Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 4, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The long awaited sperm and ovulessale as well as the breeding farm males fucking and get pregnant the enslavedfemales brought by the customers has begun, this breeding farm was famous forhaving Caucasian slaves only and its Latin master that has been traveling and visiting all the world slavesmarkets to buy premium white meat, but also the pups or piglets that had beenproduced there are excellent quality although practically all of them are soldto avoid that the offspring born there by the copulation between the males orfemales could have some defect.

Despite that all the slaves bothmales and females that had already awakened to life without mattering theirages that is to say all those that could produce jizz and ovules always wereavailable for their cum and eggs were sold, only to the auction were taken theslaves that the exclusive customer had shown more interest to buy theproduction of their balls and ovaries and their product were sold to the bestbidder, the auction room was luxury specially the area where the potentialbuyers were seated that were serviced by male piglets who offered them snacksand beverages, in addition of the remote controls to make the bids and thebrochures with the all the farm's slaves information as well all the slavesthat hadn`t awakened yet to life but hadborn there and were considered as merchandise that could be sold.

This breeding farm before hisowner was the Latin had belonged to a white man from the country of Suaciremawho had been in charge of buying all the young people both males and femalesthat for different reasons had been enslaved, from being bad students or idle untilthose that had committed some kind of felony or antisocial behavior, and withiron hand he kept them controlled and either they had to work so they wereproductive to the farm as well as their bodies were stimulated so their bodieswere capable of produce large amount of cum, while the ovules that wereproduced by the females were extracted to be sold and fecundated and beimplanted in other females but many times the same female was fucked by a studto get pregnant, but for many times for reasons that nobody could explain theunion of the male and female gametes didnt give as a result the offspring thatwas expected, and that made that the Latin that now is the farm's owner andbefore he was an overseer began an investigation about what in reality washappening, since many customer began to complain and that wasnt good for the businessof selling the cum produced by the males and the ovules produced by the femalesdespite that the quality of their human animals was excellent, and he realizedthat the owner's sons that were in charge to send the ovules and jizz produced bythe slaves to their buyers, weren`t sending the purchased product to thecustomers but the product produced by other slaves that were considered oflower quality.

The Latin without the farm'sowner or his son knowledge talked with one of the customer so he could sue theowner and he had to face a trial, considering that the farm's owner and hissons had cheated him delivering to him the spunk produced by a slave thatwasnt the same one he had chosen and paid for his balls' production, and theinvestigation was fast since only was required make a genetic test of the cumthat had been delivered to the customer and those produced by the slave thatthe customer had paid for to realized that the cum hadnt been produced by theslave, and then the sues began to arrive to the court and the farms owners andhis sons in charge to administrate the farm were enslaved and the Latin knowingwhere the enslaved farms owner had the money bought the farm and he became thenew master, and he hired a black administrator so he was in charge toadministrate the farm while he was traveling around the world visiting thedifferent slaves markets and auctions centers to buy the merchandise that hisfarm needed, and as was expected the piglets sale business and the jizz andovules produced by the males and females as well began to flourish, and eventhe waist stallions and females that were sold because they already hadaccomplished their mission and their useful life had ended considering thatconstantly was needed to be changing the slaves to keep the offspring excellentquality, they were sold to very high prices, however and despite that the formerfarms owner and his sons were excellent quality slaves and belonged to theLatin master because they were sold together with the farm, he didnt allowedthem to stay in the administration as many people expected that he would do,but the black administrator that had been hired was the one in charge of itwhile the enslaved family was send to live with the other slaves and they hadto do the same that the other slaves do.

