Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 29, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thiscracker was found looking for food in a restaurant trash container, the whiteysnever took a chance to go into the city to find food, but since the black authoritieshad asked to the restaurants that were on the city limits to padlocked thecontainers where the food was put in so the crackers couldn't find an easymeal, the whiteys didn't have more option but go deeper and deeper into thecity when they were deprived to find food close of the woods where they used tohide, but this was done at night.

Thiscracker was so hungry that he was looking for food into the restaurants trashesthat were far from the woods and he found a lot, but he never released that itwas a trick that had been put by the black masters that forced the crackers togo away from the woods to capture them.

Nowthe cracker is hanged being exhibited on one of the restaurant walls, while theblack people are eating peacefully as they watch the naked animal as anentertainment, and how the pain that the cracker is feeling due that he'shanging is unbearable and it has its effects on his body and mind.

Manyof the black masters even have gone to jerk him off and they put on him a cockring, and this torture will continue until the transport takes the cracker intothe Slave Processing Center (SPC).

Howeveronce this white animal has been declared as not carrying any kind of disease,is going to be taken back to the same restaurant where he was captured andexhibited for the delight of the black diners, the sad thing for this capturedand enslaved naked cracker is that this restaurant where he was caught once belongedto his family when the whites dominated the blacks, and they used the black assemi-nude waiters to serve the once superior white race that went to eat there.

Thiscracker is conscious of this situation and in his pain to be hanged and thehumiliation to be exhibited as the naked animal that now he is for the onlything that he's useful that is to amuse the black race, is regretting that thetime when the superior white race dominated has ended.

And hestill remembers when the circumcision was applied to all the white boys whenthey were new born, but when slavery was re-introduced in his country and theblacks were the inferior race, the circumcision only was applied to the blackboys and anymore to the white ones, because it was considered by the whites ashameful thing be forced to exhibited permanently the glans without the prepuceto protect it, and this was the reason why this whitey is not circumcised, butas is expected soon this situation will be resolved by the black master whomnow are how don`t circumcise the boys.

But thisnaked exhibited male slave is not any slave, because he's the son of the formerlast white president before the blacks took the power and now his completelytan body is exhibited in a St. Andrew's cross, which body has been permanentlydepilated with exception of his head hair which was allowed to keep but veryshort, beside that he's showing his hairless crotch as his anus and arm pitsand he has been recognized by some of the now very rich black diners, betweenthem the son of the actual president that was born being slave and property ofthe white presidential family where the naked exhibited white animal belonged.

The son'spresident made some comments about the hanged white animal's cock and balls,because despite that hes in a terrible suffering he could heard part of theconversation that the presidents son made whit one of his friends, that alsovery interested has inspected the cracker's naked filthy body too and thatdesperately was looking for food inside the restaurant trash containers insidethe city, being a real contrast when he was only a little boy that used in the presidentialhouse sat down with his parents to eat the best foods, while the slaves thatthey had , they had to conform to eat the disgusting slaves food, butconsidering the kind of food that the naked white animals now eat also wasconsidered a delicacy.

Thepresident's son that also was the restaurant owner said to his friend, that hedidnt like how the slaves balls looked inside his disgusting scrotal sackbeing on that position, because he had expected see the sack that contained thecrappy balls not in round shape having the slave's legs lifted up and openedwide, but he was expecting that the balls looked in a more aesthetic ways withthe two balls put apart on each side of the cock and perfectly delineated onthe scrotum skin in the vertical position showing the oval form, beside that wasdisappointing look at the tinny cock that was pointing out to the left side ofthe slave touching part of his thigh ,instead of having doubled and pointing out the floor, but what can be expectedof a slave that had so tinny cock, beside that he would be useless for hisbreeding purposes to have more slaves, because he was very interested to haveblond white slaves with big balls and cocks.

Thepresident's son friend put on his hand palm the white animal's cock and ballsand watched them carefully, and he told to his friend that he also preferredlook at how the cock and balls of the white animals when they were walking orrunning bounced from one side to the other like crazed animals, and also lookat the naked butts how moved in a pleasant way when they were running orwalking and to get that was necessary that the slaves had big cocks and ballsand their buttocks were small and rounded and was obvious that this slaveswasn`t going to inherit those body attributes to his puppies, due that he had atinny cock and a very big butt there but there was a solution for that problem.

Thepresident's son was surprised about his friend answer and was very interestedabout that and asked him which was the solution, and smiling the friend toldhim that a balls transplant could be done, so this slave could carry in hisbody the balls of a slave which body satisfied the requirements that he asowner wanted that the new and naked white animals born in his reproduction farmhad and the president's son loved that idea , because he thought that a ballstransplant could be done from a slave that had had an accident and that had tobe sacrificed to this slaves that was hanged, and make that the other slave'sgenes were in this world yet inside the slaves that was useless to hispurposes, and smiling told to his friend that it was a good idea.

Whenthe naked white animal heard the plans that his new master had, about to putthe balls of other white animal in his body, desperately he began to beg andmove in protest for what they wanted to do with him, the black masters smiledat him and each one began fingering his hairless anus to stimulate his prostateand make that his tinny cock was hard, and they told to the wretched slave thatthey were doing the things for his best interest and for him was the best havein his body the balls of other slave, and as slave he has to please hissuperior black master.

Shorttime after the slave was circumcised and the transplant was done and now everytime that a new pup born produced by his body fulfilled the physicalrequirements of his black master.

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Next: Chapter 332: The Millionaire Contest 26

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