Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 9, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


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Not all is glamour in thebreeding farms where both male and female naked piglets are servicing the guestin the public auctions in luxury rooms where are served fine wines and tastysnacks, where naked prime slaves wearingonly sashes and tie bows open the limousines and luxury cars doors bowing andoffering the catalogs with the pictures of the naked slaves, in obscenepositions showing their bodies so the customer entering to the luxury auctionroom can see in all their glory the naked both males and females that are forsale either their jizz for the males or the eggs (ovules) of the females oreeven their bodies if there are someone interested to buy them.

This breeding farm owner a Latinmaster made the business of his life since only in few months of have begun tosale white slaves in the villages streets moving in a cart pulled by the sameslaves and after when he had more slaves he chained the slaves to the back part of the cart, forcing the slavesto move to the speed that the chart was being pulled and thereby forcing themto make exercise so when the farmers of that places went to the villages andsaw the merchandise that the young Latin master was sold, and considering thatthe slaves were in optimal physic conditions and being teenage and young malesthey bought them immediately to put them to work in the farms, plowing, sowing,harvesting, in addition to be pulling the heavy charts with the productsproduced in their farms.

The young Latin master got hisslaves cheaply buying them from poor whites families that had the need to saletheir sons to get some money, and then he sold them at much higher prices thanthose that he had bought them but even cheaper than the dealers establishmentssold their slaves, but what in reality had made him famous was that he soldyoung white slaves of good quality and in many times the slaves were consideredas premium slave flesh, and due that the slaves had to run or jog chainedbehind the chart while other two slaves were pulling it, as soon as the farmersbought the slaves they could put them to work since apart that their physicalcondition was excellent they were used to be outdoors and in all kinds ofweather conditions, and that made thatthe farmers could put them to work immediately in addition that all the slaveswere used to pull their Latin master's chart then all of them were inconditions to pull the farmlands heavy charts.

But the Latin master also discoveredother thing that the rich people that lived in the villages wanted teenageslaves that served them as servant inside their houses and they had to fulfilthe requirements to have an excellent body and be very handsome, but theycouldnt be so muscular as the slaves that he sold and that were considered asbrute animals to be put to work as burden beasts and although at the beginningthe Latin master had discarded the possibility to sale that kind of slaves,soon he realized that that kind of slaves were who gave more profits becausethey were sold to much higher prices, but also was harder not only get but alsosale them because the slaves dealers were what they sold the most and the fightfor that market was fierce, and despite that he began to buy that kind ofslaves wasnt easy to sale them because the rich people that were who couldafford to pay those prices didnt go to the flea markets to inspect the slaves,so he figured out a way to can sale that kind of special slaves and that was gowith his chart offering his merchandise to the zone where the wealthy peoplelived and where they usually met to offer his merchandise, though he couldntstay in a specific place but he had to pretend that he by causality was goingthrough there so the young and the wealthy teenage and young lads saw his nakedmerchandise hopping they were interested in buying it.

But in the beginning wasnt easybecause everyone looked at him with distrusts and despite that he had fiveexcellent quality slave and they fulfill the requirements to work as house boysand give sexual pleasure to their masters and above all they were virginals,because the Latin master didnt allow that the slaves destined to be burdenbeast fucked the slaves that he wanted to sale as house slave boys to serve aspleasure slaves since he kept them in chastity, but he allowed that thoseslaves fucked the slaves that were going to serve as burden beast so they weretrained to give sexual pleasure to their masters in that way if the masters wanted,and the Latin master himself was in charge to train those slaves in thefellatio art making that the slavessucked his cock several times a day so when a potential customer wanted toinspect them could see that they were virginals and check that they were skilledgiving pleasure with their mouths, but still the rich boys werent interestedin his merchandise because they didnt want inspect them and they only lookedat them with curiosity until became customary to see him go through there.

