Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 14, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The activities into the slavesreproduction farm never ended, puppies being born twenty four hours a day,embarking the slaves that had born there and were enough old to be sold becausethey already had awakened to life that was when they were capable of producecum with tadpoles being considered fertile, since for health reasons the cumthat these puppies produced can`t put into the females because they were bloodrelated, in addition that the stallions were changed constantly as the femalesto keep the pups production healthy andthe highest quality, although if the pups or piglet as also were known wasexceptionally handsome then the farm keep him for breeding and work purposes.

All the slaves as was expectedwere kept naked all the time either since birth or since they arrived there andthe only thing that they were allowed to wear has the collar that identifiedthem as the lower of the society being considered even lower than animalswithout any right, and in this case the breed farm only have slaves that haveborn in captivity and they didnt have any idea that were females and eitherwhat was the function of the whitish liquid that went out of their cocks, andthat gave them a lot of pleasure when it was expelled from their bodies but atthe same time tiredness when their masters and owners of their lives made themexpel that liquid several times, and even the irritation that they felt in thehead of the tube from where that liquid went out and either they couldntunderstand why they were so interested in it.

When a male piglet was weaned offwas separated from the females which never again he saw them without matteringif he was sold or stayed in the farm as a future sire and was sent to live in akind of nursery and until the overseer considered him enough mature he was putto work, but while that happened he was trained in obedience and disciplinething that worked perfectly and when the piglet was capable of do the things byhimself without help was sent to live with the other breed farm's studs untilwas decided if he stayed in the farm or was sold, and the responsibility toeducate these piglets or puppies was on the shoulders of the own slaves thatwere the sires of many of them but of course they didnt know that, and theywondered from where those little creatures so similar to them came from andthey had to be watched constantly and disciplined in the way that the masterswanted until they behaved as the other slaves, and that they have to sleep andrest much more time than the other slaves and that they were very dependent onthem, and other thing that caught theirattention was that the feared overseer that were in charge of the all slavesthey spend a lot of time watching the way that the piglets behaved and what theydid, for later decide if they could go to live with the other slaves but whatthe white animals born in captivity couldnt understand was the reason why if apup was punished those slaves that were in charge of them were punished too butlike everything in their life was a mystery, and they didnt worry much becausedespite that their lives were very hard who took the decision were the mastersand they simply had to obey since they didnt know to do other thing.

Every day before dawn all theslaves were taken out from the cells where they kept locked and were formed byages, those that still didnt awake to life were immediately separated forthose that already had done and already were capable to produce cum either topregnant the females or for sale, and although the slaves during the night theycould kiss, caressing or even rimming to stimulate each other they couldntfuck each other because the feared overseer always put them in chastity toavoid that their valuable cum production was going to be wasted, since thisproduct produced by the balls and prostates of the tamed white human animalswas the source of their master wealth and their value as slaves to their masterand the main reason why they were in the farm, and all the piglets that alreadywere living with the other slaves once they were put apart from them were takento the holes where they had to shit and piss and later they take a showers, andbetween them they put in their bodies the slave oil so their bodies could shineand they were feed always under overseers watchful eyes, and later they weretaken to do their duties cleaning the farm's different buildings includingthose that were used to exhibit the slaves that already have awoken up to lifeand even other of their duties was put oil in the bodies of the slaves thatwere going to be exhibited, so the potential buyers of their cum could inspecttheir bodies and also take away the chastity so immediately their proudenslaved cocks were hard and they show in front of the potential customer inall their glory, and even they do that with the slave that were going to besold so the potential buyers could see the white flesh quality that they werebuying.

Even many of those piglets thatstill didnt wake up to life were exhibited so the potential buyers that wereinterested in that class of merchandise could inspect and buy them, but theslaves exhibition didnt end there, because for the potential customer duringthe time that the breed farm was opened to the public there were tours to seethe nursery where the wended piglets were trained, educated and disciplined, aswell as the zone where the other piglets were working, and above all and themost important the zone where the breed slaves were milked without matteringtheir age as long as they were capable to produce cum, and the so rigid way that they werecontrolled by the overseer and also that they could see the class of docilityand obedience that those breed animals had and that they were very manageable,and that they didnt know and cant do anything if they didnt tell what to do,when and how and when someone asked them a question that it wasnt the normalthat a master always asked to the slaves they were confused and they didntknow what to answer, however be milked was something that the slaves fearedconsidering how the oversees did and despite that all the slaves already wereused to that when their turn arrived to be milked they didnt liked, it but their docility and the conditioning to beobeying orders all their life without they could decide absolutely anything wassuch that they didnt put resistance about what the overseers wanted to do withthem, and even in many cases but not when the public could see they could fuckthe slaves and they were forced to suck their cocks and swallow their cum sinceat the end of the day the slaves were there for that to serve the freecitizens, and the slaves owners didnt stop it because this was a way to rewardthe overseers for the job that they performed with the slaves, and the value ofthose slaves was their cum production and not their virginity, although ofcourse they were of such excellent quality and so pleasant to the eye that even any of them could serve as sexslave to their masters, although they were catalogued by categories, being theCategory A the Excellent quality salves, category B the slaves of very goodquality, category C the good quality slaves and category D the normal slaves.

