Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 17, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The black haired boy had beenadopted because those who he considered his parents couldn't have their ownchildren, but one year after his arrival the woman that he considered hismother was pregnant and his foster brother born.

For many years his relationshipwith his parents apparently was the same until he reached the age to beconsidered responsible of his own acts and that day he was called to hisfather's office where he was informed that he had been enslaved.

The boy knew the reason; hisparents didn't love him anymore because they had had a child of his own fleshand blood, but now that he was considered by the law an adult he didntunderstand why they enslaved him instead to tell him that he leave the familyand looked for the way to sustain himself, but always for him the adults worldand the way that they behaved had been a mystery as also it was for hisfriends.

He knew other two boys that alsohad been adopted and after that their parents had had their own children unlikehim they hadnt been enslaved, and although they talked about the relationshipthat they had with their parents was different from the boy that was theirbiological son, they hadnt been enslaved and this was a big surprise for himwhen the man that he considered his father told him that he had been enslaved.

He was forced to be naked, shavehis pubes only leaving a small tuff of hair over his cock and be completelysmooth and after that jerk off in front of his new master, and he was warnedthat this was the last time that he was allowed to be seated on afurniture because now he was an animal,and as an animal his place was to be on the floor, on his feet, seated orlaying , and being still erect and ready to clean his cum from his body with atowel he heard the evaluation that his new master was doing about his body,saying that his balls and cock were pleasantly displayed but his cum productionwasn't what he had expected and he wanted to know if he had jerked off earlierthat day and the boy answered in affirmative way, then his master said that hewanted to keep the slave, for the slave was a very bitter situation because he became to be the slave of the boy that hehad considered his brother, and the change from to be the most loved boy to aslave.

But that wasn`t the onlyhumiliation that was awaiting him since the boy that had been his brother andthat now was his master, had plans for him and of course those plans were goingto give to his master great popularity among his friends and for the slave wasgoing to be extremely humiliating, but as nobody cared what a slave could felland what was truly important was that his master was well before societywithout mattering what the slave had to suffer.

The eighteen years old slim blackhaired boy with tinny light brown almost pinkish nipples was told that he hadto take off the watch that he was wearing on his wrist, because now that he wasa slave beside that he hadnt any possession he hadnt permission to wearanything on his body, only his head hair and the tinny hair tuft over his cock,and naked he was sent to wash the cars that were inside the garage that wasn`t insight of the neighborhood people because was a closed placed, and while he waswashing the cars his master was looking at him with lasciviousness seeing howhis muscles stretched and contracted as he bent and lifted while he was cleaningthe cars, and even he saw how his hairless anus was exposed many times when hisbuttocks opened and barely he could contain his animal sexual desires, but heknew that was worth that effort to contain himself.

Once the enslaved brotherfinished to wash the cars was told to clean his body inside and outside and thengo to the house living room, the confused boy did what he was told but hecouldnt understand why his master and his father told him to cleanse his bodyinside, and although that the boy wasn'tqueer he knew that he had to apply on him an enema to be clean inside, but thatwas incomprehensible for him since after shitting he always cleaned his buttwell, but anyway he did as he was told because what he didnt want was bepunished because now that he was a slave he didnt know which his masterreaction might be and how cruel he could be with him considering that he usedto be his brother, although he hadn't much hope that he was going to be well treated considering that they haddared to enslave him and knowing how sadistic his brother was with the school'sslaves and the slaves of other boys when he was allowed control them, and alsohe hadnt much illusions that he was going to be well treated, however for themoment he hadn`t been punished because meekly after he was told by his fatherthat he was a slave he had done all that he was told.

Once he was cleaned and afterthree painful enemas the boy went to the living room and when he went there bythe kitchen the boy was frozen because he saw that all his schoolmates werethere including the girl that until few hours ago had been his girlfriend, andwhen he saw all those free boys clothed and being him the only one that wasthere naked, he wanted to go back to the kitchen and flee but the teacher thattaught them the class of slavery when saw him with authoritative andthreatening voice told him to go where he was, but to get there he had to gothrough all the students and his father and master as well that now werelooking with avidity his nakedness making comments about his uncut cock, ballsand the tinny hair tuff that was over his cock, and although that he wanted toflee he knew that he couldnt do it because he hadnt where to go, and he was anaked slave that was going to be easily captured by the Slave Police (SP) andhis punishment would be the castration and probably be sent to the mines wherethe teacher that now with authoritative voice and without kindness had told himto go where he was, and he also had told them the slaves' worst nightmare wasbe sent to the mines or the organs banks, so with his head bowed and full ofshame naked he went where the teacher was, going through where his formers schoolmates were while they caressed his buttocks, balls and cock and for hishorror his uncut cock began to have a hard on for the stimulation, while theboys and girls that were there were laughing including those that he hadconsidered his best friends, but now that he was a slave he was discoveringthat being a slave he didn`t have friends anymore, and only the people woulddespise him and if wanted to find solace only would be with his equals thatwere other slaves, but what surprised him most was that the girls were who mosttouched his body most intimate parts.

And this boy's foolishness wasbelieve that he was loved by his adoptive parents although he had seen somedifference in the way that he and his brother were treated, and believe thathow the other boys hadn`t be enslaved being adopted sons, he was not going tobe enslaved either despite that his former brother insistently had asked to hisparents that they gave him not that they gave them a slave to serve him.

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Next: Chapter 463: El Concurso Millonario 34

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