Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 6, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These triplets were very luckyand they weren't captured by the black masters when they went into the jungleto hunt wild whiteys, like all withe males and females now they live naked andin the nature but they are wild because they were born in the nature.

The new black society that nowcontrols the country every day needs more and more slaves from the businessuntil homes, so like once the whiteys dominated and enslaved the blacks, nowall changed and are the blacks who enslave the whites.

But to avoid that in a givenmoment the white race might extinguish, a huge quantity of whiteys births takeplace every month, so the black masters can capture several whiteys while bythe other side there are a huge quantity of wild whiteys living into thenature.

These triplets ran into the seato be saved knowing that they're very good swimmers but they have lost theirherd, so until they find a new one where they can be members they are going tosatisfy their sexual needs between them, however is very important that soonthey can be living with females because they need the milk breast to fortifytheir immunologic system.

The captured whiteys if they'remature enough, are sent to a Tame Center but if not depending on the way theybehave are taken into a Maturity Center where are trained as slaves, or anauction center where are sold to the black masters.

All the whiteys that born in theherds despite that they have biological parents they are taken care by all theherd`s members without mattering if they are females or males, and when themales reach the age to stop being considering puppies and become adultteenagers, the adults assigned them puppies which they have to take care and tofeed and provide them the proteins that only the male body can produce, besideget the food for the puppies and themselves from the garbage deposits orstealing it from the black masters' houses.

These triplets werent consideredas herd's leaders therefore they had to be submissive to their leaders anddespite that they were considering as young adults with experience, they had tosubmit to the herds males stronger than them and constantly they were sexuallyused by the herd's dominant males.

However since they were capableof produce cum they began to breed the females and proportionate that semen toother males of their same age or older but also to the little ones who couldsuck it by themselves, allowing them to suck their cocks to get it and they doing the same if they also wanted to getit, and for them that action was very important because not only was apleasurable act but also a socialization one because beside that who wassucking his cock was given him pleasure, they were caressing the naked body ofwhom was getting the proteins from him, and that same was happening when theysucked the breast milk directly from the females nipples, because the femalescaressed their naked bodies while they were providing the breast milk and theyfelt the pleasure about how the mouth and tongue were stimulating their nipplesand were given them pleasure and the females were sexually aroused as well.

But inside the family group ofthese triplets also there is a dominant triplet who is the one that is in theright.

The three boys has muscularbodies due to the hard life that they have living in the wild animal world assuch, with dark brown nipples, they hair is black and their bodies are smoothwith exception of some hair but no vey abundant in their crotch and very few intheir armpits and their anuses and ass crack are completely smooth.

The dominant triplet is who iswatching and has told to his brother that they have to be inside the water, soin case that they see a black hunter nearby considering that they have anexcellent sight and smell although in that moment the smell is not helpfulbecause the wind is blowing from the sea to the coast, they can immediatelyimmersed in the sea and swim to safety.

But when the dominant tripletwants have sex always he's going to be the top since in the herd they learntthat the dominant male always fucks the weaker, and then he will let that hisbrothers fight among them to decided who is the second in charge and who ofthem is going to be the submissive male and will have to obey the others.

Although now the most importantfor the dominant triplet is find females that are capable of breed pups andproduce breast milk, without mattering if they have to join a herd or if theyfind them roaming alone, since their instinct tells them that they have to keepbreeding pups beside that they need the food that they pickup from the garbagedumps to survive because they don`t have tools to fish, and the fruits andvegetables that the soil produces are not enough to feed all the wild whiteys.

But very soon the dominanttriplet sexual need will make him fuck his brothers, and in their femalessearch they are going to find lost and scared pups whom they are going to adoptand they are going to feed and give them their proteins, and above all they aregoing to caressing them as they used to be by their herd males and females whenthey also were puppies, and only time will say if they form their own herd, ifthey find a herd to join or if they're captured by the black hunters andenslaved.

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Next: Chapter 285: Salvajes 23

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