But either the owner and the overseerof this farm that was called "The Happy Dancer Tadpole" were very strict whenthey bought slaves from other farms or even slaves that were put on sale bytheir master either because they were tired of them, or because they had fallenin disgrace when they have to sale them because they were facing economicdifficulties and the selection norms always were the same and unchangeable, theslave without exception has to be white, be breed slave and that never hadtaken decision by himself and that stipulation was very easy to verify becauselike all the slaves of the farm always were confused when they were askedsomething that they weren't used to being asked, simply was enough to look atthe naked bodies and faces reactions and they were able to know if the slavefulfilled that requirement, also other aspect that the overseer and the ownerof "The Happy Dancer Tadpole" considered as very important was the slave's cumproduction because it had to be copious, and other aspect that cant beoversight was their cocks and balls size since they preferred that were big orvery big, although this rule could have an exception if the slave wasexceptionally handsome in that case he could be bought without mattering thathis cock and balls were smalls, other aspect that was very important as long asthere were access to this was look at the pictured of the pinkish both male andfemale that had produced the tadpole and the egg that had been fertilized thatproduced the offspring that actually wanted be bought, in addition to the granparents to have an idea of which could be the result of the offspring that theslave could produce and that was done by a computer program made by the geneticexpert of the enslave white animals, although in most of the cases couldn't beseen who had produced the tadpole and the egg that had produced the animal thatthey were trying to buy, and for the male piglets purchase the principalcriteria was that they were handsome and above all they could succeed certaintest that were practiced to measure their body strength considering their ageand depending on how old they were that they never had seen a female, and thecriteria to buy the fertile females was that they had big tits and prominentvulva lips although for the females the criteria was much more flexible butwhat couldnt change was that they were beautiful.

Once all the farm's pinkishanimals had shit, pissed, cleaned and fed were forced to practice a very hardexercise routine according to their ages and that was done before to be sent totheir different activities and that included the piglets, and from that earlierhour the visitors could watch in action the slaves' naked bodies and the eroticway about how their cocks were moving while they were running, jumping, madepush-ups, squats, weightlifting and they pushed heavy carts to keep theirbodies in optimum conditions, even many of the visitors could chose a slave tosuck their cocks or rimming them but what was forbidden has fucking them, andafter that the visitors were taken to a very luxury dining room where several slavesand the older piglets wearing tunics that only covered the middle part of theirtorsos and backs and they covered the body until the scrotum ended and in theback until the buttocks joined the legs, leaving uncovered practically all thetorso the nipples included the pubis with exception of the cock and balls andin their backs only the line where the dorsal spine was delineated and the asscrack, and they served the visitors the delicious dishes that were cooked bythe same slaves and how they carried the trays in their hands, each visitortold the slave which dishes he wanted and the slaves never could lift up their heads,and always they went to the place where the visitors were whit their head bowedoffering the dishes that they had on their trays to each visitors which evencould touch any part of the slaves' bodies and even fingering their holes andthe slaves then had to clean the fingers with their mouths, even some of theslaves were there to proportionate their cum as dressing to some of the dishesor cream for the coffee, and the visitor could wank themselves the slaves orother slave could do for them, and when the slaves were taken out from the cells where they sleep lockedimmediately the chastity device was taken off until they were locked again, butalways they were closely watched by the overseer to avoid that the slaveswanted to wank or even fuck and if they were caught even touching their cockswith the hand were brutally punished either in front of the visitor orprivately.

Due that the farm named "TheHappy Dancer Tadpole" main business was the sale of the slaves' cum, it had ahuge quantity of fertile slaves without counting the piglets that had not yetawakened to life that had born there or had been bought for their handsome andthe females that they kept there so they could produce the slaves futuregenerations either for sale them or keep them, and this quantity was calculatedin twenty thousand fertile males that were capable of produce jizz and they keptthem in different buildings and the place was so huge that had severalentrances to arrive the different places where the slaves were, and of coursethe administrative area where naked young males slaves were working to attendall what was related with the slaves sale and purchase, the cum sale andpurchase, the shipment and disembarkation of the slaves of both genders thathad been sold or bought having to be extremely careful that the females wouldnever arrive at the same time as the males, the free employees payment that only were theoverseers, the slaves food purchase and for the each morning breakfast for thevisitors, and establish the price of the slaves cum by milliliters consideringthat a slave could ejaculate from one milliliter until five milliliter, tellthe overseer which slaves had to be put apart from the other and for how manydays since a customer in specific had paid for have exclusively the jizz of oneslave in special, be in charge about all the farm maintenance and the slaveshealth among many other things, and this administrative slaves had to benecessarily males that had studied high school or freshman in college and howthey were in contact with women under any circumstances they could be in touchwith the farm slaves unless they were closely watched by an overseer, becausethey had forbidden say a world to the slaves or stallions that produced thejizz about the women existence, and if any administrative salve said a word hispunishment was be gelded and be sold to the mines, and only they could be closeof the slaves when they were embarked indicating on which transport the naked male animal had to put on to betaken to the correct place that wasn`t easy considering the number of slavesthat daily arrived or departed, or if the slave was disembarked his duty waswrite on the slave's chest and on each arm with a marker pen indicating to theoverseers the section where the slaves had to be send where he would serve tohis new master as stallion, and of course the administrative slaves could besexually used by the overseer or even his master or his sons if they wanted andwhen they had to attend the women they had to do it being naked.