While the male piglets were incharge to welcome the distinguish costumers taking them to the untaken seatsoffering them snacks, beverages and the remote controls so they could bid andallowing them to touch any part of their naked bodies that they wanted thingthat piglets loved that customers did, the naked female piglets in the entranceoffered to the customers both males and females for free little bottles withvery exclusive perfumes and slave oil samples that were produced in the farm asa courtesy from their owner to his very exclusive customers, and at theentrance of the auction room male piglets together with several teenage slaveboys only wearing around their waists sash and a bow tied on the neck, theywere in charge to open the cars doors and with a bow they received the guestthat were getting out the cars and they offered them the brochures with thefarm's slaves naked pictures of their full body both front and behind, and invery erotic and obscene positions, so the customer could see the naked bodiesof the jizz and eggs (ovules) producers that they wanted to buy, and in thecatalogue can be seen the naked bodies of the former farm's owner and hisenslaved sons, even some of the piglets or teenage slaves boys that werereceiving the customers were his sons or grandsons, and when entering theluxury auction room the stage where theslaves that had been more viewed by internet were going to be exhibitedcouldnt be seen because a curtain prevented it, and the Latin owner of thefarm went to greet his distinguish customers who appreciated that detailbecause that made that the service wasnt an impersonal one, but being presentin that slaves' cum and eggs auction wasnt free and a admission feed had to bepaid and it wasn`t cheap and only wealthy people could be there, although ofcourse existed the possibility to make the purchases by internet, although thatmade that the buyers miss the exciting situation to see the naked human animalsexhibited in public and humiliated.

The new Latin master unlike theformer enslaved white owner opened the farm's doors so either the human flesh,cum and ovules dealers, occasional buyers or even other farms representativesor owners could visit the facilities so they could see the quality of theanimals both males of females that they had there, and even they could visitthe nursery that they had where the piglets both male and females that had bornthere or even they had been bought from other farms were taken care and educatedas slaves, even the exclusive place where the enslaved females gave birth thepiglets both males and females were opened so the guest could see the birth ofa new slave, and this with the finality that they could see how sophisticate and expensive was maintain aslaves reproduction farm, and even the area where the males slaves wereinfibulated or put in chastity was opened to the visitor, so they could see howthe slaves were prevented to waste the precious product that they wereproducing in the body parts that for the free citizens were considered asintimates and objects of pleasure, and that for the slaves were exposed to allthe free citizens view and those parts were the cause of the farm and its ownerwealth, and in addition that he showed them the farms productive areas wherewere manufactured the different product such as the perfumes and the oil forthe slaves, in addition the place where the rickshaws that were pulled by theslaves were made and assembled and the vegetable growing areas, and the tourswere done three times a day if there wasn`t an auction and if there was anauction only one, and after the tour how the visitors had paid a feed adelicious meal was served for them and each guest could chose the slave male orfemale that he or she wanted to serve him or her and if he or she wanted thathis or her meal had the dressing produced by a male's slave body on his or herdishes that was the jizz, there were slaves that were in charge to produce thatdressing considered as a delicacy, and in addition the slave chosen by thevisitor to serve them while they were eating and the slaves were not neededthey had to give sexual pleasure to their better being on full fours under thetable sucking their cocks, liking their balls or even rimming them, and for thefree females licking their mons and rimming them without anyone seeing the freecitizens most intimate parts of their bodies exposed because they were coveredby a long tablecloth, and when the dinners wanted something only they had to touchwith their foot the cocks or balls or the mons of the enslaved males andfemales so they came out under the table and did what the superior being thatthey were servicing wanted.

When the auction was going tostar all the enslaved human animals that already had awakened to life both maleand females in separate lines paraded going through every seat rows where theexclusive customers were seated, to observe first-hand the quality of the nakedhuman flesh that was on sale or the production of their balls and ovaries thatwas offered, and they could compare with the catalogue that the male pigletsand teenage boys that were wearing the sashes and the bow ties had given them,and they could see and touch the quality of the merchandise that was selling orthe enslaved body that was going to produce the product that was going to buyand all the slaves without mattering if they were tamed or were wild becausethey had just being enslaved and not trained yet, were wearing a stainlesssteel collar and their hands were hooked to the rings that were on each side ofthe collar so they couldnt move them to try to cover their nakedness orprevent that a potential buyer was going to touch one of the most intimate partof their bodies, and in addition the rings that were in front and on the backof the collar had chains that keep them united, and each line of slave weather males orfemales had thirty slaves and the slaves were put on each line according totheir ages and the lines were guided if it was males by male piglets and if itwas females by females piglets, and all the slaves lines had to go through eachseat rows so the customer could see them and if they had to stop it had to bethe necessary time for a customer could inspect the body of the slave in which hewas interested, and in those lines werethe former farms owner and his sons and their wives as well, and even othermember of his family that had been enslaved for the fraud that he had committedand that had cost them their freedom and they had become property of the Latinthat now was the farm`s new owner and he enjoyed humiliating and exhibitingthose that once had been his patrons, all the males were infibulated or inchastity with exception of those males that their bodies still were indevelopment in special their sexual organs, and once that all the slave had gonethrough all the row seats were taken out of the auction room to be taken tospecial cells where they were kept them pilled, and that was made with theintention of keep the at hand if some customer wanted to buy an specific slaveor buy his or her body production, even though those parades were funny for thecustomer when they saw the hard cocks of the younger slaves that were capableof produce jizz and constantly they showed a hard on by the stimulation thatthey were subjected or by their bodies natural reaction, and only were excludedto be exhibited the females that were pregnant or that were menstruating forhygienic reasons.

