Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 27, 2019


This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This Herma has just finishedingesting a young male that he hunted several days ago and he kept theunfortunate boy's head trapped inside his body in a zone named "the washer". Now he's expelling from his body the excessoff the viscose liquid similar to the human cum, that he produced to feed butat the same time to intoxicate his victim while he was softening the victim'sscull bones, and the body could go directly to his stomach from a part of hisbody very similar to a vagina and the victim's body was pushed inside by hisvulva and buttocks muscles, this Hermawon't need to eat for two days, but right now he is smelling the air to see ifhe can find his next victim.

The Scientist have seen that theprogram named "The Experiment" has proportionated a biological and ecological equilibrium, however theparticipants show a collateral effect, they are not behaving anymore as humansbut as animals guided by their instincts, but for them is a mystery how somehuman males become in wild animals living naked and they become the prey, and how other become in Hermas that also livenaked and they are their depredators beside that now there is a seconddepredator that is called "The Beast" that is the depredator of both the humansand the normal Hermas, and even he takes the opportunity to hunt the Herma thatalready has trapped in his washer his prey's head.

This twenty five years old blackhaired young Herma with middle size dark brown nipples and with washer stomach,while he was living in the society he worked putting in and out the baggageinto the airplanes' cargo compartment and even how in the society where he wasliving the slavery was already reintroduced, he put into the special cages thatwere in the cargo compartment and took out the naked slaves where he simplepiled them up and closed the cage to avoid that they could move during theflight and they were going to hurt, but for his misfortune he was chosen to besent to the experiment when he was unfairly blamed that a cage opened during aflight and the slaves in their desperation to escape accidentally opened the cargocompartment door, causing a decompressive explosion forcing the plane to makean emergency landing and all the slaves were sucked outside the plane, anddespite that he wasn`t the one that had put the slaves into the cage of thatplane he was accused of negligence and be chosen to be sent to the experimentwhere his life would change for ever, and instead to keep being rational hewould come in a wild animal living naked and all the time and hunting othermales like him to feed and stay alive.

But this Herma in particular thatis ready to shit while is sniffing the air to find other prey had made that oneon the scientist felt in love with him, and despite that he's muscular and hismuscular development is pleasant the scientist that felt in love with him isseriously thinking to take him to the laboratories that they have in theisland's safe zone and study him and see how being in a zone where there arentradiations can affect his body, and evenwhile hes being subject of study they would capture all the wild naked humanmales that were necessary to feed him, and also study how would affect to oneof the naked wild human males not being into the radiation area, but despitethat several scientists agreed with that idea other are against because they dontknow the consequences that this might bring since they dont know the behaviorof these wild animals that once were humans might have, and many of them eventhey fear that their lives are in danger if they did that but also there is the situation that the experiment isa scientific study where they are looking for have super men, and although theycouldnt get exactly that, they got that there is a society of wild humansecologically self-sustaining and they don't want alter that in the island,although the scientist that felt in love with this Herma true intentions iskeep him near him and touch him and he has the hope that his behavior is docileand he can at first kiss him and stimulate him caressing his buttocks andstimulating his prostate and get that he takes out his balls and cock and thenhe can have oral and anal sex with him and discover how sensible is him likingand caressing his nipples, perineum and thighs, although of course hiscolleagues doesnt know his realintentions.

But these Herma beside to belooking for other naked male human of any age to hunt him sniffing the air verysoon that afternoon will have sex with other Herma with breeding purposes,though he's going to breed the other Herma he is not going to get pregnantbecause he is not going to be enough stimulated so his rectum opens and thecock of the other herma will not go into the clit chamber and is going to cuminto his rectum, and the scientist's jealousy who is irrationality in love witha wild animal will be so strong that himself is wondering what this so fearedanimal has that had made that he felt in love hopelessly with him, and one ofhis main worries which he wants take the Herma to the place where thescientists live is that hes afraid that one of the Beast hunts him and hebecomes in his food, but at the same time the scientists have doubts that thisdepredator can feel love or can have any kind of similar feeling, since onlythe Hermas are interested in other Hermas when they need breeding and althoughif they cross their paths they dont fight between them in reality never he hasseen that they even pay attention each other, even he knows that thisdepredator would not attack him because he has not been affected by the radiations and the smell that his bodyissues doesn`t indicate this depredator that he could be a prey with which tofeed, and he knows that because he has seen that with the newly arrived malesto the experiment while the radiation change them either in the naked wildhuman animals or in Hermas despite the Hermas pass close to them do not attackthem.

But before to face the hard taskto convince his colleagues to bring this depredator to live in the safe zone tostudy him he has to make some research about to see what is better for his wildimpossible love either taking a way the radiation slowly or immediately, sincethey dont have research about this situation and he doesnt know which wouldbe the effects on this beautiful depredator, but also he's in a crossroads to want have him close to him and try thatthe Herma fell in love with him and might cause him a irreparable damage, orlet him live wildly and have faith that he isnt going to be hunted by one ofthe Beats, since one part of he tells him that want him close and other tellshis that live him as he is. And for this blond scientist that has theHerma same ages love had become in something tremendously hard since by oneside wants close to him these depredator that once was a man to can enjoy hiscompanion and his body and also make researches about it is possible breed him,and by other side leave him like hes now and just conform to see him every dayby the cameras and observing his beautiful buttocks moving while hes walkingor running to hunt a prey and feed, and see how his balls are bouncing on his thighs and his cock moves like creasy from once sideto other or in circles, and enjoy the spectacle when hes having sex with otherHerma with breeding purposes while the jealousy consume him and the desperationabout can`t have him beside him makes that he wants him more and more, andunfortunately for this scientist love is not a splendor thing.

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Next: Chapter 437: Born Wild 33

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