Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 1, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The company that he founded its mainbusiness was purchase and sale slaves and also lease them to other companies soinstead to have to hire normal people they could use the slaves for a lowercost, travel around the world was something normal for him because before hecould buy the human flesh that later he would sale he wanted to be sure thatwas useful to his purposes.

His company had become one of themost prestigious slaves sale and lease centers, and despite that it wasn ´t big,the big corporations and the most exclusive customers around the world boughttheir salve with him because the human flesh that he sold or leased wasexcellent, and he has signed with several countries contracts so when someonewas enslaved his scouts could go to inspect the new enslaved and in case the hefulfilled the physical requirements, then was sent to his installation to betrained and after that be sold, sending to the government of the country the slavecome from the money or the commission ofthe sale or rent, and of course he charged the fees of the training on the saleprice or he received a commission if the slave was in consignment, so it was avery profitable business.

One day he went to one of thecountries that enslaved more people than any other due to the high fiscal fraudlevels, to inspect a huge human meat lot that has been enslaved during thatweek after a huge fiscal fraud had been discovered, since they had sent toother countries a huge amount of money without have notified the authoritiesabout that transaction, most of the inspected new slaves physically wereworthless because how they had committed a "white collar" felony, and how theywere wealthy people they almost didn ´t take care of their bodies furthermoremany of them were old, but on what he was very interested as slave dealer andthe owner of one of the most prestigious establishment, was that those newslaves were very skilled in the financial area and on internationaltransactions as well and that made the slaves very attractive to him, althoughhe found in some of them excellent bodies.

However the slaves selectionprocess was very strict, since he was going to sale old salves and their bodiesweren't pleasant to the sight and considering that their masters were going tokeep them all the time naked, he had to be sure that their knowledge in thefinancial area were excellent so when they were sold, the government that wastheir owner could get a huge profit and he a juicy commission for their sale.

When the slaves were shipped tobe sold in his Auction Center, already many international corporation wereinterested to buy them and even they had bid a little fortune for each slave,and the only thing that was left to do was put the slaves into a very strictexercise regime to make that their bodies appearance improved.

So he discovered that despitethat the slaves weren ´t handsome or had good bodies their future owners wouldpay a fortune for them, so the young entrepreneur was very happy because thishad been the best business that he had ever done.

But the ship where the slaveswere being transported sank and although nobody died the slaves could escape,so when the government demanded the payment for the lost slaves, they young entrepreneurcalled to his administrative office so the insurance paid for the lost, but theemployee that had hired the insurance considering that the slaves were old andwithout the knowledge the reason why his boss has decided to buy that kind ofslaves, he had hired the lower coverage amount and when the insurance companypaid the money, it wasn't enough to cover the prices that each slave hadreached.

When the young entrepreneur sawthe mistake that his employee had made he went to his country justice to avoidto pay the huge amount of money to the government where the slaves came from andthat was demanding to be paid, arguing that a slave value was paid in base tohis body and not his intelligence, since the slave was considered as an animalwithout capacity to think and his master was responsible of his acts andtherefore that gave him the right to punish the slave beside that the slave wasconsidered as an object.

The young entrepreneur governmentwas on his side but as was expected the other country despite the fact that atthe beginning wasn`t expecting receive much money for the slaves, when they heardthe entrepreneur said that the slaves could be sold in an excellent price nowwanted to be paid that price, and this brought a diplomatic conflict to suchgrade that both nations almost break with their diplomatic relations and theyhad had several reunions to see how the problem could be resolved without theneed to arrive to that extreme situation, even though the possibility to reachan agreement was considered almost impossible.

Now the young white handsometwenty two years old white entrepreneur is seated on the floor on his legs,naked whit his hands cuffed to his back, and his ankles shackled, so in casethat he would have to walk only he could give short steps, his feet are chainedto his hands by stainless chain, andwith incredulity and desperation is listening that he has been sentenced to alifetime slavery under the charge of fraud, he's trying to control his angerand his anguish, since he's listening what his fate will be at the detentioncenter aisle that is under the court, and ironically he's the only slave thatis in that place, while the others that were there before him now are free andby the moment all the cells bar doors are opened, but in few instants more oneof them is going to be closed behind him leaving him trapped on desperation anddespair , lost in the world that once made him rich, and that now it has takenaway from him everything, where from to be lord and master now it has turnedhim into the most despicable human been and instead to give orders he is the one thatis going to receive them, and he'll have to obey if he doesn ´t want to face theconsequences, and instead to wear expensive clothes and have luxury cars and a househe's going to be naked and living with other slaves in a filthy and darkbarrack, and the only thing that is left for him is to know who is going to behis new owner, because what happens with his business is not his businessanymore, and this happened just for one of his employees mistake that still isfree, turning him in one more victim ofa system that in the beginning was established to prevent that the peoplecommitted felonies and it ended up beinga style of life in which to go in is very easy but you never can go out.

And in what at the time was arespected business man that all the human flesh merchants of the world foughtto have business and a friendship relationship with him because that meant getprestige and recognition, now they are fighting but for a very different reasonsince all of them want to exhibit and sale in their facilities the naked andmuscled body of these handsome white male animal, that instead of being livinga luxury life to which he was used, now he lives into the dungeons filthy anddark cells waiting the time to be sold as an one more object and has to facehis new life of nudity, humiliation and above all pain inflicted by those thatonce fought to have business with him by both those that sale human flesh orother business.

Feedbacks, comments and ideas arewelcome sent them to MUCHAS GRACIAS A TODOS LOS MIEMBROS QUE COLABORAN CON EL GRUPO ENVIAN

Next: Chapter 471: El Experimento 22

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