But the males specially thosethat werent born in captivity or being slaves hated being exhibited in thatway by their Latin master because being infibulated they couldnt have a hardon, and when they were touched and their schlongs tried to be hard and havingtheir foreskin trimmed and completely stretched covering the gland's back partwithout any chance to retract by the piercings that they had on both side andup and down the glans to avoid the prepuce retraction, made very painful anytry to be hard and they had to do everything that could mentally to try donthave it and unnecessarily suffer, while the slaves born in captivity or beingthe sons of slaves didnt have the capability of think and never in theirlives had taken decisions since theoverseers or master were who took the decisions for them, and they the onlythat had to do was simply obey what they were told without thinking twice orthey were punished, and during that slave parade twenty male slaves and threefemales and the cum of other fifty males and the ovules produced by other tenfemales were bought, while the male piglets in charge to attend the customerthey worked tirelessly brining beverages and snacks to the exclusive customers,but finally the time of the stellar presentation had arrived and between thecurtains that still were closed went out a naked male piglet that according the to the vetswas about to wake up to life and that was known as a later, and that he wasntinfibulated because despite the fact that the age in which he should haveawakened to life had already passed, he still did not do it and only he waswearing the collar that identified him as slave and that he was a member of thefamily of the breeding farms former owner and that he had been enslaved, andthe boy was ashamed to be exhibited naked in public and he stood in the middleof the part of the stage that was visible and he welcomed the visitors onbehalf his master and all the farms free employees, while among the attendeeshe could recognize several that were the parents of those boys that had beenhis friends or even many of his friends, while they were observing with a lotof interest and attention they white dark brown haired and smooth male slave withsmall brown colored nipples that still was considered a piglet, and that wasfor sale in case that someone wasinterested in buying him and that once he had been one of their peers, theywere observing and talking with interest about the slave's naked body and redface and that made that his former friends and even their parents and somecustomers made comments between them but that the slave couldnt heard them,and even he could see that many of his former family members were between themale piglets and that they were servicing to the visitors and he knew thatother members of his family had been exhibited as the animals that now theywere naked among the slaves lines, and this was one of the reasons why thisauction had been so expected because for the first time in that country areawas going to be exhibited as slave one of their community member fallen indisgrace together with his family naked as the lower of their society and wasan spectacle that nobody wanted to miss.

