Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 7, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The extravaganza that is used bythe breeding farms to promote their white animals that are for sale and theirsexual potential as studs or pleasure slaves, some of them bought other werebreed there and never are going to know what freedom is and some more kidnapedand illegally enslaved, since in this breeding farm all the slaves are whitesand come from the countries where most of their inhabitants are whites, withthe mix of races in the different countries the owners of the breeding farmshave been benefited and they have gotten without any problem or restriction theslaves that are used as studs above all of the white race, either in legal orillegal way so their business can grow and they can offer a better merchandise,although now the challenge is not anymore get that kind of slaves because withthe advance in the research of the human genetic is easy to know what kind ofslaves are required to buy or simply kidnaped them, but nowadays the challengeis make that the slaves owners are sexually aroused so they can be potentialcustomers and buy their slaves both breed there or bought.

An the business owners has takenadvantage of this races mix in the countries where preponderantly there arewhites, because is more easier find collaborators that look for the kind ofmerchandise that they need whether that they buy it or as happens most of thetime that kidnaped it, but due to the climatic change many of those whites havegone to live to countries where the tropical weather preponderatesall year long, and they and their families have become in an easy prey for thewhite meat scouts and they ended up being enslaved and in many cases asstallions in the breeding farms and later as a merchandise to be put for sale,and despite that they are stimulated to produce an impressive quantity of spunktheir lives as salves in the breeding farm is not an easy one since part of their duties is that theyhave to cum several times a day to show their sexual capacity, they have to beexercising constantly to have bodies worthy of the best specimens, and inaddition they have to fuck the females to pregnant them when a customer takesthe female salve to be fucked by the stallion because he doesnt want theartificial insemination, and the slave constantly has to be fucking the femalefor three days to be sure that he had pregnant her, but even to make that theslave fucks the female despite that he doesnt want to do it because is tire aenslaved overseer is locked in a cell with both the stallion and the female,and constantly he`s fucking the stud to keep him sexually aroused either whilethe stud is trying to recuperate because he had cum inside the female or whenhe's fucking her , so the life for the stallions and the males in the farm isnot an easy one, and in very rare cases the stud is keep anally virgin.

On this occasion more than twentystallions are being exhibited in one of the luxury salons in a zone withexuberant tropical vegetation inside the breeding farm all of them are betweenthe eighteen and twenty two years old and their hair color is from black untilblond, while the potential buyers in this case a very wealthy people areobserving the white animals shameless sexual activity that are fucking eachother and sucking their cocks as well or licking their bodies, since this kindof merchandise is very special becausemany of the stallions not long ago were enslaved and they have collegeeducation and they could be an excellent addition for their business, workingfor them and being productive generating great profits without the need to haveto pay them, besides that some of these studs were born in the farm and alltheir lives have been naked and they dont know what is freedom but also theywere educated so they could serve this kind of exclusive customers, that notonly is looking for slaves that can give them sexual pleasure or serve them asstallion to breed the new slaves generations or as ponies or house boys, butthat also they can be productive in their business in the executive areas wherehigh salaries have to be paid nowadays for this kind of employees, and whatbetter than have a slave that can perform that work to which you dont have topay anything, and this white animals breeding farm is a pioneer about providingcollege education to the slaves that were born there and that they dont knowwhat freedom is since they are going to be loyal slaves to their masters, apartthat they are showing their sexual capabilities about giving pleasure, andthose stallions that were not born being slaves has been so brutally tamed andtheir will broke that despite that they are ashamed to be having sex in frontof the free beings to whom they once belonged , they dont dare to disobeytheir masters because they know what is awaiting them and what they don`t wantis be punished in a brutal way.

