Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 26, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



There is nothing like be part ofthe black race and now have the power to decide which is going to be thee destinyof the once powerful whites.

When the whites were sent to liveto the ghettos in the different cities, beside that this made easier keep themunder control, now a door has opened to a new business so the poorest black canbe rich.

Now a black citizen has anunlimited power over any whitey that now are called in a pejorative way thepinkies and they can to do with them whatever they want , from only insult themand make them to kiss their feet until strip them in pubic and make them gothrough humiliating public inspections in front of other blacks and of coursethe other pinkies that live in the ghetto, and if they consider that any pinky both male or female had doneor has tried to do something illegal they have the power to enslave themwithout the need that a judge order them to go to trial.

But making aside the humiliationto have to be naked in public while they were checked by the black guards thatwere black citizen and that only was done when they have suspicious that onepinky was trying to get in or get out from the ghetto something that wasconsidered illegal, the pinkies' life wasmore less peaceful although in the streets they were insulted very often andnot by the adults but by the black teenagers, which even forced them to kisstheir feet without mattering the age and the gender and they have to do it others wise they wouldbe enslaved under the penalty to have disobeyed a superior order, but were thepinky teenagers who suffered more often that humiliation because they wereforced by their black peers to do that degrading thing, but also sometimes theblacks went into the ghetto's communal bathrooms to see naked the pinkies thatwere there shitting, urinating or taking a shower.

But for the pinkies bad luck thatday went to the ghetto and eighteen years old black haired black boy who had abig debt because he had made imprudent bets and as was expected he had lost,and if he didn ´t pay it he was in great danger to be enslaved because theblacks also could be enslaved if they didn`t behave as the black society wasexpecting, however their slavery wasn ´t as hard as the pinkies, because theblacks unlike whites despite that was a slave he had to be treated with dignityand respect and never they could be naked or be sexually used in public as they did with the whites,even the black slaves had authority to give orders to the whiteys withoutmattering if they were free, and generally the black slaves were assigned themore indignant jobs that for a blackcould exists, such as watch the white slaves and punish them in the factories,business and farms where they were the work force and the burden beasts, besidethat a black couldn ´t be enslaved for life if not only for a short period oftime, but the slavery was enough to mark him as the lowest in his society, andthat day who was in charge of the ghetto vigilance were the slaves althoughthat almost always who made vigilance were the free blacks, but for the pinkiesthe worst thing that could happen to them was that the slaves were responsibleof the vigilance because they were more brutal than the free blacks, so thefree black went into the surveillance room and he began to observe the pinkiesthat were going in and out from the ghetto, the free black teenage boy wasalmost naked because only was searing a short that almost were covering histhighs until the knee and even he wasbarefoot, while the black slaves were wearing shirts jeans and sneakers, and inthat places who looked as slaves was the free black, but while he was watchingthe pinkies he began to touch the black slaves buttocks, cocks and balls whichcouldn ´t do anything to avoid that because was a better who was doing that,besides that he wasn ´t doing it in public but inside the vigilance room.

The free black boy observed a pink boy of his same age wentout the ghetto and he told one of the guards that stopped and undressed thewhite boy in front of the other pinkies that were going in or out and thatinspected him, even he had to finger the boy's anus and he had to check that hewasn ´t try to take out anything illegal, the black slave did immediately whathe was told beside that he loved humiliate the whiteys that despite that theywere free they were inferior than him, but he didn ´t have other option becauseif he disobeyed a better black then his slavery sentence would be doubled.

Now the free black boy is in oneof the ghetto's basement where the bikes confiscated to the pinkies are oxidizing,and already has stripped and roped the pinkie boy that is laying on the dirtyfloor over his left side with his handstied up to his ankles by the front part of his body and the legs are flexed andthe boy was gagged, but the black wasn ´t the one who tied up the wretchedpinkie boy but it was done by other pinkies boys since the black boy orderedthem to tied up the naked and wretched pinky boy, but the superior black hasdecided arrest other pinky boy of his same age, which after have kissed thefeet to the superior black now is in full fours with his forehead touching thedirty floor, soon this boy also is going to be stripped as the other white bythe other two pinkies that are helping their black better, and these twowretched teenage pinky boys are going to be taken to the border and be sold asslaves in a country that still is being dominated by the whites, and the saleprice that is going to be paid for these to whitey boys by a human meat dealersis going to be so high that not only this black teenage boy will pay his debtbut also he ´s going to have a very comfortable life for several years,beforehand the black boy has already though that this is going to be thebusiness that he's going to establish to be a very wealthy boy.

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Next: Chapter 350: El Experimento 15

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