Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 2, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This honky failed to try to hidein the woods and be with his family again, when the Latins issued an order thatall whites had to be enslaved they try to hide in the nature.

This honky was in his school'sbathroom when he saw that the Latin guards began to arrest and strip the boysof his same race, so he could scape by a window and went to his house to tellhis parents what was going on but he found it empty.

That night he slept there but thenext morning a friend saw him and told him that his family had run a way to thewoods, and they had to do the same at once because the latin guards would comeback soon to look for more whites in that area as they have done the daybefore, also he told him that their families were together because his parentshad left a note letting him know that.

It was a risky task try to reachthe woods edge because the Latin guards has established surveillancepoints through the city, and especially in the woods edge to avoid that thewhiteys could escape and hide there.

Although apparently the night wasideal to try to flee and go out from the city, it was when the Latins watchedmore precisely because they knew that was when the whites would try to run away on those hours, so patrols with police agents and naked white slaves wentthrough the city and the slaves were used as a hooks to capture the whiteys,because even the slaves thought that they could run away from the Slave Police(SP) agents because when they put them to walk through the streets naked tomeet whiteys that were trying to flee not wearing the collars, the naïve andstupid slaves believed that they had a great chance to escape, when in reality was the opposite since those whitenaked animals didn`t know that by their anuses in the deepest part of theirgusts to be more specific in their rectums the Latin masters had put chips withwhich was very easy locate them, and the only thing that the slaves did wasexactly carry out the work for which they had been taken out of the SlaveProcessing Center (CPE) or the Tame centers that was to meet with the whiteysthat tried to flee and with the chips implanted deep in their butts and befollowing them and capture the other whiteys, and The SP Latin agents simply laughed of thesilly enslaved whiteys that though that they had mocked of the Latins and nowthey had a great opportunity to run away without knowing that was exactly theother side, because they had become in a trap for the whiteys that wanted toflee to the forest and avoid be captured and enslaved.

An eighteen years old light brownhaired slim captured whitey with attractive buttocks and that he had ran away withhis black haired friend of his same age, had been one of the few fortunate toreach the forest, because when they were hiding between the houses and the carsto try to avoid be seen by the Latin guards that were watching the city, andabove all of the young SP agents of their same age that were whom most enjoyedhunted them as the young Latins called the fact to persecute and arrest them, theysaw a small group of naked whiteys who like them were hiding and trying toflee, and one of the boys that was the leader of the group cautiously wentwhere they were to find out why they were naked, and when they told them thatthey had ran away from the Latin SP guards and now like them they were tryingto flee and told them where the guards of the SP were the naïve t whiteysbelieved them when they saw that was true what they were telling them andadmitted them in their group in their try to flee, without knowing that thosenude whitey in the deep of their butts had the chips that were telling to theSP Latin guards where they were and that they had become a trap from them.

This whiteys group decided thatwas better dived first to verify that effectively the SP guards only were inthe places where the naked slaves had told them that they were and verify thatthey werent in other places, but this young whitey together with his frienddecided separate from the group because they didnt believe that the Latin SPagent had allowed that several naked white slaves escaped and although theydidn`t know how they thought if a SP guard saw them together with a white nakedslave that was trying to escape, when they were captured they will face a worstfate so they told to few boys of theirgroup what they were thinking, but most of them disagreed with them becausethey were thinking that the naked slaves knowing where the SP agents were wouldtake them to the forest without be seen by them, so this two boys when they sawthe opportunity without saying a word simply they separated and they went alonein their attempt to escape and be save in the forest, thing that they could dobut was very hard for the many Latin SP agents patrols that were in both in thecity and on the edges of the city and even in the forest, and even they saw howa group of the boys that had been with them was captured and the boys strippednaked in public and put into cages in the transports and exhibited as animalsbeing in full fours so their anuses, balls and cocks were exposed and the freeLatin and blacks citizens and the whites that were hiding trying to flee aswell saw what was waiting to the former powerful whites if they were captured.

However to this honky bad luckwhile his friend could go into the woods he hadn't the same fate and he wasarrested by the Latin authorities because for his misfortune, he found a nakedslave that like him was trying to run away without knowing that in the deep ofhis butt he had the chip and that the SP Latin guard were following him, andwhile his friend was checking if it was safe go to the river and had hiddenbetween the bushes and the trees, this white light brown haired boy wasuncovered among the fallen trees together with the slave that he had found byaccident in the forests and for the Latin SP agent wasnt any problem caughtthem, while with sadness and desperation the black haired boy saw how hisfriend was captured, and now practically naked is waiting for the transportthat will take him to one of the auction centers where he is going to be soldas slave to the Latin masters, and he has been forced to put down his pants sohis white buttocks are exposed and can be seen a tan line barely perceptiblebecause never those parts of his body were exposed to the sun, and he has beenforced to take off his shirt and put his hand behind his head, while with terror hes waiting that the SPfinish to punishing the wretched and naked white slaves that thought he couldescape, and due to the punishment brutality he's looking to other side whilethe slave's scream of pain and begs about not be punished anymore are heard byhim and his friend that is hidden between the trees and soon he's going beedeep inside the woods to be able to stay free at least one more day.

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Next: Chapter 503: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 36

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