Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 25, 2018


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This is a moment of submissionand victory; this two young males that were included in The Experiment crossedtheir paths when they were fallowing a female to have the chance to fuck her, thetwo boys had smelt each other but also they had smelt stronger males and instinctivelythey knew that they wouldn't have any chance to fuck the female, but their needto fuck was so strong that they fought between them to see who was the dominantmale or alfa and the submissive or beta.

The winner would have to fuck theloser and he would be his slave, the fight was fierce but short, althoughgenerally the fights were long and there was a winner until some of the twoopponents was more tired than the other, and this was similar about the fightsthat the lions had to take possession of the lionesses although here what is indispute was take possession of the females the male pups if there were theycould stay in the family nucleus until their smell changed indicating thattheir balls would soon start producing tadpoles (spermatozoids), and then theywere expelled from the family nucleus and alone they had to face the danger ofbeing hunted by their depredator without mattering if the depredator was biggerthan they or of their same age, and those that could being living in the familynucleus were the females which as soon were fertile would be pregnant by thealfa male.

These two eighteen years oldyoung males one blond and the other black haired with slim bodies but athleticswere very strong, and they had arrived at the same time to the experiment andhad been chosen by the authorities becausethey had been caught missing school several days and presenting fakejustifications, since their parents never had written the justification anddespite that they were excellent students the less that they society where theylived wanted was people who from young age lied and cheated, so as soon as theauthorities released about the two boysfraud immediately became candidates to be sent to the experiments, and few dayslater they were naked in a doctor's office being medical checked to see if theywere eligible to be sent to the island and see how the radiations would affecttheir bodies, and one week later they not only were in the island and gettingnaked because surprisingly the radiation had affected their bodies very fast,and although it was not knowing if their survival instinct and their senses ofsmell and sight had fully developed at the moment of undressing, apparently allin their bodies had fully developed or at least enough to keep them alive andflee from their depredators or the stronger males, although their sexual needto reproduce had not been presented until that moment.

Even thought that the island hada lot of males and females living naked as wild animals and of course a hugenumber of the feared depredator that was the Herma, there were relative fewgroups formed by masters and salves and there were more and more families butalso more males puppies that were expelled from the family nucleus becausetheir smell had changed and soon their balls would star to produce tadpoles, becomingin sexual rivals of their father or the dominant male that had taken control ofhis family enslaving his father, but what most surprised the scientists wasthat despite of the amount of wild male animals that were living in theexperiment their ability to avoid each other was amazing, and that even at thebeginning when they began to fell the sexual need to breed or relieve the painof their blue balls because they couldnt eliminate the jizz, they couldcontrol themselves and dont look for a direct confrontation with other male,but like everything the moment arrived when they couldnt take it anymore andthe inevitable arrived and the fights with other males were given althoughalways they tried to avoid the stronger males, and another situation thatamazed the scientists was that the wild human males unlike of those that livedin the society where they had been casted away to be sent to the experimentthey didnt wank, and only they jerked off when their balls pain was so intenseand unbearable to be in condition to fight against other male in case to benecessary if they didnt find an alone female to fuck her and empty theirballs, but also there was other reason because they didnt wank and therewasn`t in the society where they came from, in the experiment their spunk wasother creature food and was the Herma their implacable and feared depredatorthat needed their jizz to feed himself while he could swallow his wild andnaked prey the human male.

These two young males the blondand the black haired were so desperate to have sex because the pain in theirballs was so intense and constant, and each time that they sniffed a female andbegan to follower when they were close from her also they sniffed other malesthat for their smell they knew that were stronger than them, and their instincttold them that get a way as soon as possible because they were in great danger,and for more that they wanked for a strange reason they didn't feel relief tothe pain that they had in their balls soat the end while they were following afemale that both naked wild animals had sniffed they sniffed also otherstronger males as well, then they decided went away frustrated not being ableto fuck the female and breed her but their sexual need was so strong that whenthey sniffed each other decided to fight between them to can satisfy theirsexual needs and at the same time relieve their balls pain, and unknowingly themost skillful young animal would subdue and enslave the most awkward, andwithout them knowing allow that thegenes of the most suitable continued propagating through the experiment, but ofcourse the genes of the most suitable not always were in the offspring that hadborn resulting of the animal sexual intercourse between the naked male andfemale, because if a dominated male or beta wasn`t gelded by the dominant maleor alfa then the alfa male allowed the beta to fuck the female that he hasfucked first as well and from there all depended in what tadpole was thestronger to fertilize the female.

This two young male animals whenmet they had a fierce and fast fight in the forest, because they were fightingfiercely to be the winner and fuck the loser in the forest, the blond animalthrew the black haired animal that was om him, to keep him from lifting hislegs and he was going to put his juvenile and wild cock in his tight andvirginal anus causing that the young black haired male hit with force a three that was behind them, and the impactof the naked body was so strong against the trunk that the naked male wasmomentarily stunned and the blond naked male took advantage of that situationto swoop against him and lifted up his legs and put into the small and virginalanus in one movement his youthful and wild cock, causing that the black hairedboy screamed in pain and the blond fucked him merciless while he was screamingin pain until he cum inside him, now the loser is giving pleasure to the winnerand soon the dominant is going to fuck the submissive again to show hisauthority over him, however if the dominant male is defeated by other male thesubmissive would be the slave of his master's master.

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Next: Chapter 401: Victimas 30

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