Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 9, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The abilities of showering asuperior black master of these three teenager wild whiteys are being evaluated,according to the Latin overseers the one on the center and on the right are ready to be sold because they havelearnt the technic to give pleasure a Latin master jerking him off while theyare showering him, and that same day they are going to be sent from the TameCenter to an auction center to be sold, while the slave that is on the left andwho is wearing the thicker collar, several times has failed to show thathe knows how to shower and give pleasureto a better, and right now the chief overseer is seriously considering to sendhim to an organ bank since he doesn't want to keep lousing time training him,because the only thing that the slavedoes is caress the other slaves' nipples but never he touches their sexualorgans or their buttocks to give them pleasure.

However the overseers can ´tunderstand why he doesn ´t do that, because when he was a wild whitey withoutbeing tame living in the wilderness he used to suck the other males' cocks toget the semen and obtain the proteins that he needed, but other of theoverseers has suggested that the slave might be sent to the mines or quarries,since although he's going to have a very hard life and he ´s going to die very soon, at least his cumcould be used to breed a new whitey pups generation and they can get somebenefit for him, however other overseer has proposed that is better that the slave is sent to theorgan banks, so his balls can be transplanted to a sterile slaves, so for manyyears his balls are going to breed pups, so that same day the decision to wherethe slave should be sent will be taken.

However the slave will be punishagain because he dared to disobey a better's order, he didn`t do what he wastold, so in one way or other this whitey's training has been considered as afailure and this keep the Latins surprised, because even though that the wildwhiteys are used to the pain because being wild animals are hit on the stones,trees or even on the trees branches and in the trunks, but any of them untilthat moment has endured to such grade the pain that dared to disobey the ordersthat were given by the Latin masters.

But in reality this boy wasn'tborn being wild, but he had joined the wild whiteys herd because he had lostand separated from the tourist guide, he came from a far and isolate countrywhere the whites still lived as civilized people, and they didn`t know anythingabout the terrible conditions in which the whites have lived for centuries inthose counties where the Latins had taken the government control, and for himwas very traumatic see both the herd's males and females living naked andshamelessly having sex in front of the other herd's member, and the worst wasthat the males apart that having sex with the female also they had both analand oral sex between them, and the females had sex between them as well, thingthat was forbidden in his society.

The country where this eighteenyears old dark brown whitey boy had lost, never mentioned that they had whitepopulation although they recognized that they had installed slavery and eventhough that the slaves in their great majority were whites, the white touristswere welcomed to visit the country, and since it was a country with beautifulnatural landscapes they had excursion to the forest, jungles and beaches wherethey knew that the wild whitey weren't to avoid that the white tourists weregoing to see the wild whiteys living naked and behaving as animals, althoughfor this boys slavery was something normal, since in his country the slaveswere the blacks and Latins and he was used to see them naked and obeying theorders that were given by the white masters.

The other two boys that were onhis right also they were dark brown haired eighteen years old and soon they aregoing to be put on sale as slaves, they were born as wild animals and theybelong the herd that found the free boy wandering and scared, and when he waspart of the herd he was considered as a puppy despite his age in which heshould have the responsibility to take care of another puppy, but due to hislack of experience about how to get his food and know how to hide of the Latinhunters he was considered as a puppy without experience, and how he lookedscared and insecure always he was watched by an adult, however the mosttraumatic thing for him was when he had to strip naked because the herd's maledidnt allow him keep his clothes because beside that they stunk, it had verystriking colors and in case that he had to hide from a black hunter he would beeasily found if he was dressed, but be naked in front of the females was thataffected him the most and he didnt want go out of the cave where he was andconstantly the herd's whiteys heard him cry although the naked herd's whitewild animals didn't understand why he cried.

The boy when was found by theherd was desperate because he needed eat, and when he saw naked white malesapproaching him cautiously and even the youngest fearful hiding behind theadults peeing while they were approaching him made him think that he wasdreaming, beside that the thirst that he had was unbearable because for days hehadn`t found water so he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, butwhen he heard that a young voice was talking to him gently and when he openedhis eyes he saw a smiling naked blond boy of him same age asking him to whatherd he belonged, and who carelessly but in an innocent way put his cock veryclose of his face without showing any kind of shame, he moved his face veryfast to avoid that the cock was going to touch his face and he sat unable tobelieving what he was seeing, all kind of naked men mature, young, teenagersand boys were as astonished as him because they never before had seen a dressedwhitey.

The herd's male members made thatsoon he felt better but every day he was accompanied by the two boys that werecaptured with him, and he tried to find the way that would take him to thecivilization and his country, but all his effort were useless, even he was ableto overcome the disgust of having to eat food taken from the garbage, anddespite that he had to suck the cocks of the other males that were in the herdand allow that they sucked his, never he swallowed the cum that they producedand he gave it to the wild puppies' anxious little faces that were impatientlywaiting their turn to can swallow their proteins produced by the herds males,and even with the time he didnt feel so bad being naked in front of the herd'sfemales and he had the chance to fucked both the females and pregnant them asto the males and be fucked by them as an act of socialization as well asletting both the males and females caressing his buttocks, perineum, balls,cock and nipples to strength the bonds of brotherhood, although the herd's malenever allowed him to go alone to get his food.

But this young whitey never getused to touch the herd's males on their bodies most intimate parts despite thathe enjoyed a lot that the other males touched him there, and was traumatic forhim see how they had to flee from the Latins that merciless hunt them and atleast once a week the herd lost one of its members, and he learnt to fear theLatins and blacks that in his country they only were slaves that were treatedas the Latins treated the whiteys there, but when he was captured it was suchthe boys' fear and trauma that he stopped to speak and now he's about to be sent to the mines orthe organs banks and be gelded so his balls can be put into the two enslavedsterile whiteys' bodies.

And he and his two friendswhere hunted by the Latin hunters when they were looking for the way to takehim to the civilization and from there to his country and he did that all thedays unless the days were stormy.

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Next: Chapter 358: El Concurso Millonario 28

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