Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 19, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Berich not always brings good thing despite that you have all that you want andmuch more when the parents love you and give you all what you want, but be arich boy also brings some responsibilities and one of them is always beobedient and do all what your parents tell you, and much more when you're in anexclusive social environment.

Thisyoung eighteen years old blond male with small light brown nipples and with anormal uncut cock size but thick considering the family standards and withtrimmed pubes, beside that he had much more skin than usual in his scrotum andballs with acceptable size that were delineated on the skin and was smooth, wasthe son of one of the richest man in the country and therefore he went to themost exclusive school for boys in town and also he was a member of the moreexclusive sport club, where the slaves were in charge that the rich member hadall what they needed and attend all their needs and even that club only boughtyoung rich slaves than had fallen in disgrace and had been enslaved becausethey have done a foolishness, and their slaves could be from the country orimported and if they were imported they put a lot attention to reason why theboy had been enslaved and the family where he came from, and only the boughtslaves that didn`t come from rich families if they were exceptionally handsomeand they were in charge to train him very well but in very few occasion theybought this kind of slaves, because always in the market was naked fresh meaton sale of rich boys that had done something foolish.

Thefact of having slaves that had belonged to the rich class into the Sport Centerdidnt mean that they bought slaves that only had to fulfill the requirement thatthey had belonged to that social class, but also they had to be handsome havean excellent body or at least can work on them so they can have it andintelligence wasnt a very important factor due to the activities that theslaves had to do, although of course the wretched slaves had to do the freeboys homework or while they have fun the wretched slaves had to do the scholarinvestigation, although this wasnt allowed either by the sport centerauthorities or by the parents becausethis was prejudicial for their children on their academic performance, butanyway this activity frequently was taking place since the slaves were there toobey their young masters and failed to obey what a superior was telling themended up in brutal punishment, and the slaves despite that they had prohibiteddo that kind of activities they hadnt more option but do it but for them wasdespairing that situation because if aparent or administrator or even an overseer surprised a slave doing a student`s homework or an investigation, he waspunished because he had dared to disobey a superior order so for the poorslaves they were in a relation that was lose to lose as should be in a slavelife.

Thisblond boy had a happy life, and his parents gave him all what he wanted and hehad a pampered life however he also have certain responsibilities that he hadto fulfill, and that was the condition that his father had put so he could keephaving the life of comfort and luxury that until that moment he had, but oneday for his misfortune a slave was caught doing his homework by one of theoverseer and when they slave was interrogated the poor slave didnt have moreoption but tell them who had told him to do what he had forbidden, and as wasexpected the slave was brutally punished for having disobey the order that theyhad about dont do the school research works and homework of the young membersof the sport center, but at the same time this boy's father was informed aboutwhat his son had done although the father didn`t give importance about what hisson did and he excused him saying that the slave was lying.

Thenext day when this boy arrived to his school the man that was in charge of theacademic affairs summoned the boy in his office and he gave him some papers andtold the boy that he had four hours to answer the question that were in thepapers, and without saying anything else he leaved the boy alone and confusedin that room and the boy didnt have more option but answer the question thatwere in the papers, and even though that were questions about all he hadstudied during the scholar year he didnt understand why they were doing thatif he had excellent school grades, but he knew that a student had to obey allwhat the scholar authorities told him if he wanted keep studying in thatexclusive school so he did as he was told, and four hours later the man incharge of the academic affairs went back and he told the boy to give him thepapers, and also told the boy that he could go home despite that the scholarday hadnt finished yet and although that this was strange the boy gratefulwent home to rest, and when he arrived home his father was there and he toldhim what had happened in the school and his father again didnt give importanceand told his son to go to his room to rest and to meet him fifteen minutesbefore super, and the boy happily went to his room because he was very tiredand in few second the boy was sound asleep.

Whenthis lad woke up he saw that in thirty minutes more he had to be with hisfather, so he peed inside his personal slave boy mouth who hadnt more choicebut swallow his piss and then he took a shower and as was expected the slave was who cleaned hisbody and also he fucked the slave boy in the shower in a faster as he called tothe act of fuck his slave in the shower in a fast way, and the slave dried offand dressed his master and after that the boy went to the living room where hisfather was with his brothers and he joined to the conversation, and his fatherasked him more about why the school had applied an exam to him and the reasonwhy he had arrived before than his brothers, the boy answered to his father thebest he could although he didnt have any idea the reason why the man that wasin charge of the academic affairs had forced only him to answer a test when itwasn`t tests time.

