Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 6, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Capture the naked wild whiteyshad become one of the now black master favorite activities which merciless theygo into the jungles, forest and even beaches to hunt the wild whiteys that forcenturies after they lost the power live as wild animals, but this activitiesis only for men, because the black women stay in their houses enjoying theluxury that now gives them be the dominant race, an even many of the technicsto hunt, dominate and tame the wildwhiteys were learnt form the Latinos that were the first to begin to hunt andenslave the whitey since their fall down.

Even many blacks take their sonswith them so they can also hunt the naked white pups and they can have theirown slaves of their same age getting the ability to hunt them, but in the artto hunt the whiteys the Latinos have been better than the blacks, because theirancestors were expert hunters and warriors and how they inherited this ability from them knowing how to move quietly in thejungle to avoid that the naked white animals are going to detect them, and whenthey see a naked white animal, whether puppy, young or adult male or femalethey follow him so they're taken them to the herd and they can hunt morewhiteys, even though many times this doesn`t happen and they have to conformhunting only the whitey that they have seen or the small group with whom theymeet while being away from the herd, and generally the white teenage boys arethe most careless and are who cause that their friends and even all the herd isdiscovered and hunted.

The naked white animals when theyreleased that they had been discovered and feel in danger they begin to runterrify in all directions causing that many times they collide with themselvesand fall to the ground becoming an easy prey for their hunters both Latin orblacks, an even for the Latin and blacks sons is funny see run in alldirections the naked bodies and looking at how the females tits are moving, orhow the males cocks and balls are moving like creasy up and down or in circleand even bouncing while they are running trying to escape from danger, and evenis very erotic look at the males buttocks moving while they run terrified dueto the fear and even both the males and females pee shamelessly while they arerunning for the terror they are experiencing while the Latinos and blackshunters are shooting at them the darts with sedatives, but this is not allbecause the naked whiteys that have managed to escape still have to rid onelast trap that are the nets that the hunters have put, so they can be trappedby them and be hunted or the holes dug in the ground inside the forest but noso far where the herd lives, and this is the reason why all the members of thediscovered herd are trapped or almost all of them, but when they are smallgroups of two teenage boys up to ten or adults or sometimes more, the way thatthey are hunted is shutting at them dart with sedatives, although the Latinshave a very effective system that was followed by the blacks, and it is whenthey see the naked whiteys small groups talking, eating or even having sexbetween them, they begin to make noisesthat the wild animals of the area make to approach without being detected, andwithout thinking twice they shoot to them, without the whiteys even noticedthat they are there and generally all of them are hunted, but if they miss thenthe exiting persecution begins, and all will depend on both the ability of thenaked whitey to move in the forest or jungle and between the trees to canescape, or the Latin or black hunter ability to hunt his prey and take the bodyof the hunted naked whitey as a reward.

But there is a ritual that theLatin have and the blacks have followed once a whitey has been hunted, and thisis to pile the bodies on top of each other avoiding that the naked whites aregoing to suffocate and measure the bodies, the females are measured the sizesof their pussy slits the sizes and diameter of their tits and their nipplesdiameter, and the males is measure the sizes of their cocks in flaccid stateand the diameter, if they are not circumcised the sizes of their stretchedforeskin, the wide and large of the scrotum bag, as the large and wide of eachball, the circumference of each nipple, the large and wide of each pectoral,and both for the males and females their anuses diameters, and then they aretaken to the Tame or Maturity Centers to be trained as slaves and be put for saleor being delivered to their hunters even though in some cases the same hunterstraining them.

These thirty years old bald andblond crackers were captured several days ago together with other teenage maleswhen they were practicing a sexual ceremony, and now they are in a Tame Centerbeing trained, their Latin trainers had tied them up to a machine that is usingdildos to fuck them, however for the new slaves this experience is being anunpleasant one because before they were put to be fucked by the machine theyhad been masturbated several times, with the purpose that they weren ´t hornyand the experience wasn't pleasant.

A Latin guard is keeping a closeeye on them to avoid that they tried to move, however the two crackers alreadyknow that is better be still because the punishment that would follow laterwould be much worse than bare the pain that they are feeling now, but whittheir faces are trying to tell the superior Latin to end the torture but ofcourse he is not going to do that.

The training purpose is teach thewild whiteys that have sex is not for their pleasure but for the enjoyment oftheir master without mattering what they are feeling, but the two cracker arevery confused because despite that they are feeling pain while the machine isfucking them restless, their irritated cocks because they were jerked offseveral times before they were put on the machine are again hard, while intheir wild life that didn ´t happen, since when they were sexually satisfiedthey walked away and in very rare occasions they had another erection on suchshort time, and they don ´t understand despite that they are feeling pain whytheir cocks are hard, but before the training of that day with the machineends, something very unpleasant is still awaiting them , the guard is going tojerk them off again but only touching their sensitive glands, and the slaveswill try to stop him with their hands, but every time that they try to stop himthey're going to be severely punished, until they learnt that a master cantouch their bodies when he wants and do with them what he wants.

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Next: Chapter 425: Chicos Tontos 32

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