Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 17, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The black masters has seen theutility of the young white slaves servicing them in their business, thepurchase of these white beasts to serve them as office boys or even those witheducation as secretaries or advisors of their black masters in the businessdifferent branches, the new whites enslaved that come for import to thatcountry they're confused without understand at all what is going on, becausemost of them were kidnapped or sentenced by a judge a life time slavery becausethey had committed antisocial behavior such as being making too much noise atnight in a party, or when going through a police control they were detectedwith alcoholic breath or even because they had protested in their schools forsomething that they disliked it and only in very few cases because they werecriminals, but most of them had been kidnaped because they were good studentsand they fulfilled the demands of the black masters' requirements, about owingslaves that werent beast of burden and make them perform heavy works but theyspoke several languages and that they were white slaves that was hard to findin their country with these characteristics, since despite that the boy of thatcountry believed that they were the best they really didnt know anything whenthey were compared with the boys of other countries and only they were usefulto be used as burden beast and put to serve in the most indignant and heavyjobs.

Each month arrived to the countrytrains, cargo airplanes, ships and trucks with this class of young white slavesthat arrived traumatized for the long and painful journey that they had to facebeing locked completely naked in cargo compartments or cages, and when theywere unloaded they didn`t put any kind of resistance and curiously and for theslave dealers amusement they tried to be together with the boys that theyalready knew, because sometimes friends and even relatives were kidnaped orsentenced by a judge to life time slavery at the same time or those that theyhad met into the transport and despite of the short time that they had beentogether being misfortune fellows had made that they were friends, but whatmore amused to those dealers was see how those foolish boys tried to covertheir nakedness putting their hands on their cocks and balls and how they tryto be close of someone and even they ran to get their goal, unknowingly thatvery soon they would be put apart to end with their naïve security to be closeof someone that they knew and that never again they were going to see himunless they were bought by the same master or another master who knew hismaster, once they were out of the transport they were formed so firstly theytook a shower and take away the pestilence and the dirt of their bodies, thenthe physic and medical evaluation of their bodies was done such as the racewhich they belonged, high, weight, color of skin, hair and eyes the sizes oftheir pectorals, they physical capacity when exercising, the size of the cockboth in large and wide in both state hard or flaccid, the sizes of their ballsand how low they were hanging, the type of buttocks, and if they were cut oruncut and in case to be uncut the type of foreskin they have, tip one thatcorresponded to those foreskins that cover the glans without going beyond it,type two that cover the glans and hide it and type three where the prepuce skin was excessively large and coveredbeyond the glans.

Twenty thousand imported male slaveshad arrived to the country to be sold at the different auction centers eventhough most of them as it was expected were beasts of burden that were going tobe put to work performing the hardest and strenuous jobs exposed to all kind ofweather, and was very probably that many of them were sold as a lot in thedifferent auctions centers to which the government would assig them by draw,beforehand the slaves with college knowledge that could serve in the businessadministrative areas where the mostwanted and at the same time the less, so all the slaves dealers wanted to havethe highest number of this kind of slaves and sale them and this was the reasonwhy by a draw the slaves were distributed after their classification to thedifferent human flesh merchants, and then their bodies were permanentlydepilated without touching the head hair and the pubes only were trimmed andwithout touching other part of their bodies were exhibited to the potentialbuyers, which despite that they needed that kind of merchandise they didn`t buythe first slave that they inspected but they were very selective since in manytimes the slave apart to have to fulfill the knowledge requirements they haveto be pleasant to the sight and in manytimes handsome, and if was necessary the masters that were looking for a slavesend their scouts to go to the different slaver dealers establishments in townbut even around the country to see if they found the desire slaves.

