Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 23, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Hisfather had a huge debt with his school due that his business wasn't doing well,so he went to talk with the school authorities to see how he could pay hismonetary debt, but it was so high due to the interest that was impossible toarrive to any arrangement considering his incomes.

Thissituation was very shameful to the school because they always had been proud tohave very wealthy students, even the father offered his services withoutpayment so his debt could go down but that was refused by the school due thathis exclusivity public image would be affected.

Fewdays after the school's owner call the father offering him to buy his son andhe would receive a handsome money quantity if he accepted, the father wasoffended when he heard that since that would affected in a very important wayhis already deteriorated image and the ostracism in which he was after the peopleof his same social class had found of the disgraceful and humiliating financialfall.

Inaddition that his son was the only male and the youngest of all his childrenand was his pride and he had to inherit all the goods that he has since hisdaughters had married with very wealthy young men and they have their futureassured for their wealth, but now not only his son was facing the danger ofinherit nothing but even they had proposed to sell him as slave and thereby losehis freedom and become the most despicable of society, and of course he wasmarked as the loser who boasted of having a lot and who had actually been atalkative liar.

Butbecause of his financial difficulties the father of the boy didnt have moreoption but that his son leaved the school but even in the public school the boywasnt accept because the scholar year was beyond the half of the year, and forany circumstances they could accept a student when he wanted to go to theschool when the year already was so advanced, so the father didnt have moreoption but talk with the husbands of his daughters to ask them to allow his sonwork with them, while the new scholar year began and again the boy could go tothe school but in this time to a public school, however that petition wasntwell received by his sons in law because the boy was a reminder of the fall ofsomeone that always has boasted of his business and how rich he was and theyknew that accepting the boy was going to bring them discredit among the sohypocritical and closed society where they lived, and that was exactly whatthey wanted avoid.

Butthe things either weren't easy for the boy, because as was expected hisschoolmates and friends gave him their backs and since his brothers in lawdidnt want to have anything with the boy that was the son of a poor talkative,as his father also he was ostracized and in what he used to be a very popularboy in his school and in his friends circle, now he was a loner considered astarver with which nobody of his exclusive social class wanted be close of him,but his disgrace wasnt unnoticed by one of his brother in law which told theboy that he can offer him a job in a car washer, but only thing that he couldbe wearing was a tinny speedo while he was there washing the luxury cars of hiscostumers, and many of them were the cars of his former friends' fathers.

Thepoor boy didnt have more option but accept the humiliating job that one of hisbrother in law was offering him because desperately he needed the money to canpay the school, beside that his brother in law despite that he was going toexhibited his body almost naked in front of his friends and fathers at least hepaid him much more than the other places, so even thought that he was upset forwhat his brother in law had offered him he accepted the job and despite all hethanked him, so from that same day he began to wash cars, wearing the tinnyspeedo that didn't leaved anything to the imagination and that leaved uncovered and at the sight of everyoneto top part of his ass crack and where his legs joined his buttocks, as well asthe bulge that made his cock and balls in his front part and he had to bebarefoot, his brother in law hired only handsome boys because he had otherbusiness that wasnt a secret for anyone and that was accepted because he usedboys that didnt belong to their social class, and many of those boys were usedin the pornography business to earn more money and sometimes even they washedthe cars naked while they were filmed and many of the costumer that could befathers, mothers or young guys of both genders saw them naked, but for the boyfelt in disgrace that was unpleasant andhe didnt want be there but that was the place where he was better paid and theother places where he could work beside that the wage was very low and the workwas worst, and here what helped him a lot was the tips that the millionairesowners of the cars gave to the boys because they enjoyed of the juvenile bodiesthat in some cases were almost naked as was his or completed naked, but ofcourse that this situation ended up affecting the boy because if in itself hisreputation was bad now was worst, because he had been a rich boy and now was apoor one and even though he still lived in his house it was because one of hisbrothers in law was paying the expenses while his father in his mediocre jobtried to pay his debts, being in porno videos only wearing a tinny speedo hadmade that the boy become in his friends circle a slag as his father.

