Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 10, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


He was invited to expend theweekend in a friend's ranch with several of his former schoolmates since therewas going to take place their fraternity reunion which they once had belongedon their scholar time.

The guests intention was that allof them went together, but for unknown reason that couldn ´t be understood sincethe host had bought the air tickets and those that lived in the same city hadto travel by different airlines and hours.

The reunion was a pleasant one,but the only strange thing that happened was that strange people that hadn'tbelong to the brotherhood were there too, and Other thing that also was strangewas seen close circuit TV cameras in the bedrooms, so when they asked to thehost the reason why of that, he answered that days before had escaped from arehabilitation center several inmates and the cameras were to watch that anystranger were in the place.

What the guest didn ´t know isthat also in the bathrooms had hidden cameras to see them naked when they weretaking a shower or doing their business, and other thing that also happened butnobody put attention was that when they were in the pool their host had askedthem that they swim naked like on the old times, this at first took them bysurprise but at the end they agreed considering if they were remembering theold times one of their favorite events after they had been drunken was swimnaked.

But the strange requests didn ´tstop there because even when they ridded the horses, their guest asked them todo it naked and he gave as explanation that it was because they should enjoythe freedom to be au naturel while they were on the horses visiting the ranch,but what caught their attention was that always those men that hadn ´t bemembers of their brotherhood went with them wherever they go but clothed.

Despite of the strange request tobe all the time naked, the TV cameras and the guest that hadn't belong to thebrotherhood, the brotherhood's members had an excellent weekend and even theyregret that the weekend was almost over, so the last night everyone wastogether around a fire outside of the house, and as a farewell they began totell anecdotes of their time as students and the brotherhood.

Suddenly several armed men wentout from the darkness and with their guns were pointing out toward the nakedmen, and ordered them that assumed the full fours position looking at the fire,Some of them tried to run away but they were surrounded and even their host tookout his gun and also pointed out to them, so they didn ´t have more option butdo as they were told, although they were demanding an explanation about whatwas going on but nobody told them anything.

The naked men were taken apartconsidering their hair color and their captors put to each one a stainlesscollar, and their hands were cuffed to a short chain that was attached to thecollar and that arrived just to the middle of the back making the captives feelvery uncomfortable, furthermore their ankles were shackled so they only couldwalk with short steps, then the collarswere chained to the collar of the slave that was in front and each group wastaken away for different dirty roads going into the night.

And after walking for severalhours and when the captives thought thatthey couldn ´t keep walking anymore, they arrived where trucks that were usedfor the cattle transport were parked and they were forced to climb into to thecage, and the chain that was used to lead the captives was attached to the backof the collar of other slaves that were already on the truck, and for therethey were taken to a training camp where they were forced to have sex betweenthem and give pleasure to the men that now were their masters, and thepotential buyers enjoyed the prisoners that had arrived to the training campsuffering and humiliation.

Only in one day all the captivesthat had arrived to that place were sold as slaves and illegally taken out thecountry with the exception of one, which stayed on that place and became theslave of the man that had been his host where the brotherhood reunion tookplace.

Now the unhappy black hairedslave that is twenty three years old sees behind a very high steel mesh therailroad, furthermore that still his buttocks' skin is whither than the rest ofhis body, always he's naked but he's not wearing the collar anymore, and heworks from dawn until sunset and in very few occasions like this one he can rest briefly, even if he wanted hecould escape and be free again but he knows that he can ´t do that, because hismaster used his name to commit financial felonies , so if he tries to run a way he would be arrested by the authoritiesand sent to jail and even he might face the dead penalty, so he knows that hedoesn ´t have more option but be the slave of his former brotherhood mateand when he can with sadness he sees thetrains running on the rail road full of free people, while he's going to be inthat place until his master decides to sale him.

Beside that would be useless tryto escape because his master has implanted chips in his brain, in his butt deepinside his rectum and other more in his balls, and he knows that the chips arelocalizers and without matter where he's his master always is going to findhim, but thats is not all because even those chips are used to punish him andcause him an unbearable pain, in his guts, balls or head, so as the people saydespite that his master has given him the opportunity to can escape he cant doit because literally he has him by the balls, so with sadness he knows thatalways he will be a slave and hes wondering what happened with his friend andbrotherhood mates, and if like him they were cruelty circumcised withoutanesthetic and if they are kept naked all the time as him, and if they arebrutally punished as he has been, but at the end of the day despite that nowhe's an animal and is seen like that by the men that control him and that arethe overseers who punish him and now they said that he's not capable to think,he knows that his brotherhood friends were facing the same life that he hadnow, and what he most hated now and hehas to do and has become in his only way to get pleasure was can have sex withother wretched slaves, although even to have sex both oral and anal they haveto earn that privilege because his master has put them in chastity, and even inthat aspect he has the control in their lives, and they have to humiliate themselves begging his master in front of his friends that allow them fuck orbe fucked by their fellow slaves or beg his friend to fuck them to get somepleasure and stop to be suffering to have blue balls and the awful pain becausethey cant cum, although the chastity devise inside has spikes that every timethat their enslaved cocks are hard the spiked hurt their cocks' tender andsmooth skin making them scream in pain, and they are very happy when theirmaster as a reward take off the chastity in front of his friends and overseersand allow his slaves fuck .

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Next: Chapter 507: El Experimento 24

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