An eighteen years old blackhaired white slave with green eyes that had been kidnaped while he was in hispledge period because he wanted to belong to one of the several brotherhoodsand he was in his probationary time to see if he was accepted, has spotted by ascout that belonged to one of the organizations that was in charge to kidnapthe boys illegally and then sale them as slave legally while he was servicingto the brotherhood members as a waiter half-naked, and it wasn't hard kidnaphim because after the midnight practically all the brothers were drunk and theydidnt realized what was going on around them, and this pledge responsibility apart to serve them was prevent them to go out to the street drunks because theyknew that the police was close to immediately stop them and detect the alcoholicbreath and enslave them, the scouts as usual were invited to the differentparties that the brotherhoods had and avoiding to get drunk and then they canchose their victims and follow them until they had the chance to kidnap them,but in this wretched boy case and other five more boys that were as him pledgesand were servicing they could bekidnaped immediately, while other members of the brotherhood no longer havingsomeone to take care of them they went out drunk and also were enslaved whenthey were arrested by the police, even though after what happened to this boyand the other five misfortune fellows when they were kidnaped that night andthe arrest of several brotherhood brothers and have to face a judge the thingchanged, and now the brotherhoods were much more careful about their parties toavoid what that night happened, while this wretched slave was trying stop thatone of the members of the brotherhood tried to go out to the street drunken andwas arrested by the police, in his half-naked body he felt a sting on his neckwhile he was trying to stop that the brotherhood member went out to the streetand he turned around and he was surprised to see who had done that, and he sawa smiling young Asiatic which had the syringe in his hand and forgetting thebrotherhood member he tried to punch hisattacker but what this wretched young man didnt know, was that the drug effectthat had been injected in him was almost immediately and before that he couldreach his attacker he lost consciousness, and when he woke up he was locked ina cargo wagon that was full of naked bodies, some of them already awake andother still sound asleep and between them was his attacker naked body thatstill was on the floor drugged, and when he was fully conscious but dizzy herealized that the train was already in motion with his naked cargo lockedinside the wagon towards to unknown destination.

The trip inside the wagon was areal torture because never was it opened and it lasted several days and manymembers of the brotherhood and the other five pledges were with him in the samewagon together with other boys that they didnt know, so they found out many ofthem had locked inside the wagon several days and they come from othercountries and the smell inside the wagon was nauseating, and both the enslavedbrotherhood members by the judge after the knew what had happened together withthe pledges tried to hit the young Asiatic boy, who couldn't understand why hewas locked inside that wagon naked with the other boys that were going to besold as slaves but they were stopped by other boys that were in the wagon andthey warned them about don't try to do something foolish, since the wagon floorwas electrified and if the guards detected any riot inside the wagon and theypointed out several cameras that were protected the would electrified the floorand was something that everyone wanted to avoid, and in those moments all thenaked boys screamed by the pain and they began to jump trying to not to touchthe floor since the guards had activated the electric energy and from the floorthey were giving them electric discharges to the naked bodies, but fortunately this was very short and thebrotherhood members understood that was better dont do anything stupid andthey all sat down together while they asked to the Asiatic boy the reason whyhe had done that, and the boy told them because he was well paid and in ironicway they made fun of him telling him that which had been the purpose of make alot of money if now he was naked and locked with them and on their way to besold as slaves, although some of those boys that had been kidnaped still theyhad the hope that as soon as they arrived to the border they were rescued butthe other boys that came from other countries told them that this never wouldhappen , since the wagon never was inspected and despite that they had shoutedto the customs officials that they had been kidnaped never they put attentionto them and in addition how the wagons stink nobody wanted to get close it, butthese wretched boys didnt know that the documents that were shown to theborder guards when carrying slaves that were enslaved legally by a judge then theysupposed that all the naked bodies that were locked inside the wagon also hadbeen legally enslaved, and if any custom or immigration officer wanted verifythat effectively the enslavement orders matched with the naked bodies that wereinside the wagon, the stench that the wagon issued made them think twiceapproaching it and they accepted the report and so the wretched slaves crossedthe border without anyone doing something for all those that had been kidnapedand illegally enslaved to avoid that they faced such tragic destiny.

