Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 24, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Thisnaked twenty two years old black haired white animal was bought by a breedingfarm and he's exhibited with other honkeys like him, because his owner isselling his jizz to those black masters that instead to buy slaves, they breedthem but at the same time they want in their slaves a genes diversity so theycan breed them without taking any chance about they could get illness relatedto blood proximity.

Allthe slaves are put in chastity to avoid that they might waste the dirty viscouswhite liquid where is contained their little tadpoles where their pups aregestated, and even in their laboratories they have examples of the cum thatthese slaves produce so the potential buyers can see how many tadpoles theyproduce on each sample, and as a prove that they`re fertile.

Thisslave is exhibited and he's gagged to be sure that he doesn't speak and botherthe potential buyers, in addition to not allowing them to listen to theexplanation that experts in the genetic of the white animals are given them sothey can artificially inseminate the white females that have certaincharacteristics, and they can get as a result more handsome offspring andbetter adapted to the hard life that is awaiting them as slaves.

Thisanimal is desperate for someone buys his spunk so he can feel the orgasmpleasure, but he knows that other animallike him will fuck him in the presence of the Latin and black masters, becauseis the only way that he's allowed to cum, and this is the only time that thechastity is removed from his cock so his jizz can be put in a specialrecipient, but since the whites lost the power the law was harder to enslavethem for anything that they did and that was considered as offensive by theLatins or blacks without mattering if was a felony or and administrativeinfraction, and each time more whites were enslaves since the law for them washarder than for their Latins and blacks peers, and although that still were ahuge number of whites living as free citizens, each time they lived with morefear because they were witness of the cruel way how the whites were treated asslaves, since the Latins and blacks if they were enslaved their slavery wasmuch less hard than the withes.

In thesociety still were many whites that were rich and as the Latins and blacks hadbusiness and even those that werent as rich had found the way to make moneybuying one or two slaves of his same race, and as the Latins and blacks didwith the enslaved whiteys, they put the slaves to work and breed them causingthat the purchase and sale of the white slaves jizz and ovules was veryprofitable, because even the owners put ovules that had been fertilized intothe enslaved white females that werent theirs, and the female body was incharge to gestating the pup that was going to be born, and even though that thefree whites looked at this practice with repulsion also they practiced this,because they didn`t want be out of this very profitable business that gave thema lot of money if the slave or the enslaved female that produced the jizz andthe ovule, genetically had the capability of produce a good offspring accordingto the explanation that was given by the Latins, blacks and even the whitesthat were expert in the now considered white animals.

Thisnaked white animal wasn't allowed to keep his body hair and only he was allowedto keep his head hair and is seated on the exhibition floor on his legs and hehad them opened, so the potential buyers can see the size of his balls that arethe producers of his tadpoles and in part responsible of the pups' certainphysical characteristics produced by their jizz, and with his hands to his sideand his torso erect and his head lifted up so the potential buyers can see bothhis body and his face although his face is being partially covered by the gag,and even though he can`t see the audience now and then he rises his sight tosee who are the potential buyers of his jizz and the future owners of hisenslaved descendants, and with horror he has seen how have arrived severalwhites to that place since the lights on the exhibition floor are not sopowerful and allow him to see the potential buyers, and he has recognizedseveral of them as his former schoolmates and even one of them was his formerpartner in the business that they had together before he was enslaved, but hedidn't arrive alone but he went in with his former wife and a teenage girl,which only were wearing a leather strip that was in the middle of their backsand buried in their ass crack and pussies and when it reached the navel wasdived in two, to cover only their tits nipples and then going through the bothside of the neck and join again as only one strip, and also he has seen thatthere is a small hole in their cunts where goes out a chain that ends up in hishands and with the chain he controls the wretched females, and the chain ishooked to a ring that has been put on each female clit.

Butfor this slave misfortune his surprises and humiliation didn't end therebecause few minutes later went into the establishment a Latin, who was handlinghis kid brother with a chain that was hooked to a thick metallic ring that wasstretching the scrotum to the maximum downwards and the unprotected ball wereforced to be in the scrotum lower part, beside that they looked tight and weredelineated in the stretched skin, the boy also was wearing a very heavy andthick stainless collar that was made of the ball stretched ring same materialand behind the collar went to the middle of the back a short chain, where thehands of the boy were painfully cuffed and the boy was guided by a chain thatwas hooked to the scrotum ring making that every time that the master pulledthe chain with certain force the balls were hurt, and the Latin Master enjoyedtorturing the young slave by his balls, while the slave that once had been hisbusiness partner and the master of his former wife that was the owner of theother young girl too went where the slave was, and with a mocking smile put onhis hands palm his ball and then he inspected his caged cock, and he had beensure to take with him the two nakedfemales so the former wife of the slave could see the conditions in which theman that until few days ago had been his husband had ended up, and also theslave could see what had happened with his wife.

The establishmentowner a handsome Latin young men went to greet both the Latin that was themaster of the slave's brother and to his former business partner and they beganto talk, while two naked slaves went to take the chains from the two masterhands and carry the slave boy and the two slave girls that had just arrived tothe area where the slaves were kept caged, and other two naked slaves a femaleand a male went out to offer snacks and beverages to the two free citizens thatwere talking with the owner of the place, and the other free visitors that werein the establishment inspecting the potential cum donators that would be usedto breed their slaves, while the slave's former business partner was inspectinghim and the Latin that was the owner of the place went to ta talk with him andafter cordially greeting him, theytalked about that he wanted breed his two female slaves and an expert in thewhite animals breed genetic went to give his opinion, and after few minutes tobe talking the expert in genetic told the two slaves that were offering thesnacks and beverages to the free visitors to go where they were, and afterinspecting the juvenile naked bodies the slave heard how the expert in genetictold his wife's master that one of the ovules of the young enslaved female thatwere with them fertilized by a tadpole of the young slave that also was withthem, could be put into the body of the slave that had been the wife of hisbusiness partner and they would have and excellent offspring whether it wasmale or female.

Theslave while he was listening with sadness what the free citizen were talkingabout he was wondering why his brother was there and the reason why his formerbusiness partner hadnt been enslaved, but he didnt know the sinister fatethat was awaiting to all the whites that visited that establishment, and wahtthe two females white owner didn`t know was that soon as had happened to manyother white masters that had gone to that place, he would ended up as otherslave that will donate his cum to contribute with the new slaves generation,and the two females slaves that are his slaves are going to be bought by theLatin master and he is who is going to see born the male offspring that was putinto the body of the slave's wife, while the whites without releasing slowlywere being illegally enslaved and no one was doing something to stop that, andin few years more all the whites or would be living in that country as slavesor as wild animals. So the payback timehad come and was very sweet.

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Next: Chapter 469: Victimas 34

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