Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 29, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


"The Millionaire Contest" hadbeen modified to make it more popular and have each time more audience, when itbegan just had been events that had to show physical strength, then was addedthe variant called "The Scholar Millionaire Contest", but after that it hadother change and it made that peoplewere more interested than ever, because in some of the events the participantshad to be naked, but to be naked in front of the audience the contenders wereenslaved before the event began, and only the winner won his freedom back with and an economic or a material thingas additional compensation for the humiliation to have been naked in public.

But not only nakedness wassomething that had been established in the contest, if not the humiliation hadbeen included too for the people entertainment and the participantsdegradation, and that has been approved by the same audience under the believethat if they wanted to be rich and have all the commodities for the rest oftheir lives, then they in the contest had to have a bad time, so when theparticipants went to register for an event that they considered interesting,they were warned that might be changes, although they never explained them whatthe changes might be.

The contenders that hadregistered of the event of that day were going to participate in triathlon thatincluded swimming, run and ride a bike, so they had been training all the timeon those specialties and were ready to participate on those disciplines, butwhen they went to participate that day they were informed that a changed haddone and as soon as they knew what was the change about they were going to tellthem, but as was expected the participants were angry and they began to protestbut they were told that when they went to register they had been warned thatchanges might be done, so all the participants were brought into a room wherethey were locked, and now the uncertainty and anxiety between the contenderswas almost unbearable due that if they made a drastic change they wouldn't beprepare to face that challenge.

What the participants didn't knowwas that the audience was who had asked for the change and they had proposedseveral option and now they were voting to see which one was the winner, sowhen was known which proposal had won immediately they went with the judge tosign the enslavement orders for the twenty participants so they could be nakedin public, however nobody told the participants anything and they kept them fora long time locked, the contest was three hours delayed when the door wasopened and a Slave Police (SP) guard ordered them to strip because they hadbeen enslaved and they would have to participate naked, and was better for themdon't ask anything and obey immediatelyif they didn't want be punished.

The participants with incredulityheard to the SP guard and they didn't have more option but obey since as slavesnow the guard had the freedom to punish them, and once they were naked theywere brought to other room where they were kept like that, but on that momentsfor the contenders the uncertainty andfear had taken control of them because despite that nobody had told them yetanything, they were sure that the triathlon event wasn't going to take placeand now they didn't know what was awaiting them.

One by one the participants weretaken out from the room but they weren't told what the event was about andtheir begs went into deaf ears, and even the SP guards punished several of thecontenders and shouting at them told them that as slaves they didn't have the rightto ask anything and only they had to obey, and when the last contender turn toparticipate arrived was taken to a room that was full of TV cameras, andhowever he couldn't see anything because the lights were very brilliant on thestage he could hear the spectators' voices, but what caught his attention andat the same time make him almost faint was that he saw a cage and a strangemachine that was in front of it, furthermore that several SP agents were on thestage and without explanation he had to went on full fours into the cage, andimmediately the cage's door was closed left him motionless and to make his anxiety bigger than before his wrist,ankles and waist were immobilized with leather straps, and even his feet werechained , and when he was immobilized heheard a motor sound that was turned on, but he couldn't see that the sound camefrom behind him, furthermore his butt was pointing out to the audience.

The wretched participant felt howa hand was putting a cold liquid on his anus and his ass crack and that it wasa lot, then he felt how a plastic thing touched his anus and suddenly hescreamed in pain when the dildo that had been put on the machine penetrated himand he began to feel how the dildo was going in and out of his body fucking him,then one of the judges said that if he wanted to be free again he had to avoidto cum as long as he could, and when the dildo had gone into his body for the first time the chronometer hadbegun to run, but he never was told how long he had to avoid to cum, only hewas told when his jizz started to go out of his cock the chronometer would bestopped, and his time would be compared with the time that the contendere thatuntil that moment was the winner had done, and on that moment would be decidedwho was the winner.

The contender that was beingfucked with horror felt how his cock began to be hard and was pointing to thefloor in front of everyone, and each time the dildo went into his body hescreamed for the pain that he was feeling but at the same time he was feelingsomething strange in his guts, and he was sure that due to the pain he was feelinghe never was going to cum, but while the machine was fucking him was brought intothe stage the contender that until that moment was winning, and he was forcedto be in full four whit his butt pointing out to the spectators, so the onlything that is left is to know who of these two white participants is going towin, the contender that is being fucked by the machine is blond and is twentyeight years old, while the one that is waiting is dark brown haired and his hair cut it very short and is twenty five years old, the othereighteen slaves already were auctioned and were bought by factories to use themas burden beast or laborers, while other were bought by business that takepersons from one place to other as ponies and they are going to pull rickshawsnaked on the streets as a taxi service.

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Next: Chapter 483: Hora De Cobrarselas 35

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