To shit and piss inside the wagonthe naked boys had to go to one of the four corners where there were four holesand while to piss they could do it standing to shit they had to squat and putapart as much as possible their legs so their buttocks cold be as lower aspossible, and the anus was exactly over the small hole but the trains movementsmade that the piss and even the shit many times didnt felt into the hole andwere inside the wagon in addition that the slaves didnt have anything to cleantheir butts, and to eat on both side of the wagon in the central part were aspecial places that were isolated form the rest of the wagon, where outside thewagon slaves put food, and the slaves had to put their heads inside of that special place andbeing in full fours they had to eat without using their hands only their moths and they had to eat all the foodand drink the liquid that they were given and that they needed so desperatelysucking it from a dildo and then allow that other slave took his place untilall the slaves were fed, and this process was exasperating slow since all theslaves had to be fed otherwise they were punished with the electric dischargesand each time that a slave was fed was put on his forehead a fluorescent mark,and the slaves had to wait standing with their hands behind their heads in rowswith their heads lifted up so the guards by the cameras could verify that allthe slaves had been fed and have drunk the liquid.

The slaves that were being feedcould see the naked bodies of the slaves that were outside whit their food andbeing closely watched by the guards that even while they put the food in wagonthey were caressing their buttocks or wanking the naked and depilated bodies,and many of the guards were wearing mask that had cotton with substances thatsmelt good so they couldnt smell the pestilence that came from the wagon, butthe process to fed the slaves took long time and this caused that the journeytook long time since the slaves werefeed tow times a day and usually were in the morning and at sunset, but thetime to feed them could change since it had to be done in specific places andthe train with the slaves didnt have the priority to go first, and a lot of timesthey have to wait for many hours that other trains went first without matteringif they were passenger or cargo trains or go extremely slow for that samereason and that made the situation exasperating for the slaves since despitethat they didnt want shit or piss in the wagon they couldnt avoid it for theamount of water and food they had to eat, and this have an specific purposethat was break the slave's spirit keeping them for several days on thatconditions that were so hard and when they got off the wagon they didnt putany resistance and they were docile, and despite that they were in unsanitaryconditions was rare that the slaves get sick while they were transportedbecause both the liquid that they had to drink and the food had antibiotics,and even though that the y were in unsanitary conditions because they couldntshower, clean the wagon or their butts, their turds were very compact thusdespite the discomfort that can`t clean as they were used, neither they anuseswere very dirty.

After they were cleaned and gothrough immigration and customs of the country where they were sold he wasregistered as slave and this boy was put apart from his mates, but he was sotraumatized that he didnt put any resistance since the only thing that hewanted was get out of that damn wagon and be clean, even with pleasure heallowed to be classified and after that meekly he allowed that a slave hold hiscook and took him to the place where his college knowledge were going to beevaluated as his personal abilities as well, but as expected he had to waitstanding long time until was his turn to be examined by college professor andpresent an text by pc, but his time of waiting also was very unpleasant sincehe had to wait standing looking at the wall with his nose and the big toestouching it without can move and with his legs together and his arms beside tohis body touching it, and if the guards detected any movement for insignificantthat this might be they gave to the wretched slave two lashes one on hisbuttocks and the other one on his back, and being considered a slave withpossible special abilities didn't have the same luck of the other slavesconsidered as beast, that were destined to perform heavy duty jobs who wereimmediately processed and delivered to the human flesh merchants so they tookthem to their establishment and put for sale, and this boy was classified asCaucasian male, with a high of one meter with eighty centimeters, his skin wasapt to be exposed to the sun and sunbath without any problem, green eyes, hispectorals were considered as well defined and normal for a slave of his age, hewas considered as athletic but needed to be trained, the size of his cock wasconsidered as average the long being flaccid was eight centimeters and fourteenbeing hard, its wide being flaccid was nine centimeters and eleven centimetersbeing hard, the size of his balls were four centimeters long and two wide andtheir weight of each one were twenty grams and they werent consider lowhangers, his buttocks were meaty and big but very attractive being rounded, andhe was uncut and his foreskin wasconsidered type 3 that cover completely the glans and went beyond.

