Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 27, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Someone had offered him a goodjob in other country and he immediately accepted it, if only he had known aboutwhat was awaiting him he would never have accepted it.

When he arrived to the countryand being in immigration he was arrested by the authorities and they never toldhim the reason why they did that, he was forced to strip naked and caged andwas put into an airplane's cargo compartment and taken to other place.

The one that now he has to callmaster and who should be his boss, put the collar on his neck and he orderedthat he has to be circumcised because in that country slaves can ´t have theprepuce.

After he was tortured for severaldays without knowing the reason why, finally he was broken and he meeklyaccepted his new condition, although that doesn ´t mean that he is used to benaked in public, but being a slave and wearing the collar he has no optionbecause by law all the slaves must be naked wherever they're.

Now he's waiting that his masterpick him up because he is lost and he doesn't know where he's, this is thefirst time that he went out of his master landscape without supervision and heknows that he's going to be severely punished.

He tried to ask to several freecitizen about where he was and how he could arrive to the place that his masterhad sent him but nobody put attention to him, although one of them called hismaster to tell him that his slave was lost, and other slave was sent to tellhim that he should wait for his master there.

Now with apprehension he'swaiting for his master because he knows what is awaiting him as soon as hearrives to that place but upon all things the humiliation to be punished inpublic, but his mind can`t understand yet how is that slavery exist nowadayswhen all the countries have proclaimed the freedom and consider all human beenas equals, but in his own flesh he has verified that this is not true and he isan example of that cruel reality.

Even this platinum blond has seenother slaves that like him are naked in public, an despite that this is hisfirst time going out without being supervised by a better he was lost becausehe didn`t know where to go, because when he went out being taken by a overseeror his own master to some place he was forced to keep his head down becausethis was the way that the slaves had to keep their heads, he could see theother slaves naked bodies that passed by walking beside him or like he, theyhad to wait for their masters in a special place where the slaves had to waitfor their masters while they did what they had to do, and although that manytime he wanted to revel for the injustice and cruelty to which he was subjectedbecause he was considered an inferior, the brutal punishment that was appliedon him ended up to make that he submitted and accepted his terrible reality.

But now something has changedabout his behavior and this is that before not only he was terrified to be nakedin public but also was terrified to have an hard on, but due that his enslavedcock was subjected to a lot of manipulation by the free people but above allfrom the teenage boys, now hes not ashamed that spontaneously his animal cockis hard because for him is the most normal thing have a hard on being naked andconsidering that he cant hide it.

However what has cost him more toadapt is wearing his collar that not only is synonymous of shame andhumiliation but also of mistreatment, because the damn teenage boys have kickedhim on his buttocks and sometimes accidentally on his balls while his master orhis better that is with him is laughing and mocking, but what he can`tunderstand is how is possible that instead of defend him being in a very vulnerablesituation allow that he is mistreated in such way.

Now is in the street with hisarms crossed, naked and looking around to see if his master is coming wearingthe dam collar while the free citizens are passing by the street withoutputting him much attention, however this slave has decided to be as far aspossible from them and he is stood in the middle of the street and only he'sgoing to move if a car comes, his experience about when he has taken out fromhis now called home by his master or an overseer, has taught him to be verycautious above all with the teenage boys which dont lose any opportunity totouch his body most intimate parts, and despite that he now is used to beexhibited as the animal that hes now by his master and sons as well by hisfriends, and even he thinks now that still he's a man despite that hes forcedto have sex with his master, sons andsometimes their friends being always the bottom, but he cant be used that inthe street be touched in such impudent way in front of the passers-by and thateven he's masturbated o his anus fingered, and after that he has to clean withhis mouth the finger that was inside the hole where he defecates.

This blond twenty four years oldslave boy with big pinky nipples has made a big mistake, being stood with thisarms crossed, since despite that he has an erection for the free citizens ananimal as him sporting an erection is something normal, but what is not normalis the way that he's stood, but the slave has not released about that and whenhe's punished that defiant attitude will make him pay high price because hismaster is going to add more punishment, but his worries about how his master isgoing to punish him when he arrives and how the public is going to enjoy hispain is what keeps him worried, beside that he's cursing the day that heaccepted work in other country instead to stay in his own.

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Next: Chapter 297: The Experiment 11

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