Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 2, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This young wild cracker hasarrived on an autumn cold day to a very exclusive black students school, heknows that is very dangerous be there because he might be captured, but he hasdecided to take his chances because he knows that in that place he can findexcellent food and things, one example of that is that he found those beachshoes that he's wearing on his feet, and although he doesn ´t know that thebeach shoes might be a trap for him, because in case that he had to fleerunning how he always has been barefoot he might trip, fall down and be captured.

That cold morning he went outwith his herd toward the city to get food like every day, but on this day hedecided go alone to get a better food, this place is still unknown to the othermembers of his herd and he discovered itby a chance, when he was running away from the black guards when they werepersecuting his herd, on that day several whiteys members of his herd that hehad shared all his life with were captured by the black guards and taken to aplace that was a complete mystery for him, but the most experienced members ofhis herd told him that was a place where the black masters hurt them, so sincehe was a little kid and have born in the woods the first thing that his parentsand other herd's members taught him was to hide and be still when he felt thatwas in danger.

When he arrived at the school forthe first time hiding from the guards he was very scare because he saw manyother young black masters going out from the building and he felt trapped,however following his instincts he went to hide into the trash and wasmotionless until was dark.

Once he didn't hear more noiseshe began to search into the trash and he found succulent food that wasn ´t smellbad, and he took with him as much as he could to take the food to his herd's membersand especially to the pup that was his charge.

So now he has decided to go backto get more of that delicious food, and although that he hears a lot of peoplenoise he hasn't seen them outside, and now he feels very important because he'swearing the beach shoes that in his naked world he things that the othermembers of his herd are going to admire him.

So in this moment he just hascome out from the forest and is looking around the place to see if he could gosafely to the building, and he ´s going to do that hiding between the cars, buthis lack of experience has made him do his second mistake because instead tolook around being hidden behind the bushes or the tress, he is on a pathwaywhere everyone can see him, but he has something on his favor his hear sense isvery developed, however the black guards have weapons and they might shoot athim a dart with a sedative.

This young naked wild white mindthat is eighteen years old and is dark brown haired, cant understand how theblack master have over their bodies those rare thing that are covering theirbodies instead to be naked as hes, and he doesnt understand how they cantsuck their cocks to get the cum that they need to get the proteins and energy,because he has never seen how a black master took out his cock to urinate,neither he understands how they have to live in those rare things where theycome out and in instead to live in caves as his herd, and how they can have sodelicious food in their caves if they dont have anything there, and heswondering if that rare things that they have on their bodies are what make thatthey have such tasty food in their caves.

But not only had that caught hisattention because while he was wandering around the school at night he saw verystrange things that he has already seen before where the black masters sit, butthey have something elongated that goes forwards and on that also they putthings there, he thinks that is something like a table that are used to put thefood such as the herd's naked female cook, but for him this is a useless thingbecause the ground is good for that, even the back or hands of other boy thathas been punished for behaving badly can be used to put things there, and forhim the black masters' world each time is harder to understand.

Even those things where they getin and move fast, and although are different of where the black masters put thehunted naked whiteys to take them away from the herd and never see them againhave the same purpose, although he would like have one of those things becausehe has seen that the black males of his same ages or even younger have fun whenthey are inside those things although they're useless to go everywhere, becauseif they want to go into the forest thosethings cant go there and the black masters have to get off and walk as theydo, and his animal mind doesnt understand the reason why they want somethinglike that if they can`t go where they want in that thing that swallows theblack masters to be able to move, an even some time they crashed leaving theblack master hurt, so those things that move very fast and scare him and theother whiteys are bad.

This naked wild boy has heard anoise and is looking at many black masters that are going out from their cave,and he had decided that the time to move cautiously has arrived to avoid beseen and can hide between the cars, but a black boy has seen his pink legs andbuttocks when he was hiding between the cars, and he has signaled to hisfriends that he has seen a naked white male, but for the whitey good luck hehas seen an uncovered queue big enough to get in there and he saw that the black masters werecloser and closer where he was, and his animal instinct told him to covered it,so for one more day he is going to go back to his herd with the deliciousdelicatessen that he has found in the garbage.

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Next: Chapter 405: Foolish Boys 31

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