Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 2, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This whitey has just been takenout from the cage and he's frightened.

Just five days ago he waskidnaped from his school and was put into a cargo ship and sent to a farcountry, where a white slave dealer bought him in the Slaves Black Market andput the boy on sale again.

Since he was kidnaped he alwayshad been caged and naked together with other boys that had his same fate, butfew hours before he was sold he was put a part from the other boys and he waskept isolated in other cage, and he was taken out and he was closed watched bya black overseer, which was ready to merciless punish him if he tried to dosomething stupid, and the boy when he saw the cruelty which they treated theslaves he couldn`t understand the reason why other humans been could be socruel to treat in such brutal way other humans been, and above all keep themnaked and exhibited as animals.

The boy already knew that he wassold to the man that was going to be his master until he's tired of him, buthowever he couldn`t still understand how he arrived there and why they wantedhim as slave, however ingenuously he thinks that his parents soon will find himand he's going to be rescued, but little he knows that he's already lost intothe slaves world that were sold in the Black Market and nobody will know whathappened to him.

What the white boy didn't know isthat the black overseer was his master's son who precisely graduated as slaveoverseer, and although in the black market are sold all kind of salves of allraces the best-selling slaves into those markets are the whiteys, and thisblack overseer has a special hate for the whites, and he enjoys watching thenewcomers white slaves that are going to be sold in the black market frightenedand naked, without understanding yet what was happening and why they are cagedand enslaved.

When this boy arrived with hisgroup of two hundred slaves most of them whites and some of them Asiatic fromAyisor, one by one were taken from the cage by their hair heads where they hadbeen keep one over the other, and the stench in the container where the cagehad been put so nobody knew that the ship was transporting human cattle to theblack market due to the urine, excrement and vomit was so nauseating, that madeangered this impressive slaves black overseer, that he was taking out thewretched whites and Asiatic slaves by one by one by their head hairs form thecage and kicking them on their buttocks, while he throwing them to the wall sohard that many of them even bounced, and then with frozen water bath them toremove the dirt from their body.

Once each slave was cleaned, theimpressive black overseer ordered to a very strong black slave that was on saletoo, to force to lay down on the concrete the slave that was being cleaned andhold him by the arms, while with gloves he hold the slave by his ankles andlifted up their legs and he opened them so abruptly, that even many of the boyswere screaming by the pain that the felt while their ass cracks and anuses wereinspected to be sure that they were clean, and if the slave was uncircumcisedthe overseer ordered the slave that kept immobilized the boy, that pull backthe prepuce to check if the glans was cleaned to avoid smelling bad.

Once the newly arrived slaves hadgone through the cleaning process, they had to go to through disinfection andregistration process, so once each boy was declared clean he was forced tosquat and with their hands on the back of their head wait until all the salvewere cleaned, and once that painful and slow process finished were forced towalk still in the squat position with their hands on the back of their headfully stretched to both side still being naked, to the slave dealer office thathad kidnaped them to be disinfected and that their bodies were permanentlydepilated and only they were allowed to keep their head hair, while thepotential buyers that were very interested to see the newly arrived flesh meatwere looking at them very closely.

However for this wretchedeighteen years old black haired slave boy with the hair that was covering hisears with very light brown small nipples from Ayisor, immediately his black overseerwas interested in him, and even though that he wasn`t muscular he had long legsand strange as it seemed also he had big balls and being soft a long and fatcock, that was relatively rare find in a white boy from Ayisor with thosecharacteristics, and he went to talk with the slaves agency owner to see howmuch money did he wanted for the boy since he was very interested to buy theslave.

The slave agency owner was a verymuscular white man too and as he appreciated the black overseer he sold him theslave in a very affordable price so without thinking twice the overseer'sfather bought the boy which he decided exhibited as a dog, above all in frontof his whites neighbors, so they could see how much hate they as blacks had tothe whites, and he would done all in his hand to humiliate them, and althoughthe whites wanted to protest the way he was treating one of their own, theywere powerless to do something because the boy was a slave and the black as hisowner had the right do with him as he wishes, and although they try to buy theboy so he could serve them as slave the black refused to sale him.

But for these young enslavedAyisorian boy the way that he was taken to his master's house was very traumatic,because not only now one of his masters that had been his overseer in theslaves dealers agency was hitting him on the head and his buttocks if he didn`twalk to the pace that he wanted, but because he took him naked trough theArahas busy streets that was the capital of the country where he was now whereit was very hot and the white skin suffered a lot when was exposed naked to themerciless sun rays, while his black master felt very comfortable walking on thestreet beside that he was dressed, but even thought that were many naked slaveswhether they were whites, browns, blacks or yellow walking on the streets aloneor with their masters or with an overseer doing errands for them, he was theonly one that was being touched impudently on his body's most intimate parts orin those that were no so privates by the pedestrians, and after they hadtouched him in a such lewd way if his betters wanted he had to suck their cocksand swallow their cum in both public or in private.

In his owner's house since he hadarrived he has to perform domestic labor such as clean the house, do thelaundry, take care of the yard and cook always being naked wearing thehumiliating slave collar on his neck showing others that he belongs to thesociety lower social class, but beside his master decided that the place thatthe slave was going to be kept when his services weren`t needed was in a dogcage, and as they lived in a very hot place and he was naked, it was theperfect place to keep a slave that was considered as a dog.

But this day is a special onebecause the slave master's family has gone to visit them, and the master`s sonthat is the slaves overseers want to show the family his acquired skills tocontrol the slaves, and as that day is very hot, the family has stayed insidethe house enjoying the air conditioning, while the overseer and the slave areoutside.

The slave has been taken out fromthe cage and when he saw his master's black relatives and the boy that still ishis overseer but also his master only wearing a short and outside the house andclose to him, he has cowed and is seated on the grass with his legs flexed andhis back touching the cage`s bars, although unknowingly he's showing to theaudience his uncut cock and balls for the visitors delight, while with aserious face and showing his impressive almost naked body the black overseer islooking at his family giving his back to the slave, which with his eyes wide opened is looking atthe visitors with the shame to be wearing the collar.

The slave knows that If he wantsthat the bowl that is inside the cage has food and water hell have to eat anddrink as a dog while the visitors are watching him, he was going to do all whathis master tells him, otherwise a part that he's going to be merciless punishedhe is going to endure be hungry and thirsty, but what this slave doesnt knowis that his master's relatives are discussing with his master the reason why hehas not been circumcised yet, if a slave shouldn`t have anything hidden and hisgland should be exposed to the sight of the free citizens, however his masterhas explained them as the salve is a dog the prepuce works as protector sheathsuch as the dogs have it, and when the slave has an erection then the cock'shead goes out the sheath making that the slaves feels more ashamed.

The slave had felt very fortunatethat until that moment despite that he had to suck countless gigantic blackcocks he still is a virginal slave and even he had thought that his mastersdidn`t liked have anal sex with other males, but very soon he's going to seethat he was very wrong, and only they had kept him virginal because his masterand overseer wanted take his cherry in front of his relatives, and once he hasdone making that the boy screams in pain when being fucked by the impressiveblack cock opening almost until its limits the tinny pink hole, for his anuswill be open season so everyone of his relatives or friends can use his hole ascum deposit, and as the other slaves he will become in a merchandise to givepleasure to his betters.

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Next: Chapter 354: Chicos Tontos 28

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