Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 24, 2018


“As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou’re offended by this content don’t read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you’re certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This young wild eighteen yearsold bond male whitey is far away from his herd and now is lost.

After have done his duties suchas feed the pup that is his responsibility, drink breast milk to fortify hisimmunological system and give and get the proteins that he needed, he wentalone to swim because he wanted some moments of peace and tranquility.

But his lack of experience didn´tallow him release that the water had very strong currents, and despite that hesaw the high waves that arrived to the shore with unusual strength, he went toswimming thinking that he wouldn´t have any problem.

But soon he felt how a strongwater current dragged him into the sea so he tried to swim to the shore but hecouldn´t and almost he drowned, however thanks that he’s a very good swimmer hecould float until the current took him into a beach.

But now he is far away from hisherd and very tired and he desperately needs the proteins that only he can getfrom other male to swim the long distance to be save with his herd, but unfortunatelyhe has seen by black guards and they are ready to shut him a dart with asedative, and in few hours more he’ll be in a Tame Center where after he goesthrough the brain wash process, he’ll begin his training as slave to later besold to the black masters.

The naked wild white teenage boysthat stop to being puppies and has to face the responsibility to feed othermale pup, are not used to face those kind of responsibilities, and many of themabove all on the first days they end up so exhausted of having to take care ofthe pup that now are their charge, that without thinking twice they tried to goaway from the herd or being with other childhood friend but in most cases theirfriend also are occupied attending their new charges.

However this big step that has tobe taken in instants for many of the puppies that now have the responsibilityto take care of another puppy was very traumatic, because they weren’t preparedto face that responsibility, but that was the test in which the naked wild boyshowed to the herd and the leaders that he was enough mature to can beconsidered as an adult and be able to climb the scale of importance among theherd’s males, but this wasnt easy because he was competing with the otherteenage boys of his own age, and even they were his friends, and thiscompetition many times ended bringing rivalries, fights and anger, but theherds males knew that this kind of fights were necessary to know the characterof each pup that was becoming in adult, and determinate if he could became agood leader or just he would become in a follower that was going to be sexuallyused by the male leaders, and he would have to fight with the males of his samecondition to get the right to fuck them and not always be fucked.

Other significant change that wasgiven in the life of these wild naked animals was that the adults no longercared them, since the moment that they were assigned the responsibility to takecare and feed a puppy, the adults were no longer watching them constantly butwhat they did very often was verified that the pup was well cared by hisbenefactor, and if that didnt happen the first time the offender teenager boywas scolded in front of all the herds, leaders, and if the carelessness wasdone again then he was physical punished in front to the herd’s males withoutmattering their ages, and if the young males kept misbehaving then he was againpunished in front of the all herds members including the females, and also hewas expelled from the herd being abandoned to his fate, and usually those malesended up being hunted by the black masters who sold them as slaves.

So the naked young white malesappreciated very much they free time that they have to be with their friends,strengthening their socialization ties sucking their cocks to get the preciouscum that provided them the proteins that they so needed, and even having analsex between them or if wasn`t possible be with them at least be able to go torefresh either to the sea, a lake or even to a river when the day was very hot,because the fresh water caused a relaxing and soothing effect to this animals.

But a black master has recognizedthis young naked white tanned wild animal despite that he hasnt seen his face,but the foolish animal is wearing on his wrists wristbands that he stolen fromthe house of one of the feared black masters as a prove of his bravery abouthad dared to go into the house of one black master to steal food and somethingelse, and for what the boys of his herd that have his same age and even forother adults males was a truly bravery act, and the desire to show his friendshow brave hes exhibiting the wristbands that for him are his most precioustreasure  but that in really doesn`t haveany value, made that the hunter who is about to shoot him was even more angry,and his suffering in the Tame Center is going to be much worst that it shouldbe in normal circumstances, because the offended black master is not going toforget that insult.

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Next: Chapter 314: The Millionaire Contest 25

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