But one day a rich white lad thatwas looking for a personal cheap slave and was with his father saw go throughthere the Latin master, the father had promised to buy him a slave that servedhim while he was in college but he had to find an excellent quality and cheapslave thing that he hadn`t be able to find in the slave dealers agenciesbecause despite that the slaves there were of excellent quality also they werevery expensive, and the boy when he sawthe chart with the merchandise looked at a specific slave that he liked and,without putting much attention to the slaves went to talk with the Latin masterand he pointed out to the slave in which he was interested to buy, so the Latinmaster unchained the slave from the gang and took the young slave to beinspected by the free boy while the father and the other rich boys that werethere were looking at the inspection, andthe young buyer after inspecting the slave was surprised about how strong wasthe slave that he was inspecting and when opening his buttocks to inspect hisanus he was even more surprised when he saw that the slave was virginal, butstill one more thing left to know and this is how skilled the slave was givingsexual pleasure and when they went to the men restroom where were allowed theslaves and the slave sucked the young lad's cock, the young man was delightedabout the slave's skills and the boy asked to his father to buy him the slavebut before to do that the father asked for the price to the Latin master whosaid that the slave's price was fifty thousand Sklavens (the Sklaven was thecoin which the slaves were sold or bought and its equivalent was one Sklavenfor thirty euros) so the slaves price in euros was the equivalent to onemillion five hundred thousand euros.

The Latin master surprisedhimself when he asked such money quantity and at first he thought that he hadmade a huge mistake, and although that for the father the price was veryexpensive considering that it was a street purchase, also he knew that theslave that wanted to buy his son would cost in the normal marked at leasteighty thousand Sklavens the equivalent of two million four hundred thousandeuros, and despite that he was going to say no when he saw that the other boyswere approaching to see what was going on and if the father was going to buyhis son the boy because he always had boasted about how rich they were he endedup paying such amount of money by pride much more than other thing, and his sonended up being the proud owner of a prime eighteen years old blond male salve that was virginal and very skilledto give pleasure with his mouth to other male, and from then on the young Latinmaster began to sell on the street in the places where the rich had theirreunion places his slaves that sexually would serve their master, but hisprofit with the sale of this first slave was huge because he only had paid tothe parents of this first slaves one thousand Sklavens that was the equivalentto thirty thousand euros

The business of selling young,strong and above all skilled whited slaves to give sexual pleasure kept growingand the street sales were getting bigger due to the slaves qualities and the prices in which he sold them, sincedespite that they were high also theywere cheaper than those in the establishment where the slaves were auctioned,but as expected the auction center owners began to go out to the street to sell their slaves but even doing thatthey couldnt compete with the Latin master prices, since despite that they also had white flesh of excellentquality that they offered to the rich people the prices that they had to paywhen buying those slaves didnt allow them have the profits that the Latinmaster obtained with the slaves sales, but also the Latin master began to facedifficulties because as his slaves were sold fast and his profits were growing get the slaveseach time was harder, due that not all the farmers were poor and therefore theydidnt want sale their sons, and even though the sale of those slaves that wereconsidered as beast of burden was also very fast since almost always they weresold in lots, that kind of sale didnt give the profit of the slaves that wereused as house slaves and that gave sexual pleasure to their masters.

Other thing that the Latin materstarted to notice was that the customers began to request the slaves boys knowas retarded or later that were those slave that still hadnt awaken to lifethat were those slaves that still didnt enter puberty but their age to do ithad already passed, and that type of slaves reached prices still much higherthan the slaves of excellent quality used to give sexual pleasure, but thattype of slaves was much harder to find than the Latin master had thought butstill his search for that kind of slaves was constant and always managed to getone than other, and the demand for those slaves that invariably had to bewhites being considered as exotics was very high, then the Latin master was inthe need to have to breed his own slaves and look for the way to go to otherplaces to get the slaves that he needed and can offer them to his customers, inaddition of having to expand his street sale area and the only solution wasboth keep with the slaves sale on the streets and open an establishment onwhich he could offer his white animals, but above all a breeding farm where hecould make that born the slaves known as retarded or later and that only couldbe gotten buying a enslaved doctor that was expert in genetic and he knew whereto find him, and while was selling his naked male slaves he saw that a whitemaster was mistreating a young black slave that as the other slaves was naked,and something inside him told him that he had to buy that slave because he wasgoing to be very useful to his purposes.