Butone day the situation worsened for the boy, because when the work day had endedand the boy was taking a shower in the car washer showers such as always didall the young employees and at that moment all of them already had gone home torest or to make porn videos, as he has been the last one to finished because acar had arrived late, other car arrived and his brother in law again asked himto wash the car while the owners were shopping and he was going to be alone inthe business and the owner was going to come back later and of course he wasgoing to pay much more to the boy for that favor, so the boy without thinkingtwice accepted considering that he already was alone in the car washer and notto get dressed again he decided to wash the car naked knowing that nobody wasthere like the other guys that earn more tips did washing the cars naked, so hewent out to wash the car naked, although he washed cars almost naked in hisbrother in law car washer was something that his father didnt know, he onlyknew that his son worked for one of his sons in law, and as the boy wasexpecting wash the car naked wasnt a big deal because he didn`t wanted put onagain the dirty and wet clothes by his sweat.

But twodays later the school's principal went to talk with the boys father at hishouse while the lad was washing cars and showed him the video, and he told thefather that had two options or sale them the boy as slave and he get a juicymoney amount as a profit or lose him because the school was going to complain, sincethe boy would be enslaved under the charge of indecent public exposure becausethe boy never had put attention that the boys that washed the cars naked did itin areas where the general public cant see them, and although that was truethat where the boy had washed the carwas a dead end street and that nobody never went through there, the school hadfilmed him from the street and that was enough evidence for a judge to sentencehim a for life time slavery, and at the end the father had no other option butsale his son and lose his only boy and with that not only pay his debts butalso be rich again, but due to the discredit that he had had for what hadhappened to him now he's not related anymore with the rich people but withpeople of lower social classes even though lost his son was a big pain for him,and even in revenge for what his son in law had done to his beloved son sinceduring the sale of his son to the school he had asked the lad why he had gotnaked and he knew all the true, he looked for the way to get his revenge and enslave his son in lawand at the end he got it making that both his other sons in law that still hehad and the other persons that belonged to the rich class feared him, and ashis daughter has kept all that once had belonged to her enslaved former husbandand being very rich she could married with other man that belonged to the highsociety.

Theeighteen years old slim dark brown haired boy was taken chained to his schoolnaked as a slave had to be by the neighborhood streets and other main streetswhile his father was desperate and the mocking smiles of the free citizens whenthey saw the fall of someone, the boy was crying with his head bowed because hehad been the innocent victim of his family disgrace while was taken by a schoolsalves overseer, and in the school was taken to every classroom completelynaked only wearing the collar that identified him as slave so everyone would make fun of the boy that once had beenone of them and now was the school disgrace, and since then the boy has had toclean school and the classrooms and delivered messages while the students seehim naked and humiliated and they have the right to touch any part of his body,wank him and even if the students want take with them his spunk to their housesto breed one of their female slaves, beside that his anus is not saved thatbeing fingered in front of the other students and he has to clean the fingersthat were in his rectum with his mouth, but the thing doesnt end there becausealso the school forces the slave to do things that other slaves dont do, andnow is being sexually used by one of his former classmate, a blond withbig but unattractive buttocks that tookhim to his farm house so the boy could clean it, and while they are there theslave was told to wash the truck of course naked and since nobody is there he`sfucking the slave, since during the weekend the school lends the boy to thestudents so he can serve as a slave without any limitation, the only thing thatthey have forbidden is mutilate him, cause any kind of permanent damage or killhim, under the punishment to be enslaved for life.

Andnow the lad instead of remaining free for his foolishness about haven`t noticedwhere the boys that washed the cars naked were recorded was enslaved, and whathe hated now he has to do being naked and have oral and anal sex with hisbetters, while he was washing the cars with his brother in law he heated that.

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Next: Chapter 515: Chicos Infibulados 8

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