Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 10, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The slaves change in the breedingfarms is constant due that the piglets that are the product of the sexualintercourse between the males and females slaves or by the artificialinsemination they always must be healthy, in addition that has to be avoid thatthe slaves in this case the piglets that stay in the farms that are going topregnant the female are blood related between them.

Depending on the quantity ofslaves that the farms have the change can be until four times a year and ofcourse the slaves sale and the product of their balls and ovaries is daily,although as expected the breeding farms has certain males called stallion,studs or sires that stay in the farm for several years pregnant the femalesthat also are known as cow or sows, and the result of their sexual encounter orthe artificial insemination is the piglet that is sold, even though in somecases the piglet both male and female depending or their physicalcharacteristics can stay for several years in the farm after that have begun toproduce tadpoles (spermatozoids) or eggs (ovules) if is female, since they areconsider the base animal for the breeding of the next slaves generations thatwill serve the free citizens.

However despite that thestallions purchase is constant also it is of vital importance that the breedingfarms have a very strict control of the pigs or bulls (this is the other waythat are contemptuously called the human stallion), about from where they comeand if they might be in some way blood related with the females with which theyare going to mate, and for this they need to have specialized vets in the humananimal genetic area to determinate if a slaves that is going to be bought by abreeding farm might be any kind of family relation with the females (that alsoare known as cows or sows), and is there where the breeding farm have a greatdemand of doctors that are expert in genetic and human reproductions, however paying for the services of that kindof doctors would be very expensive what the breeding farms do nowadays is orderto kidnap and enslave that kind of doctors so they work for them as their slaves,and don`t have to pay them anything andeven though that kind of human merchandise is expensive in few months they haverecuperated their investment , and if the enslaved doctors without matteringtheir gender give excellent results to their master they can be awardedallowing them wear clothes to cover their nakedness, even though they are notallowed to wear underwear, and the males are preferred over the females sincethe females' menstruation is very unpleasant.

One of the most recognized aroundthe world breeding farms for the quality of the piglets that are produced therebeside that hogs and sows that produce them has decided let know to itscustomers with a very a pompous public events, when arrive new studs or evenpiglets that already have awakened to life so they can buy the fresh productthat is produced by their balls, and once they had presented to their exclusivecustomer these hogs or stallions also they can buy the bulls that areconsidered by the farm as useless animals or the piglets that already hadawaken to life or even those that have not done it yet and the farm is notgoing to use them as the next stallions or sows depending of their gender, andfor them the presentation is taking place in one of the secondary but veryluxury salon of this recognized breeding farm called "The Crazy Schlong" andwhere now both very wealthy customers and even governing people are beingattending to buy both male and female piglets of outstanding quality that arenaked which only they are wearing bow ties and sashes in two color the blue forthe males or pink for the females, who are in charge to open the doors of theluxury cars in which arrive the rich and exclusive customer and with a bow theywelcome their master guests, while with one hand they show them the way thatthey have to follow that is walk over the buttocks of the older slave that areservicing as carpets and they are laying on the floor over their stomachs, butvery politely they are asked to take off their shoes to walk on the exclusive,fluffy and impressive carpet formed by the spectacular buttocks of the younghuman animals that leave the visitors breathless for the male slaves buttocksthat are servicing as a living carpet, while the male and female piglets thatare wearing the tie bows and the sashes walk next the free citizens carrying intheir hands the shoes, and when the guest arrive at the end of the long carpetformed by the male slaves naked bodies the piglets give them back their shoes.

After walked by the singular buttockscarpet other piglets are waiting them with snacks and beverages and they arewalking in front the guest to take them to their seats, although the guest canstop to talks and while they are talking caress the piglets which if they seethe opportunity they keep providing their services, but when retiring they haveto do it very carefully to avoid that the master that is caressing him is goingto be upset because if he complains he could be severely punished in hispresence, or in many cases is the master who punishes the piglets, but now allthe guest are already in their sits while the piglets tirelessly are offering them snacks and the beverageto their masters guest while the owner of the breeding farm "The Crazy Schlong"welcomes them, and in those moments the curtain that covers the luxury stage isopened and they can see the new stallions or stud that the farm has acquired sothey can breed the new pups, that in the future will become the stud of thefarm or while they are sold their balls product can be acquired by the farm`scustomers, even though is well know that when a new stallions arrives to thefarm is because several stallions already were sold because they wereconsidered old or useless to keep the excellent quality of the animals that areproduced there, and is very probably that already they had been sold to otherfarms or even to brothels or other customer that are interested to have them astheir slaves and breed them although few of them stay in the farm to show thequality of the slaves generations that they have produced.