He stopped to talk with the whitemaster and asked him how much he wanted for the black slave since when saw thathe was mistreating him in the street it was because he wanted to sale him, atthe beginning the white master was surprised about the Latin master asked himfor the slave price but then he thought that was a good idea to get rid of theslave since in reality he didnt need him, and he told him that the slavesprice was two hundred fifty Sklavens that was the equivalent to seven thousandfive hundred euros and that was the price in which a waste slave was sold, andfor unknown reasons for the Latin Master the white master wanted to get rid ofthe slave, though in reality in the beginning the white master didnt want salehim but flaunt his power over the wretched black slave in front of all thepassersby, and the Latin master immediately bought him and put the black slaveto pull his cart together with the other white slave, while the slave that hadbeen doing that was sent to the back with the other slaves, and at sunset theyarrived to a hotel where the Latin master's slaves were locked in a smelly barracks while he dined and whenhe was in his room he ordered to one of the hotel's slaves that bring to hisroom the black slave that he had bought that morning.

The black slave was taken chainedimmediately to his master's room and when the hotel's slave had gone the Latinmaster assessed the black animal that he had bought and he considered that hewas of excellent quality because beside that he wasnt ugly he was muscular,and then he asked him the reason why he was being punish in public by his masterand the black slave fearful to be punished again with his had bowed and withthe fear reflected on his voice, told him that by mistake he had fucked anAsiatic virginal slave instead to one that wasnt anymore while he wasevaluating the slaves health, to the Latin master that was very strange but atthe same time that made that he was interested in know more about the blackslave and he asked him if he was a nurse and the slave told him that he wasnthe was a doctor, and that discovery made that the Latin master were yet moreinterested in the black slave and he asked him the reason why he was fucking aslave that he was checking, and the black slave with even more fear told himthat sometimes he was awarded by his master being allowed to fuck a slave aboveall when he had made that his mater earned much money, this was very strangerfor the Latin master who asked him if he could fuck the slaves of the mastersthat took them to be checked, but the black slave told him that he wasntallowed to fuck them and only he could fuck the slaves that belonged to hismaster unless the master of the slave that had been taken to be checked gavehis authorization to fuck him thing that almost never happened, and the Latinmaster asked him if he knew something about slaves genetic and reproductionsand the slave said that he knew very little but he knew why he was asking himthat, and the Latin master amused asked him what was what he knew and the blackslave told him that probably his intention was to put a breed farm to get theslaved called retarded or later.

The Latin master still was moreinterested in the slave but before he could say something the black slavesasked for permission to speak, and told the Latin master that he knew where hecould get that kind of slaves and even he knew where he could buy the enslaved vets that were capable to makethat the slaves could develop late, so the Latin master told him that the nextday they would go to the place where he could get that kind of male slaves andalso those enslaved vets that could help him to reproduce that kind of slaves,but also he warned the slaved that was better for him that what he was tellinghim was true otherwise he would be severely punished and what was awaiting hima part of the punishment was the organs bank, and the slave seriously told tohis new owner that all that he was telling him was true, so the Latin masterasked for the hotel's slave and told him to take back the slave to the smellybarrack where the other slaves were, and after a restful night he got up earlyand he had breakfast and then he made the black slave checked the slaves thatwere his property to be sure that their health was in optimum conditions, andthey were on the road to buy thoseslaves that were so special and that they reached exorbitant prices in theslave market, and he put the black slave with other white slave to pull thecart while the other slaves being chained to the back of the cart hadnt moreoption but jog or walk to the pace that the two ponies that were pulling thecart considering the Latin master wishes, and for the Latin master look at theblack and white slaves buttocks in motion was a real delight but for the blackslave misery as he had been put in chastity since the moment that he had beenbought and not being used to have his cock caged and also cant get a hard onwas a it was a real torture.

