Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 2, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The session is finished, and nowa new twenty two years old dark brownhaired boy with a short hair cut candidate that is knelt and completely nakedhas become a new Titan, his muscles are formidable and is showing his biceps insignal of happiness because he has succeed in the intelligence and muscles tests,and his buttocks are muscled but at the same time are beautiful, and in frontof him dressed in the platform where the judges took the decision to accept himas a Titan, is the Titan than in few hours more is going to deflower him in asocial event where a select number of guest are going to witness how a virginalboy becomes one of them.

The Titan that is bald and has ablack beard, he has crossed his arms in the place where few minutes ago he wasthe president of the jury, because by lot he was chosen as the one to fuck forthe first time the naked candidate, who had to go nude to the court and wentinto the courtroom naked because all candidate to be a Titan had to be naked innot public places and in public only wearing a loincloth.

But in the now empty courtroomnot only are there the still candidate to be a Titan that has to be defloweredand proves that he's virgin otherwise he would be enslaved and the Titan thatis going to deflower him that is twenty five years old and as the candidateboth are whites, but also there is other eighteen years old black haired naked whiteboy, with muscular legs and buttocks and with a normal torso, that he justarrived to the Forbidden City as a Candidate to be a Titan, but that he failedin the intelligence quiz, and therefore in that same session he was enslavedand put on his neck the collar, he's standing looking at the formidable Titanthat was the president and with his hands on his mouth incredulous to know thatnow he's a slave and he can't take the training sessions to become a Titan, anin few hours more he's is going to belong to the Candidate to be a Titan assoon as he proves that he's virginal, because is a gift that he received fromhis father who was present in the session where the judges decided accept himas a Titan.

For the enslaved boy bad luck hisfather also was there when naked he was requested to stood and go in front theplatform facing the judges and giving his back to the audience who coulddelight looking at his meaty teenage butt, and in a brutal way he was told thathe was an animal that lacked the intelligence to become a Titan and that wouldbe a loss of time that he went to the training sessions, and although his bodyhad potential to develop the muscles to become in one of them, there wasn'ttraining sessions to make that his intelligence improved, and as he alreadyknew the secret of the Forbidden City and the Titans society for that reason hecouldn't be sent back to the society where he came from, and then he wassentenced to a slavery for life, and the boy's father felt very humiliated forwhat they had told to his son, but as a Titan member he had to obey the rulesif he didn't want end up as his son, beside that he already knew the risk abouttake his son to the Forbidden City as a candidate to be a Titan.

When the wretched candidate to bea Titan was enslaved, the jury president and in charge to deflower the newTitan, requested that as soon as the accepted candidate to be a Titan succeededin the virginity quiz the new enslaved boy was given as gift to the new Titan,and even the tan lines could be seen on the skin of the thighs and buttocksof the new enslaved boy, and in veryrare occasions a Titan candidate was rejected and other accepted in the samesession, and all the jury members agreed with the petition., so the fatherdidnt have more option but buy the slave and give him to his sons but inreality the price of the enslaved boy was low and considering his wealth wasnta problem buy him.

The newly enslaved boy isterrified considering what is awaiting him, because before the intelligencequiz, he could see how the Titans life was and the benefit that they had, butat the same time he saw how were treated all those that failed in the attemptto be one of them and became a slave, and despite that he wanted to run away hecan't do it because in the collar is a chip that indicates where he's, besidethat in the party after he is deflowered by his new master in front of theguest, another chip is going to be put deep inside his guts in his rectum, sowant to be a Titan is good, but what might happen a boy that fails in theattempt is worst.

The accepted candidate as a newTitan now has ahead the freedom to have fun without the need to be supervised,however he will have to be careful about dont be fucked by anyone because ifhe is anally penetrated and he's not virgin when the acceptance ceremony takesplace where he should be deflowered then his fate is sealed and he will becomeinto other slave, and this is one of the most dangerous moments for a Titancandidate that is accepted because when hes celebrating he might be get drunkand lose the control about what hes doing, and this is precisely the timewhere his father's enemies can have the opportunity to take ravage on him,trying to get drunk his son and fuck him and now the father will have to bevery careful being watching his son to avoid that this happens, but the fathercant intervene in the way that his son wants to behave because despite thathe's not officially a Titan yet right now he is free to do what he wants, andhow nobody cant tell him what he has to do since now is considered that he'senough responsible to obey the Titans government and follow the laws, so hisfather only hopes that if his son wants to have sex do it with the slaves anddont allow be fucked by anyone and much less by a slave.

And for the enslaved candidate tobe a Titan the life that is awaiting him is suffering and humiliation, he hasthe hope that can gain his master favor and be treated much better than theother slaves that he saw how they were treated, but is exactly what is notgoing to happen, because the candidates to be a Titans in their training iswhat they are taught to despise and see the slaves as objects, and in theirminds is inculcated the fact that the slaves are despicable and they can dowith them what they want and they shouldnt have compassion for them, so hislife is going to be very hard being sexually used countless times by his masterand friends, being exhibited naked in both the Forbidden City and the citieswere his master travels as well, but outside the Forbidden City the slave isgoing to be gaged when he's being exhibited in public or his master is withfriends that arent Titans, beside that he's going to be a good example toinculcate on his master's lovers mind that aren`t Titans that establish slaveryin their countries or have slaves and treat them as trash is good, and hisyoung lovers when feeling intoxicated by the power that they are going to haveover other helpless human they will accept willingly what their Titan friend istelling them.

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Next: Chapter 505: Victimas 36

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