Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 7, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


(Is the continuation of Foolish Boys 28)


The bidders weren't satisfied untilthat moment about what the slave had shown them, and the younger ones includingsome matures including the one that wanted see him as slave and that hadreached his goal, demanded even more asking the dealer to make the slave jerkoff so they could see how much cum the animal that was being auctioned couldproduce.

The auctioneer also enthusiasticby the younger buyers excitement that even some of them already had taken outtheir credit cards and in a lewd way they were touching with them their cocksand balls, without lousing time ordered the wretched enslaved whitey that helaid on his back and he began immediately to jerk off, and he also ordered thatthe slave had to show his nipples so the audience could see them and also theslave had to keep opened his eyes all the time.

So the slave without other choicehe laid on his back and he lifted up even more the T-shirt so everybody couldsee his big pink nipples and he began to jerking off while the audience wereenjoying the slave smooth body from his feet to his nipples, with the exceptionof few hair above his cock.

The auctioneer asked to theaudience that only those bidders that were genuinely interested to buy the slavewent to the stage where the slave was so they could see how much cum he couldexpel from his filthy cock, while the other could see the action by the TVscreens, however most of the assistants specially the young bidders went to thestage with their credit cards on their hands and holding their tackles to showthe auctioneer, that they really were interested to buy the slave and they havethe money to bid, while for the slave the fear was taking control of himbecause he knew that be bought by one of the teenage boys meant be exhibitedand humiliated in front of boy of his same age, and he knew how cruel thoseboys were with the slaves because he had done exactly the same.

The poor boy jerked off furiouslyand as fast as he could so he might cum and that ordeal could end as soon aspossible, but his mind wasn ´t at all focused on that task and it took him longtime to ejaculate.

When finally his orgasm arrivedand he cum, to his confusion and shame his orgasm was so intense thatinvoluntarily he closed his eyes enjoying hat moment, while his cum was fallingover his pubic area.

Almost all the bidders' teenagerssons made fun of the slave`s cum production because they thought that the spunkthat he had expelled it hadn't been much, while their fathers and other buyerswere talking about that some in favor and other against, but the whitey stay onhis back holding his cock with his left hand without cleaning the cum on hisbody until the dealer gave him an order to change position

Although the slave's cock andballs seemed to be bigger than when he sowed it for the first time, and the nowexposed head that wasnt covered by the prepuce also looked big, and the boykept his eyes closed waiting to see what was going to happen with him and whowas going to buy him while he was recovering for the intense orgasm that he hadhad, and only he was waiting dont be bought by one of the teenage boys.

But still the potential buyersweren`t satisfied about what they had seen and they asked one last thing thatwas the most humiliating thing for the teenage slave boy, because he hadproduced very little amount of spunk they wanted be sure that they were buyinga fertile slave so they could breed him, so they asked a prove that the slavewas capable to impregnated the female slaves.

So the auctioneer requested for amicroscope and taking part of the semen it was watched by the potential buyerswhom when they saw the amount of tadpoles swimming were convinced that theslave was fertile.

At the end the fears of thishandsome teenage slave boy came true when he was bought by his best friendwhich since long time ago had wanted to have sex with him, but as he knew theboy that now was his slave didn`t like have any kind of sexual contact withother male he never had tried to approach him in a sexual way, but now that hewas his slave nothing prevents him to do what he wanted with him.

The slave was taken to thedelivery area and when he was put into a cage he was forced to took off thegray shirt and the put on his neck the collar, and naked and with apprehension hewaited that his new master pick him up and take him home, however to hissurprise was a blond naked girl that had been his slave who picked him up, shewas wearing the collar that identified her as slave and only she was wearing aloin cloth with an inverted triangle shape that went between his legs thatcovered his pussy but leave exposed her buttocks, the young slave was surprisedthat was his former slave girls who was in charge to take him home, but seeingher with the loin cloth gave him the hope that he wasn`t going to be takennaked to his new master's home and he still was wondering who he was.

