a pole has been roped to his ankles forcinghim to keep his legs wide a part, his hands and arms are tied up to his bodysides one rope is covering his belly button and the second rope his pectoralsforcing him to be leaning forward, and other rope that goes out from a hockthat is buried in his guts by his anus and goes to the celling doesn`t allowhim move.

And his body already has been shaved and onlyhe keeps his head hair, and considering that is a white boy he has a cock witha respectable size being considered a big one and is uncut but this soon will bechange as soon as he is sold, beforehand in those moments his naked body isbeing seen at the slaves black market where the potential buyers are observingwith interest the young naked body.

Theboy has been many hours like this andhe's desperate for move beside that he needs to pee and he has begged to hiscaptors that allow him go to the bathroom, but one of them has told him that ifhe wants pee or shit he will have to do it in that place, and the boy in adesperate way has asked why he's treated like that, and also had asked why theArabs want to sale him as salve if he didn`t do anything wrong, and if they want the gift that they gave him backgladly he returns the gift.

But aswas expected his captors didn`t answer him. and he again has begged them aboutlet him go and allow him go home and he's not going to tell anybody, but hisfate is already decided and his future is be a slaves, and he will have toserve sexually to his masters apart the other house tasks that they order himto perform and be exhibited as the animal that he well be.

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Next: Chapter 283: Victimas 22

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