After the exam was determinedthat this slave that came from Adnaloh spoke four languages, and according tohis knowledges he could be used by his master as receptionist, office boys oroffice assistance in the administrative and accounting areas or even incustomer service and his sale price was stablished in fifty thousand Sklavensthat was the equivalent of one million five hundred thousand euros, and wasdelivered to one of the most modest slave dealers establishment for sale andthis slave dealer had the characteristic to sale good quality slaves, even thoughso far this was going to be the bestslave that was going to be put in auction, and in a holiday night the auctiontook place and incredibly he reached the price of one hundred thousand Sklavensthat was the equivalent to three million euros and was bought by a black manthat has a business that sold cleaning products to local and overseas business,but this boy was bewildered for all the humiliations that he had to go throughthe day he was put on auction since he was inspected in a humiliating waycountless times by those that were interested to buy him and for those thatonly wanted humiliated him, having to wank himself several times and in many ofthem he even cum and at the end he felt tired in addition that countless timeshe had to lean forward to open up his buttocks so they could see his anus andthey touched his body in any part specially his balls and nipples, and have tosuck many of the potential buyers' cocks that were considered serious biddersso they could find out how good he was giving to his betters sexual pleasureand then be in front of the light reflectors being exhibited one more time andthere was mentioned his personal abilities and body quality, he was bought bysomeone that he couldnt see because the brilliant light were on his eyes andhe was taken out from the stage and putinto a cage and later he was taken out of the cage and taken to theestablishments infirmary, where he was sat down in a metallic chair withstirrups and immobilized and then the stirrups were opened and wit them hislegs leaving completely exposed his cock, balls and anus.

This white teenage boy was trulyscare because he didnt have any idea about what they were going to do to him,but since he had awakened inside the stinky wagon nothing that had happened tohim had been good and for what he had seen until that moment what they thinkingto do with him he didnt believe that was going to be good, he saw going into the room a naked black manthat only was wearing a collar that identified him as slave with a hug cock andballs that was holding a rope that was tied up to a white teenage boy's neckabout his same age that had his head down , and that his cock was pointing outbackwards between his legs and his balls were separated and clearly delineatedon the scrotum on each side of the cock, they walked toward the chair where this enslavedboy was and the black slave told the white boy that he did what he was orderedand the boy began to inspect his prepuce and then turn around and went for someinstruments, this white boy wanted to put away his cock from the boy that waschecking his foreskin but being immobilized he couldnt do and he was wonderingwhat they wanted to do, but he couldnt figure it out and when the boy cameback with the instruments he even could understand less, but when the naked boythat had the rope tied up to his neck lifted up his head this wretched slavebegan to be in panic when he recognized him, and he tried to get away from hisbonds because he knew that nothing good was awaiting him and also he began toscream to leave him alone but not avail, and the Asiatic boy put a gag into hismouth with a dildo so his cries wouldn`t bother any free citizens that might beclose.

The Asiatic boy that had been ascout and now was no more than a slave in the short time that he had to be aslave he knew that was better obey and dont try to rebel, in addition that hehad the rare opportunity to take revenge on the boy that according to him hadbeen the responsible of his disgrace, so for few moments he enjoyed thedesperate tries of the immobilized slave to get rid of his bonds, while he wassuffocating for trying to breath by his mouth having the dildo into it and thatwas amusing him, but the fearsome black slave that was his overseer that hadshown that was a sadistic holding by the hairs the head of the wretched white slavethat was suffocating, told him to stop doing stupid things and stopped to moveand began to breath by the nose and the wretched slave realized that any kindof resistance would be in vain so he did what the impressive black slave toldhim and he began to suck huge quantity of air by his nose and this calmed himdown, and while the slave that was immobilized tried to calm down the Asiaticworked fast with the instruments and in few seconds he was ready to do what hewas ordered, but now the immobilized boy couldnt see anything because theimpressive black slave had blindfolded him and only he felt how his foreskinwas pulled away from his flaccid cock head, and for a second he felt thatsomething hot was on the end of his stretched prepuce.

And then his world exploded in anindescribable pain that made him squirm on the chair, and the Asiatic slavehaving hold with this finger the prepuce's two side one above and the otherbelow a thin burning needle was inserted into the skin piercing first theforeskin that was above and then the one that was below almost in the tip wherethe skin that covered the glans ended, and the face that was showing the agonyand scream of pain of the wretched slave that werent so loud because he wasgagged were music to the Asiatic slave that in one way or other foolishly hethough that he was taking revenge on the with slave, and when removing theneedled he could see two perfectly rounded tinny holes one over the other inthe foreskin's both sides and then almost immediately the shackle of a small,stainless steel padlock were passed through both holes and locked with a special Allen Key that was used to screwtogether or to unscrew the padlock and the slave hadnt any chance to removeit, immediately after the Asiatic slave finished put into frozen water theinfibulated salve's cock and it was left under water for several minutes whilehe enjoyed look at the face that was showing the pain that he had inflicted tothe slave that was the responsible one of his fall, because he also had beeninfibulated but in a different way since his prepuce also had been pierced inthe same way, but also a ring had beenput in his perineum and there is where his foreskin was hooked and that`s whyhis cock went into his legs and had the balls apart on each side of it withoutthe chance to have an erection.

