Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 30, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Other winner and defeated insidethe Experiment, the Alfa male is taking his right as the dominant over the defeatedmale urinating on him, each Alfa has a different way to control his submissive,in this case the Alfa male's instinct made him urinate to mark him with hisodor after has fucked the one that he defeated physically.

However the dominant male urinesmell won ´t be on the submissive body for long, but on the defeated brain willstay for ever and he'll serve the dominant male until one of them dies or the alfamale is defeated by other stronger male, in the case that the alfa dies or ishunted by a Herma the submissive or beta will be free again, but his alfa maleis defeated by other male the submissive won`t have other option but be theslave of the new Alfa male and the former Alfa and he will be his submissive.

The submissive is jerking off tooffer to his dominant his cum and the proteins that he can produce, and by hisside the Alfa once he has finished to urinate on the submissive, he'll forcehim to suck his cock to obtain pleasure and give the submissive the proteinsthat he needs as well.

However being the beta male orsubmissive has many disadvantages because he becomes the slave of the winnermale or alfa and he is under his whim about what he wants to do with him, andthe most important point is the sexual domination where practically thesubmissive becomes in the alfa's cum deposit, beside that he can be mistreatedor if the alfa male considers him a sexual rival even he can be castrated andthe scientists can't still understand at all how is possible that a human beenthat by his own nature in his normal environment fights to be successful, inthe experiment can be affected by the radiation in such way that if he loses afight with other male for the supremacy and is anally fucked then he becomes ina docile servant allowing to his dominator to do what he wants with him, althoughother thing that is an object to study by the scientists is the reason why when a male is anallypenetrated and he fells the penetration pain the fucked male stops to fight andinstantly he becomes the slave of the penetrator and therefore his dominator.

These two young nineteen yearsold black haired white males had decided to live in the high parts of theisland, where the weather and the water were very cold and despite to be nakedthe weather hadnt affect their health and they were healthy, though if thealfa considered necessary they went down to the lower parts of the island wherethe weather was tropical walking huge distances, and although there were lesswild naked humans living in the cold parts of the island, if was necessary theyalso moved to those areas to be safe from their depredator although the greatinconvenience of going to the high areas, was that the only thing that could befound in abundance was the water because all their food that consisted in thevegetation that were the fruits and the plans was scarce but even there they werent safe of theirdepredator the Hermas, that by feeding on them they followed to any part of theisland to hunt the naked human males where they went and feed on them.

These two naked males had alreadybe fucked by other males that were bigger and stronger than them and thereforethey had become in their slaves, but both of them had had the luck to be freedby the Hermas when they hunted their naked masters and with horror and fearthey had seen how the terrible depredators attacked the males that in thosemoments were controlling their lives, and they put their heads inside theirbodies in the zone known as the washer and they walked away dragging the bodiesof their wretched victims, and the reason why the Hermas had decided hunt theirdominators and not them was because their masters had much bigger balls thanthey and while they could engulf them they feed on their cum, and if the nakedwild human males had bigger the balls that meant more cum production and morejizz to be feed, and considering that the Hermas wanked ruthlessly their preysto feed on their spunk while they could swallow them the more milk produced thebetter for the Herma and the balls size was a determining factor for the Hermato choose which human male animal is going to hunt.

The young male that had beenpissed by his dominator at the moment to be freed by the Herma wasnt the onlymale that was with his master, since a male puppy also was with them and the puppyunlike these naked teenager was being protected by the stronger animal andwasnt his slave, so when both the pup and him were alone this slaved decidedprotect the puppy as long as he didnt become his sexual rival and thathappened when the puppy's balls began to produce cum and his body smell changedcaused by the hormones that now were in his blood, and without exception thepup was sent away from the male that was protecting him whether if he was hisbiological father or some male that had decided protect him without matteringif the dominant male was alone, with his slave or even with a family and If hehad females with his slaves , because the wild human males didnt fight withthe puppies for the sexual supremacy but they sent them away so now they couldface life alone and the danger that the wild life brought such as can be huntedby a puppy Herma that was looking for food, or even by an older Herma and whilehe was with both his father or protector he had to learn the techniques to canhide and flee from his depredator, as well as detect him beside to learn tofight in case that he found other fertile puppy male of his same age or in hisrange to avoid be anally fucked and become into his slave.

When these two males meet tofight and the one that was with the pup lost the fight and was anallypenetrated and enslaved, the blond pup could stay with them for few days morebecause for his misfortune in those moments he began to produce cum and his bodyodor changed and the dominant male when he detected that the pup was alreadysexually fertile and thus a sexual rival he kicked him out from the group andthe pup didnt have more choice to goand have the solitary life that the naked wild human males had, since now being able to survive depended on him sincehe had to get his own food and protect himself avoiding be hunted by a Herma oravoid to encounter with other male of his same age range and have to fight withhim if he was already fertile, though if he felt strong enough he could try tofight and try to dominate other little male and turn him into his slave or evenif he found other puppy that was alone and still he wasnt fertile protect himuntil his balls began to produce cum and send him away to avoid to fightagainst he, or if they were of the same age fight among them to determinate whowould be the alfa male and the beta since that early age.

But now only time will say whichis going to be the fate of these two naked males, if they are hunted by theHermas, if the alfa male keeps adding slaves to his groups, if he is defeatedby other male and he and his slaves become the new dominant male's slaves, orif the beta male is hunted by a Herma or he manages to get his freedom if hisalfa male is hunted by a Herma and that was what already had happened to hislast master, and this is what keeps fascinated the scientists the way in thatthe wild life take charges to keep the equilibrium without the need the humansdirectly intervene in the life of this naked humans that were turn by theradiations to wild animals, and this is the reason why they have decided thatthe experiment continues.

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Next: Chapter 418: El Experimento 19

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