When the young slave consideredas later finished talking one of male piglet that was servicing the customerswent to the stage and attached a chain to the ring that was in front slave'scollar, in addition que put on his wrist leather wristbands and where attachedto the rings that were on the collar's both sides and the male piglet took theboy by all the seat rows so the exclusive visitors that wanted could inspectthe slave's naked body as had happened with the other slaves, and this processtook much longer than was expected because all the slaves former friendsinspected with detail the young slaves body that despite of his age still wasconsidered as a piglet, and even his buttocks were put apart so they could seehis small an virginal and brown colored anus and they touched the tinny schlongand his almost inexistent balls, while they made mocking comments about despitethe slave's age his balls and schlong were still tinny, and the young slavewhile he was free managed to keep the secret about his body late developmentuntil he was enslaved and he was stripped of his clothes keeping him naked butstill only his master, overseers and the other fellow slaves knew his secret, and this was the first time thathe was exhibited in public and his former friends, acquaintances andschoolmates found out about his body special situation without he could doanything to avoid it, while the display of his body as merchandise lasted thepiglet had to endure the humiliating and degrading comments of his formerfriends while he tried to do all that was possible no to cry, and when thishumiliating event finished for this later boy he was put in a special cageseparated from the slaves of his own age or younger that already had awakenedto life waiting to see if someone wanted to buy him, and after that the slavehad welcomed to the visitors and taken out from the auction room the curtainswere opened and all the attendees firs with surprise and then enthusiasticallyclapped and could see what was behind the curtain, to the right side of thestage since the point of view of the spectators were the breeding farmsadministrator wearing a black suit, white shirt and a white and silver tie, andin front of him were two naked slaves a male and female on full fours lookingat him attentively in case he gave an order and whit their butts pointing outto the attendees, both the male and the female were wearing the collars and thechains that were attached to the collars were being hold by the administrator'seach hand, and the male that was on the left had his legs apart, and either hisanus as his prominent perineum, his balls and schlong were completed exposedand in those moments the male piglets that were in charge to serve theattendees gave them binoculars so they could see close and with detail thenaked bodies that were on the stage in case that they wanted, the male as allthe farm's slaves was white with a dark brown hair and with a muscular body,and his balls were perfectly delineated on his scrotum and both clearly couldbe seen and his infibulated cock was pointing out to the floor but in additionand unlike the other slaves that had been exhibited in the lines that went throughseat rows where the attendees were, had a leather stripe that went from side toside of his cock covering his piss slit to exalt more his humiliation that evenhe couldnt pee normally as the other slaves but he had to squat because thepiss when it was expelled from the body and touch the leather stripe the pisswould be fired everywhere, the lightbrown haired female had her long hair combed and her legs closed but her anusand prominent mons were exposed to the sight of all the attendees and both slaveswere smooth, and in their free life had been the parents of the slave that hadwelcomed the attendees and that was considered as a later slave because hisbody despite of his age still hadnt woke up to life, and this was a thing thatthe Latin master had took advantage to mock of both the parents and the boy andhumiliate them because when he had worked for them both the boy and parents hadtreated him contemptuously so now the time to do the same with them hadarrived, and what better thing to do to cause to the parents the anguish toknow that their beloved son was for sale as another animal and they were powerlessto stop that, in addition that now they knew that they had to be attentive totheir master whims if they didnt want be brutally punished as was happening onthose moments.

In the middle of the back stagewas hanging on the wall a blond naked white female with her hands together andher arms fully stretched and tied up to a ring that was above her head, andwith her legs completely stretched and tied up to pecs that were on both sideof her head leaving obscenely opened her vaginal lips so everyone could see herclit, I addition like her buttocks were opened for the position she was hangingher brown colored anus could be seen completely exposed and her tits that werentprominent and the nipple that had her anus same color, and the attendees were wondering why the bestfriend of the naked female that was on full fours looking at the blackadministrator was hanging on the floor in such obscene position if she wasntpart of the family that once were the owner of the farm, but what nobody knewwas that the master and the administrator and of course the enslaved familythat once had been the owners of the breeding farm but now as slaves didntmatter anymore what they knew because nobody was going to listen to them, wasthat she had been who had proposed the idea to commit the fraud sending to thebuyer the cum produced by slaves of lower quality, and that now humiliated andhelpless to avoid be exhibited as the animal that she was now she saw how thosethat once had been her equals watched her body with interest, and in thecatalogue was indicated that her eggs (ovules) were for sale and they will be extracted inthe presence of the buyer and the attendees without being anesthetized, and formore that the Slaves ProtectiveAssociation (SPA) had asked the Latin master and the black administrator thatthey slept the white animal to extract the eggs, they had refused arguing thatthe slave in her free life had cheated many with her plan and her fairpunishment was suffer the pain when her eggs were taken out from her ovariesand fell how they were vacuumed and taken a way, and in front of the stage onthe left side was a twenty years old naked male slave with the black hairtrimmed seated on his legs gaged with a metal gag that forced him to keep hismouth opened all the time looking at the public, and that was wearing stainlesssteel chastity belt that only could be removed whit an Allen key and with blackpatches where his arms and shoulders joined that in case that he didnt behaveas he should do he received electrical discharges to control him, and thisslave was one of the farm's former owner sons that had been enslaved, and eventhough the withe animal wasnt for sale his cum was and had been catalogued asan excellent quality slave and as expected several buyers were interested inhis balls production, however despite the SPA request about the slave'stadpoles werent taken out in an artificial way puncturing his testicles withoutanesthesia, the Latin master told them that was the fair punishment because hehad helped to convince his parents and brothers to carry out the enslavedfemale that was hanging on the wall plan, beside that he knew that the freecitizen loved see the slaves suffering and that the Slaves Owners Association(SOA) agreed to punish on that way the two slaves because they had put in riskthe honesty and reputation of the people as the breeding farmer owners, and theslave for more that he wanted ask for mercy for the painfulness of theprocedure he couldnt do it because he was gagged and with his mouth opened andwas impossible for him to speak beside that if he dared to make a noise hewould be immediately punished with electric discharges on his body, and behindhim was an eighteen year old black haired male slave that was wearing the sashand the tie bow and that he had been put in chastity and only the stainlesssteel tube that had trapped his cock could be removed with an Allen key, and inaddition his cum was for sale and he would be in charge together with otherpiglets that like him were receiving the guest to wank the slaves whose cum hadbeen bought in the presence of the buyer so he could see that the cum that hewas receiving in a frozen recipient had been produced by the slave that he hadchosen, and although he hadnt born in captivity he was a slave because as manyother teenage boys neglected their studies for being chatting using the socialmedia or playing videogames and they scholar performance wasn`t the desired.