After several days on the road andeven buy to several farmer their sons and even sale many of his slaves, they arrived to one of the farms whereaccording to the black slave could be bought the retarder or late young whiteslaves, the naked black slave went with his elegant dressed master to talk withthe father that he was interested to buy his retarded or later sons, and whenhe explained the reason why he was there the Latin master was waiting that thefather didnt want sale them or even kick him out as already had happened withother farmers, but he was surprised that the father let him go into hispoor house and when he called his sons they went out and six of them were twins andimmediately he ordered them to get naked and the boys obediently without sayinga world did what their father was telling them, when they were naked the Latinmaster made a thorough inspection and even with his fingers he touched andmanipulated the tinny cocks and their almost inexistent balls to be sure thattheir balls were real are not false, and he decided buy them and the Latinmaster offered to the father for each boy two thousand Sklavens that was theequivalent to sixty thousand euros for each boy and the father without thinkingtwice accepted the offer, and even the Latin master bough the other sons thathe had and he offered for each boy five hundred Sklavens that was theequivalent to fifteen thousand euros because he hadn't any guarantee that theirbody development was going their brothers, and after chained them together withthe other slaves he continued visiting the other farms buying slaves with thatspecific characteristics, or even those that he considered that he could buyeither as burden beast or to give pleasure to their masters, and after that goto buy the enslaved vets which also took him several days to arrive to theplace where people that had been illegally enslaved were sold, but the Latinmaster now had a dilemma with the retarded or later boys and this was sale themor keep them to breed them and these would be decided by the enslaved vets, butalso he had other thing to think about and that was that he had to bought aplace where keep his slaves to breedthem and even sale them and at the same time keep selling his white slaves onthe streets, but he couldnt be in two places at the same time and it was herewhere the black slave will have a very important roll on his plans.

The Latin master always went backfrom his trip to a house that he had on the city outskirts and there was fewpopulation while his slaves were locked in his garage, but the house now wasntenough to keep his naked white merchandise which despite that it was soldquickly either in lots or individually, also he had to buy it to have nakedflesh to offer and of course he had to have more flesh that he could sale tohave merchandise to offer to his potential buyer, but to establish the breed farm he had to have a specificplace and he needed someone that could administrate and for his good luck thesale of the retarder or later slaves had been a complete success and he hadmanaged to sell them in two hundred thousand each one that was the equivalentto six million euros so his profit had been enormous, though the twins forbeing considering a rarity had been soldeach one in three hundred thousand Sklavens that was the equivalent to ninemillion euros and he was surprise that the rich people paid such amount ofmoney only to show others how rich they were, although he in reality now was excessively rich thanks to the offspringproduced by the cum of the poor whites or those that werent interested intheir soon and those that had fallen indisgrace being enslaved illegally or legally as well, so one day he ordered to go where he was the naked black slave thatwas the only one that hadnt been sold since he had bought him with theexception of the enslaved vets, that were in charge to take out the cum formthe bodies of the white slaves that were going to be sold and keep them frozenso later they could artificially inseminate the white females that he wouldbuy, and after fucked that impressive black animal that he kept in chastity andwas in charge to train the slaves that were going to be sold as pleasure salvesto serve their masters as a houseboys, keep in order and punished the whitemerchandise that his master sold, and that all the slaves with only see himwere terrified because they didnt know if he was going to punish them or notbecause wasnt necessary that the wretched white slaves did something wrong tobe brutally punished, told him that he was going to buy a farm and he needed anadministrator and as he had shown him that he was a loyal slaves he was goingto be the administrator but that doesnt mean that he was going to be freedsince he still was going to be his slave.