All the slaves had to be milkedat least four times a day but due to the huge number of slaves that could be,from eight in the morning until eight at night constantly the slaves weremilked in the different sections, one slave was going to be milked was put apart from the work gang which he was assigned and was taken to the buildingwhere he was going to be milked, he had to be cleaned with freezing water, thenoil was put on his skin so it could shine and generally there were other slaveswaiting, so the slaves that were waiting to be milked were allowed to caress,kiss and even rimming under the overseers watchful look to avoid that they weregoing to touch their cocks, and they were allowed to do that so the visitorthat were watching how the slaves were milked enjoyed the spectacle that thenaked bodies of slaves that were goingto be milked were bringing them, in addition they could see from their seatscomfort eating and drinking the snacks and beverages offered by the older nakedpiglets that still did not wake up to life, and the cum produced by the slavethat was being milked was put in a big recipient where it was mixed with thecum of the slaves that earlier had been milked and for those that were going tobe, so the cum on sale due to the huge diversity of tadpoles was a guarantee ofgetting an excellent offspring at the time the pregnant female gave birth, andthere was around the farm many zones where the slaves were milked, because allslave that were capable to produce cum had to be milked at least four times aday, with exception of those that were chosen for a specific customer whichwere milked in a special place in view of all the visitors but their cum wasn`t mixed withthe other slaves but was put in a special recipient, and generally this slavesthat had been chosen by a customer for one or two week was milked apart to giveto the buyer a good quantity of the jizzproduced by the slave, and of course charge a very juicy money quantity.

Despite that many of the slaveswere used that part of their duties was to be milked always that they weretaken to the milky place they were nervous and uncomfortable and their nakedbodies showed it being tense, and despite that they were used to follow ordermeekly their animal minds were capable to understand the suffering that wasawaiting them, because a part that the milky machine took its time to make themcum, many times they were wanked fast and other very slow and by a sensor themachine detected when the slave was ready to cum to stop and leave the slavedesperate to do it, and once the slave had cum the machine kept wanking thewretched slave until he reached ten orgasms although the slave didnt have anyjizz left to expel and for the slave the pleasure became in pure agony becausehe was helpless to stop the torture, and had to endure the torture about his sensitive and irritatedpenis was still being manipulated unmercifully by the machine, although a vetwas there to look at the slave physic conditions and the milky process could bestopped if the vet considered that the slave was in danger because they werevery valuable animals, and all the slaves without exception were suspended inthe air and sustained by a stainless steel frame that immobilized the neckforcing the slave to keep it lift up, the arms that were immobilized by theframe in addition that their hands weretied up on their backs, their ankles that also were immobilized by the frame sotheir feet were lifted up to the level of their buttocks, and the body wasinclined with the head being the highest part of the body and the knees thelower, and his face always was facing a camera that was transmitting theslave's reactions as all his naked body as well, and that position was veryfavorable for the salve to be wanked because his cock was completely exposedand ready to be put into the milking machine which tube that manipulated theenslaved cock was transparent, and could be seen how the cock was manipulatedand even when the slave expelled the valuable cum and it felt into therecipient where the cum was storage and always the slaves were gagged so onlycould be heard their grunts but even those protest sounds barely could beheard, and in those moments the newly bought twenty years old blond slave wasbeing milked and was the fourth time that he ejaculated and still was capableof expel cum, but his suffering for being suspended in such painful way and thedespair for no longer being milked was evident, while he was observed at aprudent distance by the bet and one of the owners, but the suffering wasntgoing to end there, because after the fifth ejaculation, from the metallicframe was going to go out a thick dildo that was going to put in a brutal wayinto the slave's body by the anus so the slave was fucked while the slave wasgoing to be merciless wanked, and when his wanking time ended, and was freedfrom his ties he would be dragged out of the place where he had been milked bythe arms pits so the audience could see his beautiful buttocks at rest, anddespite that he was sweaty and exhausted he was thrown into a small pool withfreezing water to cool his body and immediately recover and then he had toresume his duties, and that was done with all the slaves that were capable toproduce cum, and of course that those naked bodies gave wealth to his masterthough for them each day was the same, had to work hard, and the terror to knowthat each day they would have to gothrough the same torment, but for the free citizens the naked and perfectenslaved bodies of their peers that had had the bad luck to have born beingslaves was a pleasure to see the spectacle that they brought, in addition thatthe result of that so special product was going to be producing a product ofvery high quality and that many of that product would follow the same destinyof the one that had produce them, and for that reason the farm called "The HappyDancer Tadpole" was so famous since the enslaved and tamed naked male bodiesthat were exhibited and the cum that they produced gave as a result offspringof excellent quality.

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Next: Chapter 376: Chicos Infibulados 1

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