The slaves are having sex in azone where is a Jacuzzi where were put white pads over the timber floor to makemore attractive the sexual intercourse to the potential customers, which arebeing serviced by male piglets that already have awaken to life and are wearingthe traditional sash and the tie bow but in this times are in a light pink, thepossible buyers are taking advantage of the opportunity to touch the mostintimate part of their bodies while they are observing with interest the studssexual intercourse, and put to serve the male piglets to the customer has aspecific purpose that is that they're sexually aroused and want to buy themerchandise, even the piglets are for sale and although their education is notvery high neither they`re analphabet and they can serve as office boys or even currierssince they have trained and education to perform that kind of activities, andthe slaves quality that are being offered is exceptional and most of themincluding the piglets are exceptionally handsome.

To the left of the possiblebuyers and behind a branch of flower are four nineteen years old males two ontheir feet and other two laying on their sides, the four slaves are muscularand black haired, all are having anal sex in couples and the one that is beingfucked and is laying down is smiling and his body doesnt allow see the face ofthe one that is fucking him, these slaves were born in the breeding farm andtherefore they are not ashamed that the free citizens are looking at themhaving sex, the two slaves that are on their feet were kidnaped and despite that were forced to havehomosexual sex in the farm they liked had tasted the forbidden fruit an nowevery time that they have oral and analsex with other males they enjoy it, however despite that the one that is fucking his fellow slaves isfeeling pleasure the one that is being fucked has felt pain and has turned tolook at his top and hes not showing that is enjoying what they are doing, thisis because they are felling shame that the potential buyers are looking at themhaving sex in front of them in such shameless way but they can`t do anything tostop it.

On the right side are two coupleshaving sex and a threesome and all of them are muscular, the couple that is in theback stage is on their feet and they are having anal sex, the slave that isfucking is twenty two years old and is dark brown haired and the one that isbeing fucked is nineteen years old and black haired, the one that is beingfucked is a breed slave that was born in the breeding farm thereby his face isshowing the pleasure that he's feeling while he's fucked, while the slave thatis fucking him is twenty years old and was enslaved by a judge because he wasdriving drunken and despite that he's felling ashamed because hes having analsex in public, it looks like he's enjoying it because he feels solace aboutknowing that other slaves are doing the same than him in so shameless way infront of those that once were his equals, and even his left hand is on thebottom's shoulder ready to hold him if he wants to move away, while his right hand is on the bottoms rightbuttock, in front of them there is a twenty years old black haired slave andother eighteen years old blond slave also they're muscular, the black haired is laying on his back and isfucking the blond boy that is over him in the full fours inverted position andthe boy is sustaining his body with his hands and legs to allow to the salve tofuck him without restriction, the black haired slaves was kidnaped and despitethat hes felling shame because he's having anal sex in public he has decidedclose his eyes and enjoy the anal sex, while the blond slave that is beingfucked is enjoying it and without any shame is enjoying having sex in front ofthe free citizens since he was born inthe breeding farm and for him this is the most normal thing have sex in frontof the superior beings, and in the front part is a trio an eighteen years lightdark born haired slave is laying on his back being masturbate and his leftnipple licked by a twenty one years old dark brown haired slave that is layingon his stomach and the slave at the same time is being fucked by a twenty twoyears old blond slave that is laying on his side, the slave that is fucking hisfellow slave despite that he was enslaved by his parents he doesnt fell shameto have sex in front of the free citizens because he was enslaved by a judgeunder the charge of indecent public exposure, the slave that is being fucked isenjoying the anal sex in public and also to give pleasure to the other slavesince he was born in the farm and for him is the most normal thing have analsex in public when his master or free or enslaved supervisor told him to do it, the boy that is laying on hisback was kidnaped and despite that hes ashamed to be doing something intimatein public he has decided to close his eye and enjoy the moment, since anyway heis powerless to stop what is happening and the pleasure moment could change toa painful and a shameful one if the overseer order the other slave to fuck him.

