Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 5, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


(Is the continuation of The Experiment 13)


TheHerma when saw his unaware prey looking at the tree began stealthily toapproach to hunt what he thought was going to be an easy food, but the boy wasdisgusted to see the black shit and decided to move away from that place and itwas where he perceived the depredator's smell and he began to run to save hislife, but as was expected the depredator did the same because the smell of theyoung prey that he had chosen was delicious.

Theyoung and naked eighteen years old dark brown haired boy with small and lightbrown almost pinkish nipples, instinctively began to run between the bushes sohis smell could be mixed with the smell that the plants and flowers expelledand could confuse his depredator, but the naked muscled twenty years old blackhaired Herma already had experience hunting his prey and despite thateffectively his smell had mixed with the smell of the flowers and plants, heknew that the boy was hidden among the bushes and the only thing that he had todo was go into the bushes where his own odor also would be mixed with the odorof the plants and the flowers without the wretched boy could detect his smell,to approach his prey and hunt him although he could smelt the odor that hisvictim's sex was issuing that was very penetrating and appetizing.

Butthe boys could see for few instants his depredator's buttocks that were movingin front of him and instinctively he knew that if he wanted to continuingliving he had to move few more meters and then go back for the same way that he had come, and he was confusedbecause he couldnt smell his depredator but his sharps sense of sight hadallowed him see him and his animal mind allowed him carried out an evasivemovement, that worked because the depredator stopped to smell the odor that theballs and cock were producing and even though that he looked for his preybetween the bushes he couldnt find him and by then the boy was far away, buthave been punched and persecuted by the black beside to watch how the black wastrapped by the young and slim Herma's pussy and after being persecuted by otherHerma stronger than him that wanted him as his food, made that he was hungry,but the feat to be hunted by his depredator and despite that he couldn`t smellhim made that instead to eat he kept running and his in flight he pissed andshit while his was in motion.

Whenthe depredator released that his prey wasnt in the place where he was lookingfor him he went out from the bushes and he began to sniff the air hopping tocan detect his victim's smell, but he couldn't smell him and when he saw somebare footprints on the soil and he bent to smell them, but the odor that theyexpelled was barely perceived telling him that the footprints were old besidethat the smell didnt belonged to his victim, and if wanted to hunt him hewould have to find the footprints or smell his odor in the air or in some treeor plant because around the only smell that he could perceive was the one thatbelonged to the back that already had been hunted, and therefore there wasn`tother prey that he could hunt close by and as was getting dark would be moredifficult see his prey.

Thenext day the Herma kept looking for his victim and as it hasnt rained theurine and excrement smell that the boy has expelled from his body the previousday was sniffed by the Herma and then he found the footprints and after sniffedthe Herma knew that belonged to his prey, so the only thing that he had to dowas follow the footprints until he found the boy in a tree and when the boy wasready to go down, he smelled the odor of his depredator and the fear tookcontrol of him causing that he stayed in the tree and didnt go down and thethings for him were worst.

Andnow for this boy all is over, the smell of the fear that the teenager wasfeeling was detected by the Herma letting him know that his prey wasdefenseless, the boy is close to cum but now is too late, the depredator is soclose and he already knows his prey's conditions that for him is not necessaryto hide anymore, now the depredator is waiting that the boys reach the orgasmto attack him and even he won't give the teenager the time to recover of thepleasure to have cum, in few minutes more the boy's head will be inside theHerma ´s body such as happened to the black that wanted to dominate him, trappedin the zone known as the washer, then the depredator will produce a viscousliquid very similar to the human semen and it will be expelled by his innerpenis very similar to a clit and he'll begin to intoxicate his victim.

As theboy will be trapped and incapable of get food he ´ll would try to get it, andthe Herma will provide it to him putting his clit or inner penis on hisvictim's mouth so he can suck the liquid and the victim will be intoxicated faster,meanwhile the depredator will masturbate merciless his prey until he dies so hecan feed of the boy's cum while can eat his body, In few days more the onlythat will left of this boy will be the turd that the Herma's body will expel with some little pieces of his body, and ironically the excrement in which the Herma turned this boy's body will be nextto the excrement that became the black's body that once wanted enslave him, butlife in the experiment is like in the wild life always will be preys anddepredators

Butthis wretched boy's parents that became one more victim of the experiment neverare going to know which was their son fate that he ended up being the excrementof a depredator that once was his like, and although that never are going receivenews from him they are going to think that he has a better life and wereeverything is going well for him.

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Next: Chapter 336: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 26

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