On the left side of the stage onfull fours with his head bowed for the shame that was feeling about theattendees could see him naked wearing the collar was the breeding farm formeradministrator when the withes were the owners, he was a twenty five years olddark brown haired and very handsome and muscular male and he hadnt beenenslaved for participating in the fraud since when he knew about this he quittedhis job, but the reason why he was enslaved and was an animal owned by thebreeding farm was that he didnt tell the authorities about the fraud that wasbeing committed, and the judge considered that by saying nothing as the nowfarm's owner had done made him in theformer owners accomplice an therefore had to be severely punished so his fateserved as a deterrent for other administrators, and as soon as they sawsomething that was wrong immediately notify the authorities, this slave hasconsidered of excellent quality and was the black administrator's assistance,and as slave he was in charge to do all the hard job including supervise thatthe cum and female eggs were sent to the buyers, the slaves reception andembankment and the maintenance of both the farm and slaves, and himself was incharge to punish the both gender piglets if they didnt behaved as slaves oftheir ages should do, and he was in charge of reporting to the blackadministrator the fam's slaves misdeeds and the black administrator apart to be working in the breeding farm'spublic relations also was in charge to order which was the punish that eachslave has to face including the piglets considering their misdeed, and eventhough he said which overseer had to punished the slaves in many times he also punished them, althoughof course the slaves were punished in the moment that an overseer that most ofthe time was other slave detected that the slave had committed a misdeed, theLatin master preferred had as overseers slaves because they were much moredemanding and brutal when they had to disciplined the slaves that theyconsidered that were slacking on their activities, or they didnt produce thecum quantity that the breeding farm was demanding for each slave or that theslave was considered unruly since being the slaves' overseer despite that theystill were naked and wearing the collar that identified them as the worst ofthe society, despite that their cocks had been pierced and they were wearing aheavy padlock that pulled them down making impossible that the schlong could behard and that also their cum was onsale, they as overseers had the right to order to a male or female slave thatsucked their cocks when they wanted fell pleasure, and even they could have ontheir hands their schlongs while they were watching the wretched slaves thatwere working to avoid the schlong muscle fatigue and the pain that this caused,beside that they always had with them whips and modified cattle prods toencourage the slaves that they considered that were slackening or not doing thethings as was expected, and how they didnt want lose that privileged position theydid all that was possible to please their master and in this case theadministrator and their supervisor that was the exhibited slave in the auction,considering that the boy knew how the farm worked and he had the power to put and even remove thesupervisors or overseers, and unlike the overseers his glands hadnt beenpierced and had put a very heavy padlock that pull down his schlong, but as theothers he was infibulated and his foreskin was trimmed and completed stretchedand with piercing attached to glands without any possibility to retract whichprevented him had a hard on and if his schlong wanted to be hard then he was ingreat pain, and only with a tinny Allen key the piercings could be removed so hecould be hard and would take out from his body the cum produced by his ballsand be sold, but to make his situation much more humiliating as the white nakedstallion that was looking at the administrator beside the female he had aleather strip in front of his glans that went from side to side and when hewanted to pee he had to squat because the piss when was ejected from his bodyand hit the leather strap went out in all directions, and finally behind theslave that used to be the breeding farm administrator was on the stage holdingthe chain attached to the collar of the former enslaved administrator aneighteen years old light brown haired slave and in his hands had a tablet, andif he noticed that the gagged slave moved or made any noise only had to tap inan option on the table screen and an electric discharge was sent to the slave,and this slaves as the others was naked and smooth and he had been put inchastity, but unlike the others that were on the stage he had been born being aslave and he was intimidated to see somany dressed people that he knew as masters looking at the slaves that were onthe stage, and he as the animal that he was couldnt understand what washappening, but his overseer had told him what he had to do and like he hadntthe capacity to take decisions by himself simply he obeyed, but his animalbrain hadn`t the capacity to understand why there were so many master althoughhe was used that the masters that always were dressed touched any part of hisbody, and he really liked that because it felt good and in addition they tookout the tube that kept trapped his schlong and could be hard, and when the white liquid went out of hisschlong instead of the yellow one he felt a lot of pleasure and he loved whenthe white liquid went out, and as the other slaves his cum was for sale.

