Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 23, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This is the happiest day in thelife of a candidate to be a Titan, when he has been informed that he hassucceeded in the physic and intelligence tests and he has completed histraining and will take place an event in his honor to welcome him inside theTitans secret society, but this is not a common ceremony because a part that animpressive party takes place in honor of the candidate that has been acceptedas one of them, in front of all the guest that have gone to the ceremony he hasvoluntarily lose his anal virginity with the Titan member that by lot has beendesigned to have that great honor, and that Titan is who invites the guest andof course pays the ceremony and party expenses that in reality each time that one of them takes place is acompetition to see who organize the better ceremony and party.

The candidate that in few minutesmore will become a Titan is in the entrance of the luxury mansion where thewelcome ceremony and the party will take place, and as he hasn't yet formallybe accepted as a Titan since he will be one of them until the selected Titanmember has reclaimed his cherry, he's almost naked and only is wearing a blackbrief with white strips such as the rules remark about how the candidates to bea Titans have to be, and he's showing his impressive muscles to the guest that arearriving to the ceremony and party beside that he's barefoot, and once insidethe house when the time comes to voluntarily give his virginity he will have totake off his briefs, and greet completely naked to each one of the guestskissing them in their mouths and allowing them to caress his buttocks, balls,cock and play with his nipples, and later go where the Titan that is going totake his cherry is to caressing, kissing each other and also he'll allow theTitan to suck his cock and balls and rimming him, so when the Titan considersthat is the right time to take the cherry penetrating the candidate by his anusdo it.

However this first analpenetration both lubricant and condom can't be used since the candidate have toshow his tolerance to pain, and also hehas to allow that the Titan's sperm be ejaculated in his bowels and all thetime that the party endures he will have to keep it inside him, without matterthat the sticky white liquid is leaking from his anus he is not allowed to whipit, beside that all party long he will have to be naked and he can have sexwith all the guest that ask him, and he's not allowed to say not because if herefuses to have sex with one of them then he'd be enslaved.

The twenty years old black hairedyoung Latin that soon will be a Titan in this occasion his cherry is going tobe taken by his own father, this is something very rare that happens becausethe member is chosen by a draw and the number of members that belong to theTitans is very important and this situation almost never happens, and althoughthat the father is very happy that his son has been accepted as a Titan andhe's who will have the honor to take his cherry, and has given him a specialgift that the guest that are arriving on their cars to the mansion already cansee, also he's very worried because he knows that at the time to take his son'scherry if he discovers that he's not virginal, his loyalty to the Titans'society will have to be bigger than the love that he has for his son, and he would have to tell this situationto the Titans' authority that is representing the government in the ceremonyand party so the son be enslaved immediately.

The gift that the proud fathergave to his son, was two European white black haired slaves with an impressivebody and with dark brown nipples they are twins and are tanned, they as his sonapproved the physical test but their muscles are not as impressive as his son,but the twins failed in the intelligence test and as they knew the Titans'secret about their secret society and the forbidden city, they had to beenslaved because they couldn't be sent back to their country, since the Titanscouldn't take the chance the secret of their society and city was known by therest of the world.

But these two slaves are veryspecial first because they had been physical trained and class mates of his sonand even they were a team in certain scholar and sport activities, and insecond place because they were castrated and they were pussified so now theyhave vaginal lips instead cock and balls, and they have vaginas and the glans functionis be a clit but is so deep inside their bodies in the area that now are theirvaginas, that the glands now are moresensitive than ever because always are moist and luv, and despite that give tothe slaves a lot of pleasure when they are fucked by in front, the reason whythe glands were kept with the clit function is to give pleasure to the guy thatis fucking them because he's the real man, but his father has recommended hisson to fuck the slaves constantly by their anuses to stimulate their prostatesto keep them all the time horny, and the glands that now is the clits can belubricated all the time.

The two slaves are beingexhibited in the mansion entrance where the cars go in and their new and youngmaster has keep them practically naked, because the only thing that they arewearing is a very thin white leather belt around their waists, and in themiddle where their pubic zone begins there is a gold ring where a tinny shellwith silver on the sides and gold in the middle barely covers the crack thatgives access to their vaginas, leaving uncover their hairless mounds and itburies between their legs , and on their backs the white leather thin strapthat is buried in their ass cracks go out to attached to other gold ring thatis exactly where their ass cracks begin, so when the guest see the enslavedtwins nothing is left to the imagination.

The proud father of the youngLatino that soon will be a Titan decided that the twins had to be pussifed toavoid that the two slaves could fuck his son, and the two slave all the timeare going to be naked being exhibited as the animals that they are now, unlesshis master wants exhibit them with that tinny outfit, and is a fact that theywill have to serve completely naked the guest that are in the party and allowthem to touch their naked bodies, fingering their both holes their anuses andtheir pussies but the guest are not allowed to fuck them, because is the rightof the son be the first to fuck them, and this two enslaved twins are going tobe introduced to their former father who took them to the Forbidden City withthe hope that they were Titans to see that instead to have cocks and balls nowthey have pussies, and the father will have to fuck his enslaved sons becausethe slaves' master will ask him to fuck them, and he can`t refuse do it becauseotherwise he would be enslaved.

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Next: Chapter 364: El Experimento 16

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