Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 19, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Another public auction for thecum produced by the males' balls that already have awakened to life, the ovulesthat are produced by the females known as eggs as well, piglets and slaves ofboth genders at one of the most luxury breeding farm where go to buy slavesboth very rich people and those that barely can afford to buy a cheap slave,since here everyone is welcome, and even the economic power of this farm issuch that raffles some of its slaves that are considered old meat between thevisitors, including those that cant afford to buy a slave, as long as theyplay in its casino and in one of the raffles that took place in their machinessome of the visitor is the winner he receives as a reward one of their slavesthat are being raffled, that in thiscase are two males and one female which are the ones that remain and that arebeing exhibited, and that had made that many of the guest are playing in themachines hopping to can win one of these three slave which are considered ofvery good quality, but because theyre already considered old meat they aregiven them, although what the naïve guest that are playing in the machinedoesn`t know is that with all the money that they are putting into the machine toplay that is not much, but because of the number of visitors in reality thebreeding farm is not given them the salves for free but between all of them arepaying for those slaves and in addition they are given to the breeding farm aprofit.

Already several male and female pigletshave been given as a gift and teenagers as well, and this event takes place fourtimes a year and is very popular between the visitors which with a smallinvestment even though they have to be playing and sometimes the investment isnot so small can win an excellent quality slave, however despite of theattractive to have the slaves' naked bodies in different places that werestrategically chosen in this casino installed in the breeding farm and look atboth the females and males of different ages exhibited as the animals that theyare and even many of them servicing the free people as waiters, the visitorsare more entertained playing with the coin machines betting to see if they canwin money or even they become the owners of one of the naked slaves that theyare being offered as gift, but not all is glamour in this breeding farm becausebehind of this luxury in the casino and everyday people goes to play and betbeing serviced by naked piglets of the best quality and of course they caninspect and touch in addition if they wish buy them, there are place where theslaves are kept all the time where only there are naked gray concrete wallswith any kind of decoration, cages and cells where are locked the naked slaves,and instead of the luxury lavatories there are holes in the floor with hoses where the slave to shit and pisshave to squat and with their legs as wide open as possible and where his feetsole has to be completely leaned on the concrete floor, so their buttocks godown as much as possible and are completely opened and the anus is as close aspossible to the hole and the slaves can shit with their two hands on the backof the head, and to piss being the cock soft has to be pointing down and theyhave to be sure that the piss slit is pointing to a narrow canal that goes tothe hole., and to clean the anus they have to do it with a hose because theslaves have forbidden do it with toilet paper.

Other aspect that the people thatgo to the casino can`t see unless they request that and pay an additionalamount of money of that that they had bet, is the zone where the males aremilked taking out from their bodies their cum to later put it on sale orinseminate other females, where the ovules also known as a degrading way eggsare taken from the female and that even there are two kinds of places, theluxury that is some kind of theater where the guest can be seated in verycomfortable seats and see a perfectly light stage with all the necessaryequipment to carry out this farm important function, , and where only are takenthere the salves that are considered as the stallions and the best females sothe visitors very comfortable can see how the free vets take out the cum andthe tadpoles from the studs o from the best piglets that already have awaken tolife, and the eggs of the best females as well and even there are huge TV screensso the visitors that had paid for that service can see with all detail what thevets are doing, and even for the femalesthey can see the inside of their bodies and how the egg is being extracted, andin case of the males if they chose to take out the tadpoles and the seminalliquid without using the traditional masturbation the ball that is inside thescrotum and the inner part of the urethra and prostate, since all theinstruments that are used to carry on this process have integrated tinny highdefinition cameras, but exists a second place where the visitors are not allowedto go and where there is not glamour there.