The slave wasnt capable tounderstand all that his mater was telling him since he was wondering how hecould be an administrator and at the same time be a slave when theadministrator had to attend the free people and he was a slave and he couldntconsider himself as an equal with the free citizens, the Latin master when sawthe slave confusion laughing told him that any free citizen that visited thefarm was going to know that he was a slave because when he was attending themhe was going to be fully dressed although he had forbidden wear underwear, alsohe wouldnt wear the chastity device since that this was a prize for be hisloyalty and he could fuck any of the enslaved vets and any of the slaves thatwas going to be sold as burden beast, but what he had strictly forbidden wasfuck the slaves that were going to be sold as houseboys and that were going togive sexual pleasure to their masters or any other slave that he as his masterprohibited him to fuck, despite that he was going to be dressed in the presenceof the visitor when nobody else was there he would have to be all the timenaked and only he would be allowed wearpants in the presences of other slaves when he was supervising their breeding,if a master had sent a slave to inspect the white animals that were sold at the breeding farm or even if awhite meat merchants went, that class of customer he would have to attend onlywearing the pants and the boots but when attending wealthy customer he wouldhave to be fully dressed so the thought that he was a free citizen, in additionthat the wealthy customers he would attend them in the luxury area that wasgoing to be built, while the slaves and the white flesh merchants although theywere rich they had to be attended in the farm's worst places since to the slaves he wasnt to show anykind of consideration, and the merchants due that they once had despised himand then they had tried to steal him his customers they didn`t deserve any kind of considerationeither, but he also warned him that if he fucked a slave that was considered asexcellent quality or any that he had forbidden him to do it the consequencesthat he would have to face would be terrible, and the black salve very happythanked his master kissing his feet for what he was doing because was verystrange that a slave was given such privilege that even treat as equals thefree citizens, in addition that when was necessary he was going to be allowedto eat at the same table with his master and he would be allowed to eat the same food that his mater eat althoughin different place.

Several years had passed and theLatin master business is one of the most prosperous, he still is selling hisslaves on the streets in the area where the rich people live and meet while hisblack slave is in charge of the sales at the farm or by internet, because therich didnt buy the slaves to anyone else than him despite that they know thathe has now his own establishment but it's still very erotic see the naked slavespulling the cart or following it chained to it, even the Latin master someyears later he buy back the twins that he sold considered as exotics becausethey were considered inside the category or retarded or later, and now he hasthem as stallions in his farm and they already had produced very good pigletslitters and even several of them have been twins and have been inside of theretarded or later category, and the best of all is that he bought them payingthe price that was payed the slavesconsidered as a scrap or waste when their rich master were tired of them, andnow the six twins are exhibited naked in the streets as ponies pulling theirmaster's cart, and the Latin master enjoys looking at the muscular twins naked beautiful buttocks in motion whilethey're pulling the cart on the city streets, but of course he has otherintention that the rich people see his slaves' cocks moving from one side toother or even up and down since when the ponies are pulling the cart thechastity is removed so their sexual organs can be seen in all their glory, aswell as his buttocks and despite that the twins are not very handsome they aregood looking animals and they have their appeal, and even among the slaves thathe sales on the streets are the piglets that still hadnt awakened to life orslaves that were considered as retarded or later produced in his farm and thathave had great acceptance between his customers, but his sales in the breedingfar are very good as well and the black slave has shown be a loyal slave andvery responsible that he knows treat very well the customers, but the slavesand the dealers and even the human flesh merchants are treated by him withcontempt.

In those moments at the breedingfarm the black slave was in an abandoned construction that his Latin master hadbought and that he hasn't remodeled it and neither he was interested to do itbecause is where they receive the despicable slaves send by their masters toinspect the merchandise that he sales, or even the slaves dealers o human fleshmerchants supervising the breeding process of two eighteen years old dark brownhaired white male slaves that one is laying on the filthy floor and the otherin full fours, and one twenty one years old dark brown haired female slave thatalso is in full fours position taking care that the two males are sexuallyaroused so the males fuck the female and at the same time the males fuck eachother, the black administrator before take the two males to the building fuckedthe two young males since they were studs in the farm and they werent flesh forsale, although he knew that his Latin master very soon was going to sale theslave that was sucking his fellow slave cock because he didnt produced theamount of tadpoles (spermatozoids) that his master demanded in comparison withthe other slaves including the twins so he could be considered as a productiveslave, but of course the slave didnt know anything of that and the blackoverseer already was wearing the pants and the boots and was supervising theslaves while they did what they were told, but the female slave didn't belongto the farm but she was the slave of an Asian master which had chosen those twoslaves that were going to impregnate the female slave, and the duty of theimpressive black slave was be sure that first the female wasn't going to befucked by any other boy that werent the two slaves that the Asiatic master hadchosen and for whose cum production he had paid, and second to supervise thatthe two chosen slaves were who fucked the slave girl to guarantee that theresultant offspring was produced by one the two slaves cum.