Fewminutes later someone knocked on the family house door and one of the brotherswent to open, and there were the school principal, the man in charge of thescholar affairs and the Slave Police (SP) deputy that was in charge to checkthat all the students behave as was expected following the school rules andfulfill with the government requirements about the school grades, and when theywent in the three men joined the rest of the family males and as was expectedthe boys that were students of that school reactions was fear because neverbefore these three men had been in their house, and after they greet all thefamily members that were there with exception of the boy that had made the examthe father simply asked them which had been the result of the test that his sonhad done that morning.

As wasexpected the reaction of the boy was of surprise and annoyance when he heardwhat his father was asking because he had lied to him when he didn`t tell himthat he had been who had ordered that the boy took the test and he wanted toask him why he had done that, but his father with his hands told him to shut upand he heard to the man that was in charge of the scholar affairs that the boyhad been one answer short to reach the minimum required because if the boy hadhad one more correct answer he would reach it, then the father asked to thesurprise of his children if the test score that the boy had gotten consideringthat this was an special test and required a higher notes than the normal hadbeen the same that the boy had in the school year period, so the principal told him no that he had been lower but still the note was higher thanthe one that was demanded on normal conditions and now as the father was hisdecision to decide what has to be done with the boy.

Thehandsome blond lad with anger asked his father the reason why he had lied tohim and he hadnt told him that he knew about the test and that at the sametime he had ordered to be applied, then in those moment the sport center slavesoverseer went into the house with a naked slave in full fours wearing thecollar and be guided by a chain, and the father with stern voice told his sonthat he had been the one that had cheated them and because of him an expensive slave that couldserve in many ways to the club members, he had to bought and he was going to begelded and sent to the mines where never again he was going to see the sun becausehe had dared to disobey an order that was given while the slave' sobs could beheard and he kept his head bowed, because he had disobeyed and order aboutdont do the homework of the young lads that were members of the club, and inreality the one that had cheated was him because the slaves were the ones whodid his homework that was his own duty to do while he was having fun, and he as hisson perfectly knew what as a father he was expecting from his children and hehad betrayed his trust, and now he had to face the consequences for his fraud.

Theboy couldnt believe what his father was saying however he knew that he wasright about he had cheated him, but for him this wasnt important because theslaves werent the ones that resolved the tests but him and with his results hewas showing that he was an excellent student and was unfair what he wants to dowith him whatever it might be, but when they lad was going to speak his fatheragain with his hand indicated him to shut up, and told to the sport centerslaves' overseer that the slave wasn't guilty about what had happened becausehe hadnt an option, because if he disobeyed what his son had told him anywayhe was going to be punished for disobeying a better's order, so in compensationfor that hard and unfortunate situationthat his son had put to the sport center slaves' overseer he donated the slaveto the club so he could be serving as he has been doing before the incident andhe didn`t accept a no as an answer, so the slave when he heard what his new master had told with his legs wideopened and crawling went to kiss the feet of the man that now was his new materthanking him for his kindness about not gelding him and sent him to the mineand he did the same with all his children including the lad that had put him inthat predicament, while all the free citizens that were there could see hisexposed hairless anus, his cock and balls hanging and bouncing while he crawledand kissed the feet as well his prominent perineum.

Thelad couldnt believe that his father had given the reason to a slave instead tohim but before that he could say anything he heard his father said somethingthat leave frozen all his children, because he said that the donation has costhim a little fortune and he had to recover that lost, and he asked to theschool authorities and the SPrepresentative if they had any idea about how he could recuperate that lost butany of them said something, so the father addressing to his handsome blond sontold him that was unforgettable that he had cheated him when he had put all histrust on him, then the boy being angry told him that he hadnt cheated himbecause he was an excellent student and his school notes showed it because theslaves didnt resolve the tests for him, but the father had his doubts becausethe school's slaves had access to the place where the test were printed andcould be that one slave could take out the tests and gave them to his son,although he knew that was not very probable because the result of the test thatwas applied to his son that morning had been good but here the point was thathis son had lied and cheated him and he didnt trust him anymore, beside thathe had to apply on him an exemplary punishment that was a deterrent to hisother boys if he didnt want that they do the same thing that he did, so hetold to all the people that was there that due that his son was a liar and hewasnt trustworthy anymore he was going to apply on him a punishment that was adeterrent to his other boys so they wouldn't dare to do something like that,and without further telling he said to the SP representative that he enslavedhis son for his shameful acting and that he has to be put on sale on the nextpublic auction, that decision surprised all those that were in that place andwhen the boy wanted to protest he was hard slapped on the face by the SPrepresentative who told him to get naked and never again dared to talk a freecitizen in the way that he had done if he didnt want be brutally punished,while the other children couldnt believe what they had heard and the boy withdesperation turned to look at his father and once more begged him to don`t dothat to him, and for his daring to have talked a superior without permissionwas whipped and that made him scream in pain while the SP representative toldhim that get naked and shut up because nobody had given him permission to talk.