There are stainless steel seatswith stirrups rows that are fastened to the floor with very thick screws,fluorescent lamps that have nothing to do with the attractive reflectors andluxurious lamps that there are where the free citizens observe this procedure,and where like a production line all the slaves that already have awakened tolife that means that are fertile without mattering their ages are taking thereand strapped to the chairs, and at the same time they are forced to give themost valuable production of their bodies in these case for the breeding farmthat are the females eggs and the males cum, but also the milk breast wasmilked from the females that is in their tits and that is storage in specialcontainers and later is sold to the milk breast banks or those free citizensthat like to drink this kind of milk, all day long with the exception at nightthis place is full of slaves that are being milked, the milking process takesone hour and between many other things the males slaves without mattering theirages are wanked merciless and when they are reaching the no return point theprocedure stops, and each ten minutes the slave can cum, however the first timethat the slave cum the glans is so sensitive that the time that the milkingprocess endures becomes in pleasure and pain at the same time because the salve that is in charge to milkhis fellow slave has to be constantly touching the sensitive glans, in additionthat the slave that is being milked had to be fucked by the anus with a dildothat had to be done by the slave that is milking him because this is not doneby machines and also he is responsible to gather all the cum that his fellowslave cock is ejaculating, usually theslaves that are in charge to merciless wank the other males are the farms beststallions that are milked in front of the visitors and that they hate this kindof job, because is very laborious and tired and the farm owner doesnt wantthat the studs perform the work that the common slaves have to do to avoid therisk that they can be injured and they are closely watched by free vets, whichif they consider that a stallion including the piglets that are considered assuch are not performing his duties as expected an enslaved overseer is orderedto punish him, and never the males and females are together, in addition thatthere is a special zone where the males fuck the females to get pregnant andthey do on the floor being supervised and all males have to be fucked by othermales when they are fucking the females.

In the casino central area thereare three white slaves completely naked and that are two males and one female,either the males and female are twenty years old the males are black haired andthe female dark brown haired, and despite that the males have excellent bodiesand small nipples and one male has them light brown and the other dark brownwhile the female nipples are pinkish and her tits are regular size, and thethree slaves are considered good looking and even they were allowed to keeptheir pubes trimmed and one of the males the one with the light brown nipplethe hair on his armpits trimmed and that even the two males have excellentbuttocks, and that even one of the overseer had ordered the female to wank thetwo males at the same time since she is between them thing that she's doingshamelessly and smiling while the two male slaves are enjoying that, and thatthe female has to show happiness in her face if she doesnt want be punisheddespite that she is ashamed because is being exhibited naked as the an animalin front of the free people, nobody is putting attention to them since all thefree citizens are more interested to see if they can win using the bettingmachines than in the almost perfect naked bodies that are being offered asgifts, and these three slaves ended up in the reproduction far when they werecaught by the girls parents having sex between them in the girls room, and atthe beginning only the girl was going to be enslaved but how the boys werefound having anal sex between them their parents decided enslaved them toobecause they didnt have fag sons, and due that they were good looking theparents ended up offering them to the breeding farm which accept them whentheir parents were offered them by a very low price, and the farm has takengood advantage of the males' balls productions and the female's ovaries.

But the two males have a defectand this is that they are tattooed and this is not allowed by the farm and thisis the reason why they decided put them on sale and it was the same reason whynobody wants to buy them despite that they have been for sale several weeks,and the farm decided take a financial advantage of them by other way and thefemale was put for sale because she was considered as a flat, since his vulvalips wasn`t prominent and only the slit could be see on the skin that allowedthe cocks go into her body and one of the farm's requirements is that thefemale's vulva lips have to be prominent, and the reason why the visitors arenot putting them attention is because they are the last salves that are beingoffered as a gift and in two hour more the casino is going to close its doorsand all of them want went out with a slave as a gift, and even though thesethree slaves and six more that are distributed in other casino zones withoutexception are going to go out with their new owners when the casino closes itsdoors for that day, and all the visitors are going to make even more rich theLatin master that had the brilliant idea to open a casino and make the freecitizens believe that with the betting machines they could take home a slavebecause between all of them they bet a huge quantity of money hopping that they can win, in addition that everyday the casino is opened many of the less fortunate citizens go to play bettingin the machines hopping to win while the naked piglets wearing sashes and tiebows are servicing them as waiters, taking their orders and bringing them thesnacks and beverages that they want to consume and they not only enjoy thecasino's games but the perfection of a naked human body when they look at themabove all the males naked bodies.

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