While the young male slaves thatwas on the floor laying on his back was kissed by the enslaved female and hiscock was sucked by the other male, in that same place was immobilized a twentyyears olds dark brown haired male slave that was looking at the windows givinghis back to the black administrator and the other slaves, he has his arms fullyextended over his head and his wrist were chained to a tubes that were over hishead and his arms fully extended to the sides and his legs also were wide a part and his ankles were chained to woodenposts, and for his desperation and discomfort a part to have been many time inthat position was applying to him an enema while the water slowly was goinginto his body filling his rectum and guts, this was because a human fleshmerchant was interested in buying him and he was being prepared for theinspection that would take place few hours later in that same place, but theblack administration loved make suffer his master's whites slaves having themin very uncomfortable positions for hours and in this case even he had put inthe slave's anus an irritating substance as a punishment because he had daredto look at look him to the eyes for few seconds without authorization, andadded to the discomfort of the situation that the slave was facing and for the enemabecause the water slowly was felling his guts he had to endure the unbearableitching that he had in his anus and that he was powerless to do something toget a relief, and his head position resting on his stretched left arm indicatedthe slave suffering degree.

On the right of this slaves were other whiteslave of his same ages and with the same hair color that had already gonethrough the same process and who was on the inspection position and in in fewminutes more will be inspected by aslave dealer that had been interested in the slave when he saw him in thestreet chained to his Latin master chart , although the position where he wasforced to be wasnt comfortable because the slaves was standing, but his torso was bend forwards and his wristswere chained together to a post that wasin the middle of the wooden frame in the lower part, and the post was in themiddle of the frame and its high only arrived to the slave's waist , his legs werewide opened to the sides and his ankles chained to the wooden frame and beinghis waist leaning on the horizontal post that was supported by the verticalpost to which the slave's writs were chained, his anus, prominent perineum,balls and schlong were completed exposed and as the other slave the black administrator had put on his anus theirritant substance but not only on his anus but on the glans too because as theother slaves he had dared to look at him to the eyes for an instant, and theseslaves werent wearing the chastity due to the inspection that soon they would have to face.

But not only in that abandonedbuilding where the Latin master received the potential buyers that he despisedwere those slaves, also in that place on the right side where the slaves thatwere going to fuck the female slave were caged other two black haired whiteslaves, with their hands cuffed on their backs and with their ankles cuffed aswell and as the other slaves they were naked but they were seated and whittheir legs flexed and separated because they couldnt stretched them, inaddition they were seated because they couldnt change their position and formany hours they had been like that due to the long trip that they had to dofrom the place where they had been bought until the Latin master breeding farm ,one of them was a twenty years old black haired young male with middle sizelight brown colored nipples and the other a twenty five years old with the samehair color and with same nipples size but the color was more darker brown, bothslaves were wearing the collar and were completely exhausted and on their facercould be seen their suffering and desperation to have been slaved and betreated on such cruel way and they couldn`t understand yet why they weretreated like that, the younger slave'suncut cock had a piercing named prince albert and had put on his cock a verybig stainless steel ring that made impossible that he could fuck other male'sanus and mouth, and the older slave had been put in chastity what prevents himto have a hard on.

But what had amused the freecitizen that had seen them inside the cage and even the courier company thathad taken them to the Latin master farm, was that this white animalsshamelessly and with any modesty having their legs separated were showing tothe free citizen their sexual organs and anuses, but like they said what couldbe expected from an animals like them that they didnt know what was the modestywithout considering that the slaves were so traumatized because they had beenenslaved and very tire as well, that the only thing that in those moments theywanted was find a more comfortable position to try to ease their sufferingsince they couldnt move or change position, their backs were leaning on thebars hurting them, their toes were touching the front bars but they could findsome relief since they could put them between the bars so they werent all thetime folded when touching the bars, and at least their buttocks were on thecage's hard stainless steel and despite that they werent good looking theLatin master had bought them because one of them knew about animal genetic andcould be used in the slaves breeding, and the young was a nurse and he couldhelp in the slaves pup birth and take care of the slaves that were sick orhurt, and for those wretched slaves they wouldnt be taken out of the cageuntil the black administrator wanted to fuck them ramming his impressive cock intothose slaves t little and small virginal anuses while with pleasure he wouldhear them scream in pain, and then take them with the other vets so they beganto work with them while they were closely watched by the black administratorand the slaves that he had put as overseers that they didnt think twice aboutpunishing a slave if they considered that wasnt doing the things as he wastold, but at the moment the only thing that the slaves wanted was sleep andrest a bit despite how uncomfortable they were thing that they hadnt been able to do in the transport, and theirclosed eyes and their bowed heads showing that they were dozing and in othercircumstances the black administrator would never have allowed that tohappened.

