Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 4, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These two Hermas are ready tomate, they had took out they male sexual organs and hidden the females onesthat are used to hunt their prey so the next Hermas' generation can born, thesetwo eighteen years old boys one blond and the other dark brown haired beforethey were included into the program named "The Experiment" by a lot were twonormal teenager boys, but the radiation changed their bodies and now they arethe most feared depredators in "The Experiment", they hunt other human malesand they eat them by their vulva this is due to their bodies modificationcaused by the radiations, however to mate they take out their male sex organsthat almost all the time are hidden, otherwise they couldn`t hunt and they ´refucked by their anuses.

Although the mate process issomething very delicate because it requires a lot of caressing and to getexcited so each one can produce the ovule that will be fecundated by hispartner jizz, after each other is excited by their caressing and kissing, thecock is introduced into the rectum, considering that the penetration is painfulthis is the most critical moment of the breeding process, this is the matingmust important and critical moment because the top must keep the bottom excitedwith caressing and kisses, so the bottom's body open his rectum and allows thecock go into a place known as "The Clit Chamber", this is the same clit orinner penis that is used to feed andintoxicates the Hermas' prey when his head in trapped in "The Washer".

If the top can reach "The ClitChamber" the ovulation and fecundation is granted, because the glands and theclit will stimulate each other, once the bottom has been enough stimulated, hisclit will suck the glands and it will be in the part known as the "OvuleChamber", and there the top will cum fertilizing the ovule that is waiting forthe tadpole or Herman's spermatozoids, and after that the roles will turn around and the bottom will be the top andthe top the bottom and the same process is repeated, so both Hermas at the end are pregnant, the new Herma gestationwill be unnoticed on the body of the Herman and the Pregnant Herma will producethe necessary breast milk to feed the new born, an as soon as the mate processis over the two Hermas will take their own ways and their male sex organs willbe hidden and the females will be out again so they can hunt.

But the Hermas anus is very small and despitethat is flexible and can accept a very thick cock also is very sensitive andthat expansion is very painful, and while the cock is not in the "Clit Chamber"the penetration pain is going to be very intense and the pain wont stop untilthe rectum has opened, but also when the Herma's body is being penetratedbecomes very sensitive and this makes that the caressing give him pleasure andmakes him horny and that makes that the rectum opens up and allow that eitherthe cock's glands and the bottoms clit touch each other and then all ispleasure for both and the breeding is guarantee, but the great danger that theyare facing is that the bottom wasnt enough stimulated by the top and therectum doesnt open up then the top is going to cum in to the bottoms rectumand then the breeding will have failed, but that doesn't mean that the top whenis his turn to be the bottom in his try to breed also fails, the Hermasbreeding process takes a lot of time, and is necessary that they are notbothered or distracted, since then the bottom rectums could not open up despitethe top was enough experienced to stimulate him correctly.

These two young Hermas had justbeen included in the experiment and had already suffered the transformation intheir bodies in a very painful way but it was very fast unlike those that wouldbecome in naked wild humans that was slower, and the Herma immediately went outto look for his prey to hunt and feed although they never attacked the normalhuman or the one that was into the transformation process, and the scientistsbelieved that this was due that the corporal odor that expelled those males inthe transformation process and that soon would be their prey didn ´t tell themthat they were their food, however despite that the Herma wasn ´t muscular orlooked that he had a weak body that wasn ´t apt to draw a heavy body of his same weight in reality was actually theopposite because the Herma without mattering how he looked was extremely strongand this was the reason why for which he become in an insatiable and feared,and once that he had chosen a prey then he persecuted him tireless until hunthim or lose it but never the Herma gave up to his chosen food until he was surethat there wasn ´t a way to hunt him.

But the Hermas as the scientistshad discovered not long ago they had sexual needs above all talking aboutbreeding and they didn ´t dominate the other Hermas how happened with the nakedwild human males of each age, and only they fuck each other when they weregoing to breed in a very delicate process, the two eighteen years old nakedHermas the blond and the light brown haired despite that both just had engulfed they preys and had shit leaving onthe grass the turd that was the remains that they didn ´t digested of their prey'sbodies, they were already looking for other prey to feed again in few days whenthey found each other, but something made that these two young Hermas as soonas they saw each other immediately took out their male sexual organs and beganto caress and kiss initiating the breeding ritual, however the scientistcouldn ´t understand what had made that unexpected and fast sexual reactionsince the few that they had seen the Hermas breeding sexual conduct , when theywant breed each other before they took out their male sexual organs first theycaressed an kissed in a try to be horny and then they took them out and afterhours of keeping caressing, kissing, licking they decided who first was the onethat was going to fuck the other one that for the moment was going to befucked, and then they changed the roll.

Now the two teenage Hermas havebegun the breeding process in a quiet place, they are kneeling and they areakissing each other and the blond has his arms on the light brown hairedshoulders while the other has his hand on the blond waist, and very soon theblond is going to begin to stimulate his partner nipples and the light brownhaired is going to begin to caress the blond meaty buttocks, and in bothspecimens still can be seen the tan lines on their buttocks indicating thatthey haven`t been long time in theexperiment and for both Hermas this is their first breeding encounter in their younglives, and both Hermas have responded satisfactorily to the stimulation of eachother and they are hard, and the lightbrown herma that has the bigger cock is going to be the first to fuck the blondone and both have small balls, and although that the execrating pain that theyoung blond Herma is going to experience when he's penetrated and fucked thelight brown haired Herma will reach his goal to make that the blond opens hisrectum and his cock goes into the clit chamber, where after that all will bepleasure for both and at the end the blond is going to get pregnant, an whenthe blond turns arrive to fuck the light brown haired due to his inexperienceabout how to stimulate his sexual partner and not knowing to stimulatingcorrectly him during the very painful penetration process he's not going tosuccess in his attempt that the light brown Herma opens his rectum and he willend up cum there, failing in his attempt to get that the other Herma getpregnant, and the light brown haired Herma will have to look for other Herma sohe can get pregnant, and their act of sexual arousal and breeding began veryearly at dawn and their extenuate sexual encounter will take them almost allday long, and this sexual encounter is taking place in a dry land that issurrounded by shrubbery and vegetation.

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Next: Chapter 454: El Experimento 21

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