Now this black haired white slavehas been servicing his black master for more than six months and for lifeironies the Asiatic slave that kidnaped him also is servicing the same masterbecause later he was bought by him since he loved the way that the Asiaticslave had been infibulated, both slaves are servicing their master as officeboys and receptionist so all the time are being exhibited in public either intheir master, in the streets or even in other business completely naked, and isnot necessary that they are wearing the collar since their nakedness and theinfibulation identify them as such, but this salve's desperation to have somekind of sexual relief is so big that as long as he is fucked made all what hismaster told him, since all the time that he has been servicing him only thepadlock is unscrewed with the tinny Allen key so he can clean his cock and didntsmell bad and again is screwed without allowing him to have any kind of sexualpleasure by his cock, and have a hard on is impossible because the cock whenwants to be hard cant go out from the foreskin hood and hit whit the padlock'sshackled making desperately and painful try to be hard and can`t get it.

In addition he has to faceanother humiliation, since unlike many slave that they can't use the freepeople bathroom this slave and the Asiatic one can use it but this is for hisblack master amusement and his friends, since not being able to pee like a manstanding since when the piss stream was going out and hit the padlock's shacklewould go out in all directions in full speed making a real mess, so he has todo it turning around facing where are the free citizens observing him and withhis buttocks touching the urinal and with one hand make that the cock ispointing to the lower part or the urinal so he can begin to piss, so the urinestream goes out a full speed in all directions inside the urinal even wettinghis naked legs and buttocks and his cock , but to make even bigger the slavesdesperation and even painful, the black master very often orders the white andAsiatic slave to kiss, caress, and touch their genitals and nipples and evenput their fingers inside their anuses, and this slave and his fellow slave sexual frustration isunbearable.

Despite that he's very attentiveto his black master desires and he does all that he orders him immediately andendures stoically all kind of humiliations hopping that his master allows someof his friends or even other of his slaves or himself fuck him, his master isnot easy to please and much less to reward him allowing someone to fuck him andhe can reach the anal orgasm by his prostate stimulation, even many times he has told him that if he pleases himhes going to give him the Allen key so que can remove the padlock from hisprepuce and he can wank himself but at the end always he finds a flaw in hisservices and he didnt give the him the Allen key, and despite that his masterhas allowed never not to say have a hardbut he can wank and cum, since only he allows him have a hard on when he'scleaning his cock he keeps the hope that someday he allows him wank and cum, butfor now despite of the humiliation that he had to endure by his two master'sfriends that forced him to dance naked for them, suck their cocks and kisstheir asses and rimming them, the black master has allowed that they fuck him notfor the excellent erotic service that he was given them but because his friendsasked him to fuck the slave, so while with envy the Asiatic slave sees how theyfuck his fellow slave, this slave is excited because his master allowed hisfriends to sexually use him and is being fucked by a black with a big cock andhes sucking the other black's cock, the blacks are in front and behind him arestanding while hes is full fours on a sofa and with one of his hands istouching his cock, and even though he knows that with that kind of stimulationis going to make that his cock tries to get hard and is going to cause him painhe's doing it hopping that his master notices it and he removes the padlockwith the Allen key, and anyway he's use to his kind of pain because when he'swalking in the street and strange people look at him they tell him to stop tocheck him, and all those manipulations make that his cock wants to get hard and causes him pain, while the Asiatic boy's infibulated cock andhooked to the ring in his perineum will have to wait at least one day more tosee if his cock is freed to be able to take out the cum from his balls or atleast he's fucked as is being now the boy that he kidnaped and can reach theorgasm by his prostate stimulation.

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Next: Chapter 447: El Concurso Millonario 33

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