Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 4, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This black wealthy man is theowner of one of the most exclusive sport center for whites, but what these fouryoung naked executives don't know is that every time that the owner went intothe showers to verify that all is in order is for a very sinister reason, andis to inspect the white flesh that is going to be sold soon in the Slaves BlackMarket.

These whites are worriless takinga shower showing their nakedness to a hidden camera without putting attentionto the owner's sinister smile, the four white naked bodies are being seen byillegal slave dealers so they can decide if the merchandise is worth to bebought.

Two of them have already beenchosen, the slim blond and the black haired boy that is beside him have beenalready chosen by the owner of a very exclusive brothel in a touristicdestination, the corpulent white boy that is on the left and foam is going downover his back and buttocks considering that he has big but round buttocks hasbeen chosen to be a beast of burden to be exhibited on the street, the baldwhite boy that is on the right is going to be used as an exotic dancer thatnaked would have to dance using the pole on the stage to entertain a night clubcustomers, and his master will ensurethat his anus is exposed often and furthermore he'll have to offer his body to be fucked , so hisfuture owner is already thinking that at less five customer per day should haveto fuck him to generate more income tothe club,

The young executives have becomein a very desirable merchandise by the enslaver because beside that they havedesirable bodies, their college knowledge and their professional experiencemake that they are even more attractive for those who are engaged in the slaves'illegal sale, since their sales price considerable increases furthermore thatthe buyer and new owner have the benefit to put to work in his business thenaked young males, without the need to have to pay them salaries and not evenclothe them and to keep them clean only they have to wash them with cheap soapand cold water from a hose, and when they aren`t servicing their master in theoffice they can be sexually servicing them or even their friends beside thatthey can be used performing other jobs that require physical effort, and whenthey are not needed be sent to the dark and filthy cells where they are keptlocked until their services are required.

But even though every time wasbigger the number of young males that were studying junior high, high school,college and post grade the young executives were mysteriously disappearing andwere transported to the slave black market in the same trucks where were takenthose that had been legally enslaved and in the sight of all citizens, thecountries authorities did nothing to stop the illegally enslaved young malestraffic, because in first place that illegal activity gave to the society abreak that each year had to create new jobs for those young males that neededfind a job without mattering if they had studied or not, beside that even for the governments the slaves illegal sale was a very profitablebusiness because they received a benefit for the sale of the wretched boys, andeach country received that income depending on how many slaves from his countrywas illegally sold, also the femaleswere enslaved but unlike the males their incomes were less profitable anddespite that the females were who gave birth to a new generation of slaves oncethey were breed by other slave, or in artificial way by the cum of other slaveswithout mattering if he had been enslaved legal or illegally.

All the slaves without matteringif they had been legally or illegally enslaved were transported to the SlaveProcessing Center (SPC) and when they were taken in cargo truck were caged andpublicly exhibited for the free people could see their nakedness, but as theywere in full fours inside such tight cages they couldnt move beside that thatthey were gagged so that they couldnt say that they had been kidnaped andillegally enslaved, and for the free people enjoyed the spectacle to see thenaked bodies of both females and males in full fours and even in many timesthey had seen them piss and sometimes how the turds were going out the body bytheir anuses, and when they arrived to the CPE were put apart those that hadbeen legally enslaved from those that had been illegally enslaved, and thosethat had been legally enslaved with the judge order after take their fingerprints and give them their Slave Identification Number (SIN), were sent to thedifferent auction centers which sold them in their installation or the slaves wereexported, and those that had been illegally enslaved were taken out illegallyfrom the country without leaving any kind of record of what had happened withthem and it was only registered a number with which the government received theincome for the illegal sale of slaves, and in the government income recordsappeared as right for slaves importation, without knowing the identity of thewretched boys that had found that sad end, and that was the same fate thatthese young executives that were taking a shower were going to have withouttheir export as slaves was recorder and that it was never known what hadhappened to them.

But one more surprise is leftyet, the foolish owner had the stupid idea to be naked in front of the cameraand now the night club owner has decided buy him, so he also can dance on thestage with the whitey using the tube, but furthermore considering his mood he'sgoing make that the slaves fuck each other on the stage to entertain theaudience, so the two boys can get more tips that of course they won't belong tothem, and the owner of the black slave will be the exclusive sport club newowner having even more incomes, so is very good that a black man is the ownerof place for whites but very soon the whites and black boy smiles will disappear.

The young black that inheritedfrom his father the exclusive sport centers for whites is exceptionalityhandsome, and is the proud owner of a muscular body but above all is very intelligent,and his fall will be very tragic because hes going to be kidnaped in his ownsport center when hes closing the deal to sale the four young white executivesthat worriless arte taking a shower, and their nakedness is greedily beingobserved by those that very soon will be their master, and the young black nomatter how much he screams and fight at the moment that they are enslaving him,will end up being transported in the truck exhibited as the naked animal inwhich he had become to the SPC where they are going to assign him his SIN, andhis buttocks, back, and feet are going to be in the place where other manybuttocks , backs and feet that belonged to other boys that had the same fate wherebefore they were taken out from the country and face a such a tragic fate, butlike everything in life is a cycle, what for many is a disgrace for others is theirfortune, but something tragic are going to learn these new slaves and inspecial the black boy and this is that no matter what you do if youre notcareful enough and you play with fire you can burn, and the black boycarelessness to be naked in front of the camera is going to make that he paysdearly and face a tragic destiny, but as always happens other is going to takehis place in the sport center and this time is going to be a Latin master, whowill be much more careful to be in front of the cameras and avoid thetemptation that someone else wants him as his slave, meanwhile he's jerking offfuriously imagining the black and white boys servicing him naked and with anypossibility to be free again, and he had already thought to fuck his personal slave that will be theblack , and that his personal slave be other brothel's boy and restless serveshis exclusive customers, because this Latin Master hadnt found until know ablack slave that could satisfy his demanding tastes until he saw this unluckyboy who had the lack of judgment to expose himself naked in front of hisvictims.

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Next: Chapter 457: Salvajes 34

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