The last public even for theattendees before that the buyers of the eggs produced by the female slaves andthe tadpoles produced by the male slaves that had been exhibited on the stage wereextracted for the attendants delight without anesthetic, was to see as some ofthe farm stallions were going to pregnant the females slaves in the farms zoneknown as "the stallions fuck place", where all those slaves considered as thebreeding farms prime stallions after had been inspected by the potentialbuyers into the auction room they were going to be taken there, there theywould be removed the piercing that they had on their trimmed foreskin that wereattached to the glans and they would be allowed to fuck the best enslavedfemales in order to pregnant them, as long as a buyer didnt had bought the cumof a male slave or the eggs a female slave, but all the slaves that had beenchosen had to fuck all the females to be sure that the females were pregnantand once that each slaves fucked each of the females, the slave supervisor ofthe other overseer was going to immobilized the slaves' hands attaching theband wrists to the rings that were on the collars both sides, and as expectedthe slaves would be exhausted because at least they would have to fuck twentyfemales but that didnt mean that they would have to ejaculate that same numberof times, but what they had to do was reach the orgasm those twenty times, sotheir glans would be very sensitive forafter having finished male piglets that already had awakened to life had to sucktheir schlongs to clean them before the supervisor put them back the piercingson their cocks, but still one more thing was done in the "stallions fuck place"and that was that the overseers in charge to control the slaves gangs that wereworking in the farm and discipline them if they didnt behave as expected, iftheir jizz hadnt been bought by a customer, as a reward for they goodperformance they were allowed to fuck the stallions that were fucking thefemales at the same time and the overseers' quality not necessarily had to beexcellent since to be chosen and be put in that very important position atleast for the slaves, the had to fulfill the requirement to had been excellentworkers and brutal when it comes to punish other slaves and even those slavesthat had born in captivity despite that they werent used to take decision butobey, their animal minds allowed them to understand that was very good for thembe overseers and they looked for be on that position as those that had beenborn free and that had been enslaved for some reason, so the oversees waitedimpenitently the moment when theirsupervisor with an Allen key removed from their cocks the heavy padlocks andallowed them to have an erection and their schlongs muscle could rest from the weight,and even though that was hard get an erection once the padlock had been removedfor their cocks tiredness, they made all that was in their hands to can be hardand fuck the slaves since they knew if they pleased their supervisor and thebreeding farm's administrator, for two or three days depending on how pleasedtheir overseer was he didnt put on their cock the padlock, but what they hadto do while their schlongs were free it was fucking between them and all theother slaves or at least as much as they could, but what the later male pigletdidnt know was that on that day in the presence of his friends he was goingended up sucking the stallions schlongs that had fucked the females insteadthat the other male piglets did that, because the Latin master wanted tohumiliate the enslaved lad in front of his friends for his misdeed that he haddone in the past humiliating him because he was a humble employee, and if thelater male piglet was sold anyway he was going to ask to his new master thatallowed him clean the stallions' schlongs full of cum in front of all thevisitors, and for the Latin master and the administrator as well the slavesbreeding farm became a place of revenge and wealth while for the white familythat once were the owners in their ruin.

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Next: Chapter 390: Chicos Infibulados 2

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