In the central part to the righton the back there are two blond slaves one is twenty one years old and theother is twenty two, both of them are standing and are having anal sex, the onethat is twenty one years old is fucking the one that is twenty two, and eventhough that his face is covered by the foot of other slave he's looking at thehis fellow slave's buttocks for the shame that he's felling of having sex inpublic and his hands are on the buttocks of the slave that hes fucking, he wasenslaved by a judge when he couldnt pay a bet that he made with a friend butthe sad thing of his case is that wasnt much money so his sale not only paidhis debt but also gave a juicy amount of additional money to his friend whitwho he had the debt, the blond salve that is being fucked has his hands leanedsupported him on a wooden furniture with pads and he has his eyes closed, thepain that hes feeling for the penetration can be seen in his face and as hisfellow slaves that is fucking him he is ashamed because he's having anal sex inpublic, he was enslaved for having committed the foolishness of having insulteda Slave Police (SP) officer when he allowed that a naked slave went first thanhim because the officer had given priority to the master and the slave and notto him, that made that the SP officer gave him a subpoena to appear before thejudge since in their society wasnt allowed that a SP agent was insulted, sincethey were in charge to preventing the slaves to revolt and he was sentenced aslavery for life for his lack of civility , and since the first moment that hearrived to the breeding farm he opposed to have anal sex but he was so brutallypunished, that now despite the shame that hes felling he allows be fucked inpublic to avoid the punishment, in front of them are tow slaves one is twentytwo years old black haired and the other is nineteen, the nineteen years oldslave is laying on his back and the top part of his body is covered by thebodies of other two slaves, the twenty two years old salve is on his kneesbetween the open legs of his fellow slave and is fucking him, and the nineteenyears old slave is wanking, for these two slave have sex in public is the mostnormal thing because they were born in the breeding farm and they are used tohave sex both oral and anal in front of their betters and how all the slavesthat have born in the breeding farm all their lives have been naked, and infront of them are two slave laying on their side one is twenty one years oldblack haired and the other is an eighteen years old dark brown haired, theeighteen years old slave that is fucking the slave that is twenty one has justarrived to the breeding farm and he was kidnaped, and still can be seen the tanlines on his buttocks and legs and he's very ashamed because is having anal sexin front of other persons, but he knows that he's helpless to revolt because hewould be brutally punished and in the short time of being slave he has learntthat is better obey and not revolt, and the black haired slave was the son of aprominent enslaver but he was kidnaped for revenge and he was sold to the breedfarm where hardly he's going to be found by his father, and despite that hisface is covered by the teenage boy leg that is fucking him can be seen that hestill can`t believe that was kidnaped and sold as slave, and he's being forcedto have anal sex in front of those that he considers his equals despite that heis a slave and he is lower than them.

Finally to the right side thereare two slaves one laying on his back and the other is over him ridding thecock of his fellow slave and both slaves are twenty two years old and blackhaired, both slaves were born in the breeding farm so shamelessly they'rehaving anal sex in front of the free citizens and theyre enjoying it, since asslaves they have very few the opportunities to have a moment of pleasure, sinceonly they can have sex when their masters and overseers both free and enslavedallow them, the slave that is lying has his hand on the waist of the slave thathes fucking, while the slave that is being fucked is looking at the face ofhis lover with pleasure even though their animal minds can understand thatprovably this is the last time that they see each other because they can besold, but that doesnt matter to them since as beast they know that they wereborn to obey and serve their betters, and for the breeding farm this is goingto be a day of great profits because all the slaves including the male piglets thatare naked servicing the potential customers and that only are wearing the sashand the tie bow are going to be sold, and they are going to be put to serve inthe different business, but not only that because also theyre going to serveas pleasure slaves to their owners and all those that they want, so be a breeding farm owner even though thatthe beginning requires a large investment at the end is very profitable, eventhough that this breeding farm has thepeculiarity that doesnt have females and their commercial agreement is whensomeone takes a enslaved female to be pregnant if the offspring is a malepiglet then the farm keeps him, and if is a female piglet then the owner of theenslaved female keeps her, although there is time when the male piglet can staywith the owner of his mother if he pays a handsome price for the boy or thefemale physical characteristics dont allow that the resultant offspring inthis case a male piglet is of extraordinary quality.

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Next: Chapter 477: Chicos Tontos 35

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