The blond slaved girl onlyattached to his former master's collar the chain and that now was her chargeand she began to walk with him naked, the slave when he saw that his nakednesswasnt covered told to the slave that if she hadnt forgotten something, butshe with authoritative voice told him to shut up and that he kept walking, thatmade that the just sold boy mad and shouting told her that she was nobody totalk him like hat, and the slave only turned and slapped the slave boy on theface and she told him that he now has to obey her, and without waiting for ananswer she took the boy to the auction room where were several of the boys thathad been his former schoolmates talking excitedly about the slave`s auction andthe small quantity of spunk that he had produce.

The slave's master when he sawthe two slaves arrive took out a chain and it was attached to the slave'sexposed clit that was covered by the loincloth, and when he saw the slave boycheek angry he asked the slave girl why the slave had been hit on the face andthe girl explained to his master what had happened.

The slave's former best friendthat now was his master enraged grabbed the slave by his hair and shouting athim in front of the other students told him, that he now was no more than trashand he had to do all that he was ordered to do and now he was the one that hadthe lower rank of all his slaves, and until he as his master wanted to coverhis nakedness he would be naked all the time, beside if the girl slave wasn`tnaked was because when she had been her slave he had had the bad taste tostretch to such degree his clit with weights until leave it completely exposed,and for his mother, sisters, friend and all the free girls was offensive lookat the slave girl like this, therefore that the slave girl was going the onefrom now on who would give him the order about he had to do.

Now the boy is constantly takento his former school to serve his master naked when he's not needed in hismaster's home, however to be naked always in front of his master's mother,sisters and friends is something very humiliating and shameful for him, andmuch more when he's summoned to the girls room to show them in a lewd way themost intimate parts of his body.

But his shame and degradationdon't end there, because what he most hate is what he has allow that happens tohim be fucked by his former schoolmates, because his master has a favoriteslave who is who does all his master's personal things in both the school andhome, while he is to serve his master's friends cleaning their rooms, cookingfor them, doing the laundry and the most humiliating thing for him because healways hates do that serve them sexually both oral and anally, and in manytimes at the same time his two body holes are being used by two differentcocks, and then is forced to swallow his betters' cum that ejaculate into hismouth, and with his hands eat the cum that is in his rectum and anus.

But there is one more humiliationthat this teenage handsome boy has to face every weekend when he goes with hismaster his former best friend to the shopping center, and this is that alwaysthat he has to wait for his master when he's in a restaurant or a place wherethe slave are not allowed, he has to do it beside his naked former father andmother, even in several times for his master entertainment he has had to suckthe cock that gave him life in front of his betters, and he had to swallow thecum that are produced by the ball that produced him.

Also he has been forced to kisshis mother in the mouth, sucked her nipples and caressing her pussy while he'sdoing the other things, but fortunately neither his master nor his mother'smaster want that he fucked her anally or vaginally, although with his father hehas not had the same luck because he have had to fuck him anally and he hasbeen penetrated by him.

But never he has had theopportunity to ask his father why he committed the fraud that caused the wholefamily ended up enslaved, because always that they are together they aregagged, and when they don't have gags their masters don`t allow that they speak.

What this handsome teenage slaveboy doesn't know is that his father didn't commit any fraud, who did was hisbusiness partner who blamed his father to had done it, because he wanted togive to his son a birthday gift that he never was going to forget, and whatbetter that give him as slave his former best friend, since this slave hascommitted the stupidity to bought the slave girl that was servicing him andmade her clit permanently exposed outside her body, since the slave's masterwas in love with the slave girl and he wanted to buy to free her and marriedher, and although that any way she's going to be free and he's going marriedher, his former best friend had to paid for what he had done to the girl thathe loved such outrageous thing, and the only way that he could pay was withslavery.

So for having committed thefoolishness to have stretched his slave girl's clit leaving it exposed but nopermanently because with a surgery can be fixed, this boy lost his freedom andhe became his master and his master friends sexual slave, and his master lostthe sexual interest in him, and he wanted him sexually because he thought thatbeing together and having sex was the most intimate way to show him hisappreciation

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Next: Chapter 372: The Millionaire Contest 29

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