Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 24, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This Honky is trying to escapefrom the auction center; he had just arrived from the Reunion Center to be soldas slave, but in the reception area the black guards didn't keep an eye on himand he could hide inside a guard robe until all the honkeys that arrived withhim were admitted and the reception area was alone.

Life inside the Reunion Centerhad been a nightmare for him because not only he was kept naked all the time asthe other honkies that arrived there, but also they had to work digging holes sothat all the honkies could shit and since it was a special area even they didwhen other honkies were shitting or peeing, also they had to bring water from ariver that was near by the Reunion Center until some gigantic deposits thatsupplied water to the hoses that were used to clean the honkies' butts that hadshit.

Other job that they were forcedto do into the Reunion Center was have to unload and load the trucks with foodthat were given to the naked honkies that were living outdoors in the center,and load them with all the waste generated by the honkies that were livingthere, or even they were forced to work in the different workshops that thecenter has naked, to be able to pay their livelihood while they were sent totheir new homes even though that was a lie that the black administrators hadtold them to keep them calm, because really what they had planned to dodepending on their ages was be sent to an auction center and be sold as slavesto the Latin and black masters or send them to a Maturity Center to be trainedand later be sold so they could serve as the animals that they were now.

All the males that were enoughstrong to work they were assigned different jobs which they had to perform fromsunrise to sunset if they had to work during the day or all night long if theyhad to work at night, and because of the large honkies amount that were intothe center, the females were divided in groups so they could cook the food andtwenty-four hours a day there was food, since the workshops, bring water anddigging holes and take out the shit from the holes and take it on wheelbarrows untilthe containers and then were loaded in the organic waste trucks were works thathad to be done day and night, but also constantly the males had to give samplesof their cum with the excuse of seeing the tadpoles amount that they producedand check if they were fertile, but the true intention was have a cum bank thatwas produced by the enslaved honkies to be able to sell them to the blacks whohave white animals breeding farms, or to artificially pregnant the females thatwere interned into the Reunion Center.

Just as all the males that werecapable of producing cum were milked, also all the females that were fertilewere pregnant by the Latin scientists that were on charge of the white animalsbreeding program which worked jointly with the blacks to keep subjugated theonce powerful white race, even though some females when they were checked bythe Latin scientists already were pregnant because they had sex with the males,since being naked was much easier have oral, anal and vaginal sex, and even theLatins had noticed that many of the young males had had anal sex because whenthey checked their anuses or they found cum residues in their rectums or theanus wasnt as tight as virginal anus should be, however pregnant the femalewas something that it had to be done to increase their sale price because that showedthat they were fertile, although in many occasions the breeding farms preferredbuy the females without being pregnant and only they required a fertilitycertificate, because they preferred pregnant them with the naked males thatthey had in their farms or with the cum that they had in their cum banks thateven that cum could belong to males that already they werent in the farmbecause they have been sold.

When this muscular dark brownhaired twenty five years old male honky with beautiful buttocks but with smallballs and cock was called to be sent to his new home, momentarily he feltrelieved because he thought that the nightmare that he was living in theReunion Center had ended and soon he would be back together with his brothersand parents, but when he saw that in the area where the cattle trucks wereparked were only naked white males and when they put them on the trucks theykept them still naked he knew that something was wrong, but when he saw thatwas surrounded by armed black guards and when also seeing the hopeful face ofthe smallest males that were thinking that they were going to be reunited withtheir families leaving behind the nightmare, he didnt do something and simplygave courage to the youngest whitey males that looked scared telling them thatsoon they would be with their families and with that he could keep them calm,although he in reality didnt know if the other naked white males of his agesor older were understanding what in reality was going on.

When he arrived to the auctioncenter he was forced to go out of the transport together with the other hunkiesthat were in that truck and that had hair over their cocks regardless of theamount of hair or the size of their cocks and balls while the others stayed onthe transport, when they saw the place all the hunkies from the youngest to theolder they felt fear and they understood that they werent taken to their newhomes and that they werent going to meet their relatives either, and eventhough that they didnt know what that place were simply looking at the highbrick walls with barber wires and remain naked they released that they weregoing to be enslaved, and as soon as the truck stopped and the doors wereopened to get off from the truck that transported the cattle with exception ofthe males that hadnt hair over their cocks, the black guards surrounded thetruck and forced all the honkeys with hair over their cocks to get off whilethose that stayed on board were sobbing, and when was this honkey turn to getoff and go into auction center reception area and saw how the guards weredistracted by a boy that had peed and shit for the fear that he was feelingcausing a commotion, he saw opened a guard robe and he hide there and withoutanyone noticing he waited there until the reception area was empty, and therehe released that he was into an auction center where the naked honkies weresold as slaves to the Latins and blacks and patiently he wait until he couldscape of that place.

But the honky knew that hecouldn't go out from the same way that he had arrived because he'd be easilydetected by the guards and the security cameras, so being watchful he wentthrough the building and he found a way to escape by an open window that was inthe bathroom but he couldn't find clothes to cover his nakedness.

When he went out he was in aninner yard that hadn't direct exit because a mash wire with razor wire on thetop didn't allow him go to the parking area, but an open door allowed him reachthe parking area but on his desperation to run a way he made a huge mistake andit was try to run a way riding a motorcycle, but the noise that the engine madecaught the guard's attention, so this honky will be recaptured before he can goout of the parking area and he'll be gelded as punishment, and be sent to themines where never again he's going to see the sun.

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Next: Chapter 451: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 33

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