Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 5, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The white male that is on theleft arrived before than the other two, several hours a go he had smelt thefemale and in a mountain hidden area he could stop her, but also the other twomales smelt her and were fallowing the female, but this time was differentconsidering the way that the males that were included in the program named "Theexperiment" behave, because they didn't fight for the supremacy and dominationlike they use to do, this male didn't have to fight because he arrived muchearlier than the others and he had earn the right to copulate with the female,the other two males following their instinct they fight between them and thewinner is forcing the loser to give him pleasure sucking his cock and afterthat he's going to fuck him, because the loser is his slave.

Now the white female has opened her legs to give the maleaccess to his inner body so she can get pleasure but at the same time for matepurposes, and at the end she will be pregnant and the change on her smell willhappen few minutes after they have finished fucking, and the male that hadpregnant her will stay with the female until the pup is born and have enoughage to sustain by himself and be expelled from the family nucleus by becoming asexual rival of his father awakening to life, and this happens when his littleballs start to produce the tadpoles (spermatozoids), and now the male will haveto be more careful than ever to avoid be hunted by any Herma, because he'sgoing to be responsible to protect the pup if is a male about doesn't be huntedby a Herma while he's not capable to protect himself.

By other side if the offspring isa female unlike the male she could stay all the time that she wanted in thefamily nucleus but unlike the little males that that are expelled when theybecome in their fathers sexual rivals, the females when they wake up to lifethat is when they have their first menstruation they can be fucked by their ownfathers for breeding purposes and the reproduction process continues in theisland, however the male that is fucking the female is in great danger to becomethe slave of the male that his cock is being sucked, because once that thecopulation is over if the alfa male already had fucked his slave and hereceived pleasure he could immediately attack the male that is fucking thefemale and if he defeats him he would become his slave, and the winner malewould be responsible to take care of the female and the offspring that willsoon be born, because in the island the human wild animals gestation time isvery short.

The twenty two years okd darkbrown haired white male that is fucking the female already is an experiencedmale about the reproduction because while many males have to wait severalmonths no to say fuck a female but even to sniff her, he in the time that hehas been in the experiment already had fucked six females and the offspring ofhis copulation have been all males, but for reasons that the scientists can'tunderstand when this males expels his pups from the family nucleus the femalesfew days later leave him and he again is alone, thing that doesn't happen withthe other human wild animal couples that even they have many females andseveral male slaves that are servicing them, but it can see that this male thatis knelt putting his cock into the female's pussy knows how to turn her on andhorny since instinctively with his hands and tongue he has given here pleasureand even he had licked her nipples and anus, unlike many other human males thatonly fuck their females and they are wondering if the females leave him becausehe also fucks them anally causing them execrating pain, while the female of hissame age and same hair color is seated with her back leaning in a rock with herarms above her head giving him access to her nipples and pussy.

The other two black haired whitemales of the same age of the male that is breeding was the first time that theywere close of a female hopping to can breed her, but how already she had beenfucked by other male they didn't have more option but fight between them, andnow the male that I seated with his back leaned in a rock and his cock is beingsucked by the defeated male that was more corpulent than him, is the only onethat can breed since the slave only could do it if he recovers his freedom andonly this can be if the male that defeated him dies and he's on full foursgiving him pleasure and is a matter of time to see if the two free males aregoing to fight between them to establish who will be the alfa male and has twoslaves or they don't fight and the male that is fucking the female and he goeswith her to take care of the puppy and her, and leave alone the alfa male andhis beta so they follow their own way, although when the males have sex thesmell that their bodies issue by their balls, anuses, and armpits is strongerand they are more easily detectable by the Hermas but this time the two males don`thave exposed their anuses so their smell when the wind blows and take it withit is not so strong, but the beta male that is sucking his alfa male cock is infull fours and his anus is exposed and the strong smell that his body issues bythe armpits, anus and balls is being carrier by the win through the mountains and could be sniffed by several Hermas.

Of the six male pups that thismale has breed only are alive two since the other four became the food of theHermas that were morels their same age, and the other two pups has breed andhave pups but of course this is unknown for the father since if they meet he isnot being capable to recognize them and only the would see them as a sexualrivals and he would have to fight with them to establish who is the alfa maleand who is the beta, although until that moment for what the scientists haveseen there is not confrontation between father and son, but the life for thenaked wild human males either young or adults is not easy, because having not anatural defense against their depredators they are helpless and a veryimportant quantity of them is hunted and swallowed daily, but also exists ahuge number of births of the wild humans and specially the males as those thatare sent to the island to be part of the experiment, but the pups that were born there, they grewand mature very fast and in a very short time they wake up to life and arecapable to breed and therefore they are expelled from the family when theybecome their fathers sexual rivals o the alfa male that are in control of thefamily, and depends on them once they are expelled to stay alive and can breed,and the alfa males while the pups are with them teach them the tactics to hideand run away from the feared Hermas, and survival only and exclusively dependson the pup which or breed or he ends up being a turd leaved on the grass ashave happened to other young and adult humans, either those that born in theexperiment or were sent there.

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Next: Chapter 489: Salvajes 36

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