All the slaves that are beingintroduced born being free and they were kidnaped and illegally enslaved, butnowadays this situation doesnt matter since the fact that a boy is kidnapedand lose his freedom becoming a slave is the parents fault because they didntknow how to take care of them and avoid that they faced that destiny, besidethat the countries are so in need of slaves that the authorities dont doanything to look for the missing boy or if he's found by causality thing thatalmost never happens, they dont try to free the poor boy that is kidnaped andhis fate already is decided, and already is known what kind of life is awaitinghim, and in this time eight male slave completely naked between the twenty andtwenty two years old all of them whites, are greeting with their hands andnoisily to the customer which are enjoying that situation, and despite that theeight slaves look happy and animated in realty they're terrified and only aredoing that to avoid be brutally punished by the oversees that also are slavebecause they dared to disobey an order that was given, and all of them invariably are wearing thecollars that identify them as the most despicable of the society, and even someof them due to their nervousness also they have their schlongs hard causing thelaugh of the rich and exclusive guest that despite that are enjoying thespectacle, they cant understand at all how these human animals are soshameless that even being exhibited as the animals that now they are they dontbe careful to show that they are horny, and some of the slaves are blond, darkand light brown and black haired as well, and their bodies go from be smoothuntil have corporal hair.

Other eighteen years old slavethat is in front of the eight wretched boys that are greeting, also iscompletely naked and he's in full fours and with his buttocks pointing out tothe audience and he has his legs wide apart, so his schlong and balls can beseen hanging freely between his legs and his balls are on each side of the cockand being a part and hanging they are perfectly delineated in the scrotum, inaddition due to the position that he's now both his light brown colored anus ashis prominent perineum as well are completely exposed, and his buttocks despitethat are apart and their beauty about don't be together can't be appreciated atall however they can see that they are meaty and together are going to be adelight touch them, and several of the attendees are thinking to buy this boy'sballs product since the offspring could be very attractive ponies and at thesame time slaves that could be used to give sexual pleasure to their guest, inthe center and on the left side there is one twin in full fours on the floorwith his hands tied up on the back and he's completely naked, he as his brotherare eighteen years old and is black haired and is being controlled by aneighteen years old overseer that is standing beside him and he's treating theboy to strap him on his buttocks if he doesn't behave as expected, he has hisforehead on the very expensive wooden floor and he's wearing the collar as theoverseer that identifies him as slave and he doesn't want to turn his head tosee the people for the shame that that they are seeing him naked, the overseerthat is stand beside the rebel teenager as his brother that were just enslavedand also is naked since despite that he has as his duty control the slaves andsupervise that they do the things as the masters want, be in the breeding farmhis cum also is for sale and despite that he is not a recent purchase is beingexhibited because as any other farm's slave what his body produces can bepurchase by any of the customer if they are interested but of course there aresome exceptions, he's nineteen years old and the master has allowed him to keepthe body hair because is considered that with it he looks more attractive, andalso several customers are thinking to buy the cum of the two slaves since theblack haired animal his offspring can be servicing as house boys and inspecially on the bed as pleasure slaves, although together with the overseertheir offspring can serve also as ponies depending who are the sow that isgoing to be inseminate by their cum.

And finally on the left side of theluxury stage is an enslaved vet that is wearing a collar that identifies him asslave and only is wearing a medical cap, the mask and a robe that is coveringhis nakedness, he's thirty five years old and like the others that are in thestage is white, he is black haired and in addition he's an expert in humanreproduction but already being a salve and not attractive they preferred coverhis nakedness in public although when he isn't where the public can see himalways he's naked only wearing the collar, even though his balls production isfor sale if someone is interested to buy it and for the masters surprise havebeen customers that have been interested to buy his cum, and unlike the cumproduced by the other males his are not sold a very high price, but also itreaches a very acceptable price in the market, and the vet is stood beside theauscultation table with stirrups where is laying on his back the other eighteenyears old black haired twin with his legs resting on the stirrups but soonthey're going to be immobilized as his arms that now already they are, the boy is drugged but consciousalthough he doesn't understand at all what is going on and how he has his legsopened and lifted up either his buttocks, perineum, balls, schlong and anus areexposed to the sight of all the attendees and the reason why they drugged himand is immobilized is because in few moment more the bet that is an expert inhuman animals reproduction and artificial insemination, is going to take outthe tadpoles (spermatozoids) directly from the slave's balls by a needle thatis going to be buried into his epididymis that is where the tadpoles mature andare stowed, but this procedure is very painful and this is the reason why thenew young slave has been drugged since when the needle goes into his testiclehe'll begin to scream and violently moving to try to avoid the pain that theneedle is causing him for the extraction, and beforehand they are doing that tothe boy because his balls products already has been bought by a customer thatis there and that requested that the cum was taken out in his presence, and hedidn't want that was used the traditional way to get them that was by themasturbation and for the other slaves horror this method is going to be appliedon them constantly since the buyers also loves to see the slaves suffering, inaddition that not having an ejaculation their cocks are not irritated and theydon't feel tired, although they have to give them time to produce moretadpoles, and the breeding farm is not interested in the way that the tadpoleshave to be taken out from the slaves balls, while the customer pay for theproduct the tadpoles are taken in the way that the customer chosen and theygive to the customer to choose the option in which they want that the tadpolesare taken out,

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Next: Chapter 461: Chicos Tontos 34

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