Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 4, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This wild whitey light brownhaired teenage boys was rescued by the adult whitey and although that he liveslike a wild animal, he was one of the whiteys that could reach the forest andavoid been captured by the black masters and be enslaved like his whole familywas.

Is weekend and this teenagerwhitey was being persecuted by a black hunter and when almost he was captured,the adult whitey that was on a three that he had climbed he threw a stone tothe hunter and leaved him unconscious.

The whitey teenage boy was sotired and hungry that if the black haired adult whitey wouldn ´t help him hewould be captured and enslaved being the black hunter property that was soclose to capture him.

However as soon as the adrenalinestopped to flow in the teenager's blood he felt so weak that he couldn ´t keepwalking, and in other circumstances the whitey adult would abandon him but hewas so desperate to have sex that he took the boy on his arms to a safe place,then he offered him his cock so he could suck it and get by his cum theproteins that he was needing, and even he shared his food with him.

After the teenager slept and rest,the adult whitey began to suck his cock until he made the teenager cum and hegot as reward a good cum quantity and the proteins that also he needed, becausesince he became a wild whitey he couldn`t keep eating what he used to eat whenhe was free, as the other wild whiteys due to the food he needed the cum to getthe proteins and the milk breast to fortify his immunological system, but hissexual need was every minute stronger.

He always had found females thatbelonged to herds and from them he get the breast milk that he needed, besidethat always were males both adults and young that willingly wanted to give himtheir cum if he gave them his cum, and even to be fucked by him but always gothis way because he never was fucked because when he had fucked the males andthe white wild animals wanted to fucked him he refused to be fucked, and hetook advantage that he was more intelligent that the wild whites because whilethey had born being savage he had the malice to have been a man that lived insociety and for him was very easy to deceive the innocent wild animals thatbelonged of his own race.

But wandering alone through theforest even though that he had the freedom to go where he wanted without theneed to go back to be with someone else, also had the inconvenience that hedidn`t had anyone to talk or have sex with because since his food had changedeating what the other wild whiteys eat, had made that his sexual appetiteincreased, and he thought that the plants, flowers and fruits that he waseating in one way or other were aphrodisiacs and that was making that he wasmore horny and have wanted to have sex with the other whiteys both males orfemales.

Something else incomprehensibleto this city whitey that had adapted to live naked and alone in the forestafter have lost his family, was that more often he looked at the males'buttocks, cocks and balls and when he saw that a male doesnt matter if he wasa teenager, young or adult with big balls he tried to seduce him to get as muchquantity as possible of the delicious cum that not now only were indispensablesto get the proteins that he needed but also to enjoy the delicious creamy andsalty delicatessen that was viscous and produced by the other males, and eventhough that he also produced and eat his own cum for a strange reason the tastewasnt the same and he was looking to be with other male to have the chance to suckdirectly from their cocks the viscous and salty cum.

And precisely he was looking fora wild whitey so he can satiate his crave to swallow his cum, because hourearlier he had found a females and he had sucked from her nipples her breastmilk, and when he had found the trail of several whiteys and he was followedthem with the hope that at least get from one of them the delicious cum thatthey produced, suddenly he heard the characteristic sound of a naked whiteyrunning desperately to get safe, and then he climbed to a three and he waitedto see what was going to happen and when he saw run under him the young nakedwhite animal from the height where he was could see that other dressed youngblack boy was hunting the white boy with his riffle, but he had gone up to thetree but before that he had taken on his hand a stone to protect himself incase to be necessary and avoid be captured, he used the rock to save the youngwhite animal that desperately was trying to escape from his feared persecutor.

The young whitey hadnt releasedabout what had happened and he still was running wildly until he slipped andfell to the grass, and for the fear that he was feeling he peed and he madewith his body a ball to protect himself from his feared enemy, but suddenly hesaw that an older naked whitey male was walking towards him and with anguish hetold the older whitey that a black hunter was close and they had to flee, thenthe city whitey men knelt and caressing the boy's head told him that the dangerwas gone and the black hunter wasnt going to give them problems anymore, theboy at the beginning didnt believe what he heard but when he heard the mansvoice that was calm and see that the male with more experience knelt tocaressing his head, naked pectorals and torso, made that the boy calmed downand then he began to cry and he hugged the naked whitey that had saved him, andwhile the man still was caressing the wet hair by the sweat and the bare backuntil his buttocks the boy calmed down until he felt asleep and the man tookthe boy in his arms and they went to a safe place.

While the naked teenage boy wasasleep exhausted after the persecution and the fear that he had felt thismature male looked at his cock and balls and he saw that he had his cock and ballsbig and then he could produce a respectable amount of cum considering hisyouth, and when the boy woke up theolder naked whitey offered him his cock so he could suck it and get the cumthat the boy so much needed to get the proteins and energy that he needed, andthe boy gratefully sucked his cock until he got that his benefactor cum andgave him the delicious delicatessen that was going out from his balls andprostate newly produced, and then he did the same because he also offered hiscock to the adult male so he could suck it and also get from him the pleasureand he gave to the man the most precious that his body could produce.

And the adult whitey decidedallow the boy stay with him because he remembered his sons vulnerability whenthey were enslaved and with desperation they saw how they were taken away fromtheir father and he couldn`t do something to safe them, and when he saw thiswild young animal's sex organ, he remembered his sons because they were prettysimilar.

So now that is recovered he hasput the wild teenage boy on full fours and he has begun to lick his anus, butthe boy never had had that kind of sex with his friends, and now he'sdiscovering it and he had found it very pleasurable and he has begun to jerkoff, and very soon he was going to be penetrated and fucked by the whitey adult,who after cum inside him he's going to protect the boy as he was his son,because he ´s not going to be alone any more but even he will have the boy tosatisfy his sexual need, but who would tell to this whitey adult that in his former life never would have sexwith other male, whoever now in the forest loneliness this wild teenager is theonly one that he has to satisfy his sexual animal instincts and even he isgoing to allow the teenager to fuck him.

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Next: Chapter 387: Salvajes 30

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