Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 17, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This Latin boy unknowingly was aTitan's friend and when he wasn ´t in the Forbidden City he visited him, thisLatin boy family had been very rich and they possessed huge land extensions wherethey strewed any kind of vegetable and fruits, but since the slavery was establishedin their country his family had lost their wealth because while other farmers used slaver towork their farms, this family kept hired people to do that and their productions cost due to thesalaries that they had to pay were very high, and at the end they couldn ´t keepcompeting with the other famers and their whole wealth was lost.

The boy every time that he sawthe Titan told him about all the financial problems that his family had, andeven he had told him that he wasfrightened that his family and him were going to be enslaved because theyhadn ´t paid their debts.

The Titan has tried to convincehis young friend that was better that his family bought slaves and put them towork in their fields to begin to make money and they began to pay their debts,but the boy had told him that was wrong enslave people and keep them naked andworking as animals.

But the Titan has told him thatit wasn ´t like that, because the slaves as the free people received a payment,but the slaves instead to receive money was the food and a place where to livewithout the need to pay that.

The boy wasn ´t convinced about whatthe Titan was telling him, because he has seen that the slaves were whipped andkept naked and they were forced to do things against their will and that didn ´thappen with the free workers.

The Titan explained him thatsomething like that happened to the free workers, and although that was truethat they weren ´t whipped they also received punishment as or much more painfulthan the whip lashes, because if they didn ´t reach the daily production goalthen they didn ´t receive the money that they were expecting and that was muchmore worst that being encourage by the overseer's whip, because then they andtheir families didn ´t eat , thing that didn ´t happen with the slaves becausewhen they were encouraged they reached the production quota and always theywere fed, and they didn ´t have to worry to keep clean they clothes and if theywere going to have the money to pay the rent and even if they were sick have to pay a doctor, because their masterwere on charge of those thing for them, and nakedness was something very goodbecause it was a hygienic thing andallow the slaves have sex freely between them, and nobody was going to say aword about that because was very normal that the slaves fucked ones withothers, thing that couldn ´t do the free workers and beside they have to beworry to buy clothes, and if they wanted to have sex with someone else they hadto do that hidden because they didn ´t want that their wives knew about whatthey were doing.

But still the young eighteenyears old black haired Latin boy didn ´t like the idea to have slaves since heconsidered that was a bad thing, but one day the Titan arrived to the youngboy's father farm with several slaves and he gave them to the boy as a gift,and also he said to the boy that he was going to stay with them for a while, sothey could see the benefits to have slaves working for them, and that himselfwas going to teach them how to handle and take advantage of them so his familycould begin produce vegetables and fruits and they began to make money again.

Now the family not only is makingmoney if not they are wealthiest than ever, and they just have bought severalfield hectares to sow, but at the same time the young Latin boy has decidedbreed slaves so his family hasn ´t to buy them when those that are working areworn out and have to be sold as waste, but from their own breed farm they canput the new slaves to work into the field gangs, and the boy told his Titanfriend his idea and the Titan gave him a very special gift.

Three white naked slaves twomales and one female arrived that morning inside a cage to the new filed thatthe Latin boy's family had just bought, the two male slaves were candidates tobe Titans and failed in their attempt to became one of them, and the female wasa blond girl that was investigating about a secret pure male society verypowerful that had the financial worldcontrol, but as was expected the female was enslaved by the Titans and sent toa remote farm where she couldn ´t say anything about what she was investigating.

The Titan has told to the slavesto have sex in front of their new master, so the slaves to avoid to be punishedimmediately once they were taken out from the cage began to do what they weretold, so the Alfa male that is under the other slaves is fucking the weakermale that is over him, and at the same time the weaker one is fucking thefemale who with her hand is helping the beta slave's cock to go inside her.

The young Latin boy can ´t believethe slaves shameless sexual behavior and with incredulity has turned to see hisTitan friend, who with a broad smile simply has told him that they are animalsand they were there to obey and since that moment the boy's breed farm hasbegun to work, and very soon he's going to receive more male and femaleslaves for that purpose as a gift fromhim, and was his responsibility don ´t allow under any circumstance that thoseslave were in contact with free citizen, and allow the overseers that were going to be on charge of the salvesdiscipline and control them.

What the young Latino boy doesn ´tknow is that the overseers are Titans and their responsibility is be sure thattheir secret can't be told to anyone by these two white male slaves that oncetried to be Titans, and by the female that once was doing the research aboutthe secret society.

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Next: Chapter 308: The Experiment 12

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