Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 10, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Theblacks were looking for whites that could be hidden house by house to avoid tobe enslaved.

Theorder that was issued after they had taken the country control about all thewhites had to be enslaved immediately, was very effective and took by surpriseall the whites that many families were torn apart, and although they were sentto Reunion Centers, many families never could be reunited again, even for ashort time before they were sold as slaves or sent to Maturity Centers.

Herewe see a whitey that was found hidden in his house attic that is ready to besent to an auction house.

Henever will see his family or be clothed again, and the young blacks that foundhim are laughing at him because they consider that he's a shameless whiteybecause he has a hard on and his pubes are shaved.

Thewhitey wants to beg the blacks to allow him go to where his family is, becausehe already knows that he'll be taken to an auction center, but even he can't dothat because is gagged.

Forthe blacks was amusing see run the desperate whites some of them even nakedfrom one place to other trying to avoid to be captured and enslaved, and seethe naked bodies of the whiteys both males and females whom had lost any kindof modesty running naked in the schools or sport centers trying to run awayfrom them was really fun, even the smallest whites that could understand whatwas going tried to escape to go to their homes to meet their parents althoughgenerally they were the easiest preys to catch.

Thiswhitey that was captured in his home had fled and ran naked by the city'sstreets because when the blacks went into his school to arrest all the boys, hewas taking a shower after being in the physical education class since wasmandatory for the students of his exclusive school for white boys, that afterany physical activity that might them have sweat they had to take a shower toavoid smell bad.

Whenthis black haired slim white boy with dark brown and small nipples waslathering his buttocks, anus as well as his balls and cock, he heard screamsand sobs and noises of both bare feet and feet with shoes running around thelocker room and hearing how the benches of the dressing room were draped, thisguy for the moment was paralyzed by the fear because what they have feared somuch and were waiting for it not to happen was happening, the blacks had goneinto their school and the security guards couldn't stop them, and now his mindwas telling him that he had to run away to avoid be captured and be sold asslave, but by the other side he was naked and couldnt run away as he had cometo the world but also he couldnt go back to his locker where his clothes were,and when he turned to take his towel to put it around his waist and cover hisnakedness and can go out to the street the towel was not there, but hissurvival instinct and his fear to be enslaved were stronger than his modesty andhe ran to the emergency exit that was located in the steam room with hoppingthat the blacks weren`t there and caught him.

Whenhe went into the steam room there also all was confusion, naked white bodieswhere running in all directions looking desperately for the emergency exit thatfor unknown reasons for him has not been opened yet and he supposed that thereason why of that was because nobody had find it yet, and for the other sidedressed bodies that were running from one side to other trying to catch thenaked bodies, and could be heard curses and groans of pain due that the whiteboys despite that they were completed naked and in a very vulnerable situationbefore the black boys that were trying to capture them, they threw punches andkicks to their persecutors and have the opportunity to run away, this boy for amoment thought about go back and try to go out for other part maybe for one ofthe windows, but with horror he heard that one of the black boys that wasstanding at the entrance of the steaming room said that they already hadcontrolled the dressing room, and although some whiteys had managed to escapein different states of nudity, now all that remained to do was captured thenaked whiteys that were in the steam room.

Eventhough the visibility was almost null due the dense vapor, moving inside theroom was also very hard due to the high temperature that was there, and eventhought that the white boys were naked nudity in that room played a veryimportant role because several white boys could escape from their persecutors,because the clothes made that the blacks felt very uncomfortable and theydistracted trying to separate the clothes from their skin because the clotheswere completely wet, but the boy knew that the emergency exit was in theopposite side where was the showers entrance, so with his back touching thewall he began to move slowly towards the emergency exit while the confusion inthe room continued and the naked bodies running from one side to other stillwere seen blurry, and the dressed bodies of the black boys where who felt intothe floor most, and when a naked bodywas on the floor several blacks pounced on the bodies to submit them.

Butstill there was many naked white bodies running from one side to other and evenhe was hit several times by a naked or black body while he was moving, and forhis good luck any of the blacks put attention to him in that moments, and whenhe was close to the door a black boys saw him and ran to capture him, but forhis good look other boy opened the door and without thinking twice he rushed tothe door to go out from that room that had become a nightmare and inferno, dueto the heat that was inside and the loss of those things that for him meantsecurity and his life of comfort as the rich boy that until that moment he hadbeen, all the naked white teenage boys ran to the school exit.

Many climbedthe fences, he was very lucky to be one of the first to go out while a sea ofnaked bodies desperately were follow him, but instead to go to the school exitor fences he decided to hide among the bushes hoping that he wasn`t going to befound and he could go home, however the fear made him pee and shit where he washidden while he was sobbing because he saw how many of his naked schoolmateswere captured while they were trying jump the fences or go out by the doorbecause several blacks where there waiting for them.

Hecontinued hidden for several hours among the bushes and when he was sure thatthere wasn`t any movement in the school and the transport already has taken hisnaked schoolmates to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) to be sold as slaves andthe blacks that were watching the school had gone, he went out from his hiddenplace and climbing the fence he could reach the street that was empty, openlycrying and distrustfully he began to walk towards his home being watching thatany black was near, even he had thought go directly to the forest and hidethere and wait that someone could give him some clothes to cover his nakedness,and he would do that if he if had not been filthy because he had shit for thefear and his butt was dirty and he needed take a shower, so running down thecity alleys and the city edges he went to his house, but it took him long timeto arrive and when he did was exhausted but he had the hope that his parentsand siblings were there but the house was empty, and after take a shower stillnaked he felt asleep because he was very tired.

Whenhe woke up he heard noised in the street, and cautiously he looked out by thewidow hopping that were his parents but for his horror saw that were blacks, sothe only thing that he could do was hide in the attic and wait that he wasn`t seen but his luck was over and he wasfound.

Now heis laying on his back on the bed wrapped in transparent plastic with his handon each side of his body, his cock is hard and his balls are perfectly delineatedon his scrotum and gagged waiting for the transport to take him to the SPC tobe together his schoolmates and be sold together with them as slave, and now isrecriminating himself to have been so foolish that not have gone to the forestand hide there, and for his bad luck from his new master's home he is going tosee pass by his family running towards the forest, and the only thing that willremind are his memories of a happy lifethat won't come back, because he is going to be humiliated, mistreated and isgoing to be a sexual object.

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Next: Chapter 306: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 24

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