And finally chained to a postwere four naked mature white females that had been taken to the farm to bepregnant, and their hands were stretched over their heads and their wristschained to the top part of the post, the could move their feet and only theyhad hair on their heads, and they were blond, redhead and black haired, and infew hours more their breeding process would begin, and the black administratorhad charged a good amount of money for the cum produced by the farm slaves'balls which were going to be used to inseminate these females, but unlike whatwas happening in the other side of room where the naked females were chained tothe post where the two young males were going to fuck the female to pregnanther, and this made that the four chained female were smiling because they werethinking that as the female that was kissing the young male that was laying onthe floor they were going to be fucked by other males, when in reality itwasn`t be like that because the black administrator in few hours more when thefemales were tire and in no mood to be fucked he was going to order to theenslaved vets to bring to that place the fucking machines that were going tofuck the females, and the dildos that would fuck them by their pussies would beso big that instead to give them pleasure would cause them pain in additionthat he had ordered that also they were fucked by their anuses by thick dildosconnected to the machines, so their experience in the farm was the lesspleasant as possible, since what mattered was that they were pregnant and not thatthey enjoyed having sex and being chained all the time to the post until theirmaster arrived for them was going end up doing that it was a very unpleasantexperience for them, and this was the first time that in the farm that thenaked slaves were artificially inseminated in this way since always they were put onauscultation beds with stirrups andtheir ankles were tied up to them and their legs were wide opened, and then astallion was taken there so he could fuck her while the stallion was fucked eitherby the black administrator or an enslaved white overseer, and this new way topregnant the females was going to be a complete success that was going tocontinue practicing in the farm to avoid that the males had a sexualintercourse with the females, unless this contacts were for shows that theLatin master decided give to the visitors which could see how a male salvesfucked a female paying an entrance fee.

But for the black administratorhis favorite slaves to fuck are the twins and their descendants since theirsmall and rounded buttocks and their pinkish anuses give to his huge black cockmuch pleasure because even though that his cock expands to the maximum theiranuses, always being in their rectums he feels them tight and he loves how theanus enfolds his black cock, in addition that he loves hear the slaves screams inpain when their anuses are expanded to the maximum to allow his manhood goinside, and of course the other slaves that the black administrator is allowedto fuck are thankful for that because they dont like be fucked by that hugecock for the pain that it causes them, but what the black administrator can dowith all the slaves is order them to suck his cock to receive pleasure from theinferior whites and above all the slaves that are going to serve as pleasureslaves to their masters and train them in the fellatio art, and is fun for theblack administrator see how the slaves that are in chastity try to lick theircocks to give them some pleasure and when he sees them doing that he spankedthem very hard and noisily causing that the slaves screams in pain, and all theslave in the farm have to wear the chastity without exception only those thattheir cocks are still developing dont use it but are very close watched unlessthe Latin master said otherwise, but any of the slaves including theadministrator know is that the Latin master soon will arrive with a veryhandsome boy that is his son and he was born of a very pretty withe slave andthat the boy already was freed by him and nobody knows what the origin of theboy is, which being mestizo and not belonging at all to the white race is goingto be the one that will inherit his father's business, and like him he'llcontinue buying and breeding white slaves without ever knowing that he was bornbeing a slave and he had to be freed and that his mother was a white slave.

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Next: Chapter 408: Granjas De Crianza 3

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