Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 26, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The miners' union is on strike and the increment ofsalaries that they are demanding is so high that if the mines' owners accepted itthey might go to the bankruptcy, however the mines' production can ´t be stoppedso was an emergency reunion to find a solution, on this reunion not only werethe mines' owners but also high government employees and eminent societymembers. But the unions were excluded since the agreement that might be reachedon that reunion if all went as was expected weren ´t going to please them. Manyof the citizens depended of the mines activity to keep their luxury lives thatthey were used to live. The discussion took several hours while they weretrying to reach an agreement that could teach to the union a bitter lesson thatthey never forget. This was a country that always had defended the human rightsand even the prisoners that had committed serious felonies were treated withdignity and respect, however the unthinkable happened and one of the prominentcitizens that had been invited to the reunion when he saw that an agreementwasn ´t reached made a proposition that chilled the other assistants' spine,since the proposal was simple, forceful and would change the perception thatthe world had of their country forever, enslave all the prisoners withoutmattering the felonies that they hadcommitted, also the bad students and all those that were unemployed to avoidthat they were a financial charge to the country. However that law had to beapproved by the congress and they were sure that it would be rejected, howeverthe citizen that made the proposal saw that his idea pleased a several of theassistants. The discussion about theproposal wasn ´t on base to criticize it although some openly didn ´t agree withit, but for everyone surprise it was how they could convince the congress that itwas a good idea and that it would benefit the country's economy, but didn ´tmatter how many ideas were given they weren ´t good enough to convince thecongressmen. Between the many discussion that taken place, they arrived to theconclusion that all the miners had to be fired so as they were unemployed theycould be enslaved, and then put to work the mines as soon as possibleextracting the minerals with qualify and experienced slaves. In the jails theinmates were occupied by the factories, so depending what they had done wouldbe sent as slaves to work to the different factories as qualify work force, andthe students would be used in any area that were needed even in give pleasure tothe free citizens at the public brothels that were established for thatpurposes, so all those citizen that couldn ´t afford buy a slave and enjoy hisservices, in the public brothels they could enjoy their ministrations. Butdespite that in a given moment all agreed that the slavery would be a permanentsolution to the country's problems, firstly work force problem that they werefacing on that moment and after that the social, they still didn ´t know how toconvince the congressmen to accept the slavery as a new social class in thecountry, on which all those that were enslaves wouldn't have any right and weretreated as objects and not as persons. When everyone thought that they weren ´tgoing to find a solution one entrepreneur proposed that everyone that were onthat place gave the first step enslaving one of their sons, since when theyvoluntarily enslaved a son that wasn ´t a bad student or hadn ´t committed afelony, the congress wouldn ´t have any excuse to reject the law, and when thesons were enslaved that moment had to be transmitted live on television to allthe nation. As was expected all were against the proposal but at the end wasaccepted, since if they didn ´t resolve soon the mines' work conflict the mines'owners will be in bankruptcy, and enslave their sons would make that thecongress approved the new law in days. On this moment the arrival of the first fournaked slaves to their new home the "Pleasure Hotel" is being transmitted live,they are on the hotel's oldest area where the new naked slaves are going toserve as guides to the tourist that wanted visit that hotel zone that was aconvent in the XVIII century. The four naked white slaves for the first timeare looking at the place where they will have to serve their new masters, thethree black haired slaves that are close to the stairs are looking from oneside to other covering with their hands their balls and cocks because they areashamed to be naked in a public place, in their former lives they were the sonsof very rich entrepreneurs that had made their fortune thanks to the mines, andthey lost their freedom what for their families could keep their life ofwealthy and comfort that they were usedto live. The blond teenager boy that is behind them and also is giving his backto the cameras, has his hands on his head without can understand yet how hisfather despite that he was his only child enslaved and sold him to the ownersof that place, since in his former life he had been the president's son, and theyare being closely watched by a black guard, beforehand this slaves always aregoing to be naked and won ´t be necessary to make them wear the collar thatwould identify them as slaves, due that they are in a country populated byblack people and with their skin color and being naked is enough to everyone toknow that they're slaves, furthermorethe hotel has already decided make more money with the new slaves, since foradditional fee the slaves are going to serve sexually the hotel guest that payfor their services, meanwhile in the country where they were born the congress has approved the law thatestablishes the slavery after they had seen that the president`s son has beenenslaved, and is naked in front of the TV cameras on a live transmission, and very soon this four whiteslaves that once were spoiled are going to discover the cruelty which theslaves are treated.

Next: Chapter 40: El Concurso Millonario 4

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