Theblond student didn't want get naked because as was expected he was ashamed tobe naked in front of the others that would be dressed and they didnt have anyreason to be disrobed, and once more he turned to look at his father to beg himfor help but the school SP representative slapped him very hard on the face andscreaming told the boy that obeyed the orders that a better was giving him, sothe boy didnt have more option but get naked in front of his family and thefree citizens that were there, but for his shame when his mother and sistersheard the commotion went down to see what was happening and surprised they sawhow one of their brothers was getting naked, and when he was nakedinstinctively he covered his cock and balls with his hands to avoid that hismother and sisters could see him in such degrading and humiliating situation,while the house slaves hidden were observing with joy the fall of one of theirmaster even though they didnt show it and pretended they were busy to avoid bepunished by their master, and once the boy was naked the SP representative toldhim to assumed the display position and he threatened the boy telling him thatif he disobeyed would be immediately punished, so the new slave with his facered for the shame he hadnt more option but do what he was told because neitherhis father or brother did something to help him, and slowly he took his hand tothe back of his head leaving exposed in all his glory his family jewels ( thatwas the way that the teenage boys called to the male sexual organs) and he putas far as possible his legs, before the fascination of his siblings who saw for the first time at least for thegirls naked thier brother and for the boys to see that now they boy that untilfew seconds a go had been their brother now he wasn`t more than a slave who orobey or would be brutally punished.

Themother when realized what was going on wanted to protect the child that heloved but her husband stopped her and told her that he had cheated the family,and the slave that was naked in full fours had to be bought by him and had costa fortune and they already had talked about the punishment that would have toface any of his children both boys and girls if they dared to cheat and theyhad agreed that, and even though themother kept arguing that his son crime hadnt been so bad when he heard thereason why he was enslaved and when she knew that the test result wasnt bad,while the slave's siblings looked with fascination at their former brother exposed cock and balls that were hangingfreely in the air, the school SP representative saw that was getting late andhe asked the father if he needed something else because was necessary take thenew slave to the Slave Processing Center(SPC), so they could give him his slaveidentification number (SIN) and his free citizen data was deleted and thefather to end the useless discussion that he was having with his wife gave hisapproval, and the wretched boy was taken out naked from his house to thetransport that would take him to the SPC to receive his SIN and his personaldata as free citizen were lost forever and he became in a other number beingalways naked and exhibited as the animal that he had become while his neighborswere looking at him with surprise and contempt, and to frightened the freecitizen to commit illicit actions that could take them to slavery the slaveswere taken in transport with cages so the free citizen could see theirnakedness and their most intimate body parts exhibited as if they were animalswithout consciousness of their nudity.

Theslave was bought by the sport center and he has been tattooed on the lower part of his abs and on the rightside of his pubis and this is the reason why he doesnt need to wear the collarand with his forced nakedness show that hes an animal, which can be treated asthe members wanted without showing him any consideration to him, but his salewas very traumatic because as it was in a public auction all his acquaintancesand former schoolmates went to inspect him, being naked and exhibited as theanimal that he was although for his good fortune he wasnt fucked and still is avirgin, but now he sees with incredulitythat his duty is serve the club young members that once were his friends andacquaintances and that now are his betters and are going to despise him, andhes in a room in the luxury sport center waiting for his former best friend tobe fucked and he takes his cherry, and for his misfortune he knows what isawaiting him because as his former friends he took his slaves to the sportcenter and he participated in the things that the slaves had to endure.

Nowthat he's a slave his face says everything because he knows the pain that isawaiting him when his former best friend fucks him taking his cherry and he'llhave to sever as slave in the sport center where once he was a member, besidethat he will have to go naked to other sport clubs and his main job will becarry the thing of the young members that once were his friends and gave themthe water bottles so they can be cool, have ready the towels and even if isnecessary shower them and pick up the tennis balls while they are playing or bring them thingsas beverages and snacks, and also he will have to drink their piss from their cocks and the worst of all is that hisformer girlfriend and her friends are going to see him naked and his brothersand sisters as well, and he will have to serve them and even his mother andfather and instead to be him who laugh of the wretched slave that should be servinghim, now they are going to laugh at him and even he's going to be fucked in publicfor the delight of all those that used to be his friends, and all this happenedfor his foolishness to order a sport center slave to do his homework and wasdiscovered.

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Next: Chapter 497: Chicos Infibulados 7

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