Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 8, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.THE EXPERIMENT 25 These two Hermas are mating, nowthey are in the mating most critical moment and if something goes wrong or thebottom is distracted he never is going to open his rectum so the top's cock cango into the "Clit Chamber". The top in this moment has to bevery careful to keep stimulating the bottom because the pain that he's feelingdue to the penetration is almost unbearable, and the caressing and kissing iswhat is going to stimulate him to open his rectum so the cock can go into the "ClitChamber", where the pain will stop andall will be pleasure for them, and in that moment the ovule that will be fecundate will be produce,then the clit will suck the glans so it can go into the "Ovule Chamber" andthere is where the top will cum and the ovule will be fertilized, after thatthe bottom will be the top and at the end of their sexual encounter if all goesas expected both Hermas will be pregnant. Once the copulation is over themale sex organs will be hidden once more and the female ones will be taken out,because they are who help the Hermas to keep their prey trapped, and as soon asthey are recovered for the extenuate sexual effort each Herma is going to takehis own way but how they are going to be very hungry are going to huntimmediately looking for naked wild human males which are their preys, and theyhave to find them soon because the gestation of the little Hermas are very fastand now they have to eat more than before.These two Latin males that noware Hermas were put in the experiment and shown an awesome adaptability whenthey were exposed to the radiation for the first time, and despite that theyhad to go through a painful time because their bodies were being modified tosuch grade that couldnt move, soon they adapted to their new surrounding andthe scientists could see their prominent vulva lips that had changed them inthe experiment more feared depredators, even this is not the first time thatthese two Hermas mate, but not all the times that they have copulated have beenpregnant because the anal penetration is very painful and the ability that thetop must have to keep the bottom aroused while his schlong is in the rectum,and many times the penetrator ends up ejaculating in the rectum of the Hermasthat on those moments have been the bottoms failing in the attempt toimpregnate them, but by the other side the little Hermas that they are gestated in their body have been veryfierce and ruthless even a week after being born and separate from theirfathers they began to look for preys of their same corporal seize or evenbigger to hunt them and feed of them, and the ruthless way how they hunted themhas the scientists amazed because not onlythey jump over them and they put by their pussies their heads into the "washer"and kept them trapped there, but even before to hunt them they chased them andwhen they had trapped them they let them go letting the little human wild malesthat already had awakened to life that had managed to escape, to chase them again and catch enjoying theiryoung preys terror and when they were tired of that game they put their headinto the "washer" and soft their skull bones, intoxicate them with theirviscous liquid very similar to the cum, and wanking them furiously to feed bythe cum produced by their helpless victim while they were causing a terribleirritation to their cocks and sensitive glans until their could engulfthem, and when their young preys tried tostop them to prevent that they keep wanking them due to the irritation, inaddition to put their prey's hand a part so they weren't in their way whenwanking them also they beaten the little balls that were developing as apunishment causing to the poor prey a lot of pain. The two Hermas are deep in theforest and the bottom is twenty two years old dark brown haired with beard andmustache and is leaning with his two hands on a trunk that is inclined and hehas his mouth open, many of those that dont know what the mating between theHermas is would say that hes enjoying the penetration but actually his facegesture doesnt show pleasure but pain but his reproduction and survivalinstincts are telling him to stay and not to go because the reproduction isnecessary, but for an strange reason even though that hes naked only had aband wrist on his left wrist that never he took off when he disrobed when hewas affected by the radiation and meekly he's allowing that the other Hermafucks him, by his side the other Herma is a twenty years old black haired andalso is muscular with dark brown little nipples and with a washer stomach, andhes enjoying the fucking his right hand is caressing the other Herma's lowerstomach while his mouth is licking the left ear and breathing on it to keep hislover aroused, and despite that his left hand is not doing anything is ready towank and caress the other Herma's schlong and balls to keep him aroused andalso is ready to kiss him in case to be necessary, since instinctively he knowsthat is necessary keep him aroused to can reproduce but the mating process isgoing to take several hours and is going to be a successful one since bothHermas are going to get pregnant, and beforehand the Herma that now is fuckingthe other one he was already pregnant,and unknowingly his body has begun to produce the milk that the little Hermawhen born is going to need to feed during the week that hes going to be withhim before they separating definitely and never again be together, althoughthere is the possibility that he and his offspring cross their paths to fuckeach other and reproduce. Once these Hermas have finishedto fuck for several hours they are going to be lying on the floor in a peacefulplace to rest, but a thing that almost is not seen in the experiment is going to take place two unfortunate nakedyoung wild human one black and the other Asian that just have leaved theirfamilies are going to go through the place where the two Hermas are lying andthey are going to be easily hunted and their heads put into these ruthlessdepredators' "washers", and once that their preys are trapped they are going tolay down again and caress each other while the wretched pups are going to befighting to try get rid of without knowing that now all is lost for them andthey wont be a food but a snack, but that`s the wild life and the experimentis not the exception.

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