Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 15, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


He has just arrived to the SlavesBlack Market from the airport, after he had been kidnaped in the city where helived, all began when he was seen by the slave dealers' scouts, since this boythat was white and blond, good looking and eighteen years old was what theywere looking for. He was the son of the gardener that worked ona very exclusive school, but as he was an employee's son he had the right tohave a scholarship and study in that institute, but the slaves demand in theworld every day was bigger and unstoppable, and not always those criminals thatwere enslaved fulfilled the powerful people requirements, whom loved presumetheir power showing others of their same social class that they could buyexpensive slaves although they didn't need them. The Slaves Black Market should bea secret place where powerful and very rich people went to buy the human fleshthat they needed or wanted, but in reality was for everybody well known andeven by the governments the existence of that place, but no one made anythingto stop that illegal slaves market since even the presidents and kings went tobuy there the wretched human flesh that was sold there, and in addition it wasvery safe to buy there because nobody knew how but all the bought merchandisein that place went out legally and the owners received legal documents, onwhich was stipulated that the wretched boy that was sold there was legally enslaved,however the only ones that required the documentation were the governments toshow that they had bought a legal slave, while the other costumers never askedthat document. The boy was kidnaped when he wastaking a shower in the school's showers after have been in the sport class, andhis father was very anguish because he was his only child and he adored theboy, also the school authorities were very worried because never beforesomething like that had happened inside the school facilities, whoever severalof its students had been kidnaped and they never had appeared, but that hadhappened on weekends when they were in their homes. The boy waked up when he wasinside of airplane's cargo compartment into a cage with many other boys ofdifferent ages even there were girls, but like the compartment was dark hecouldn't see how big the cage was and neither how many boys were there, theonly thing that he knew was that hecouldn't move because they were very tight inside the cage, and all the boysthat were near were naked like him and the cargo compartment stink because itsmelt to piss, shit and sweat, and like the flight was very long and the cagewas padlocked, the wretched boys didn't have more option but piss and shit inthe cage, even the hunger and the thirstbecame other of their tormentors. When the aircraft landed and thedoors were opened the boy was frozen when he saw that he had been transportedin the world's biggest cargo plane, and it was full of naked boys and girls, andtake out the new slaves from the aircraft was something very efficient becauseeach cage was taken out by a hoist, and only until they were inside of anhangar the cage's door was opened and then the wretched new slaves could go outbut always being close watched by the guards. All the boys that were on hiscage were put into a truck, but like he was the last one and wasn't enough roomfor him he was taken in a cargo van from the airport to the Slaves Black Marketalone, and despite that the van's door is opened, the boy doesn't have anywhereto go, since he's in an underground slaves reception area, however behind thetruck are many corridors that like the entrance they are in deplorablesituation and even they place appears to be abandoned and the boy is wondering if he wasn't leftthere to die, since he hasnt see any of his cage and travel companions thatwere put in the first transport that left before than his, but what he doesntknow that hes in the individual slave reception zone where the surveillance isnot necessary because there is no way to escape and all the guards are in themassive slaves reception area to keep the order. So taking advantage to be alonehe has decided to explore the place without knowing that hes being closelywatched by the Slaves Black Market security cameras, while he walks naked bythe place his naked body is being recorded and later is going to be broadcastedby a private TV channel to the potential buyers and they begin to make theirpurchase bids for him, but while the boy is cautiously exploring the place andhe shudders to see in that underground place the small cages and cells that asthe plane stink to shit, piss and sweat and even he has seen fresh blood on thefloor and on the blood barefoot footprints and he has wondered why the peoplethat are the owners of that place are so savage, since in spite the place looks old andabandoned in reality it isnt without out knowing that the blood is the resultof several females of his same age menstruation that were kept there locked,before being taken out and taken to the registration area where in few hoursmore after their bodies are cleaned are going to be put on auction, even he hasseen fresh turds and piss without knowing that were expelled from the bodies ofboys like him that had been waiting their turn of being taken out of the cagesand be cleaned and sold, and the boy with terror is wondering what kind ofplace it is. What this boy doesnt know too isthat his naked body's movements are being closely watched by the potentialbuyers which with rapacity are looking at his buttocks, schlong and ballsmovements, although his balls how iswalking slowly almost don`t move and one thing that had caught the attention ofmany potential buyers and that had made they be interested on him, is theabundant bush of pubic hair that he has around his cock and who had alreadyimagined with the pubes trimmed or completely shaved and with his cock andballs sizes in flaccid state he was become a very desirable object, and in fewminutes more the guards are going for him and his efforts to escape from thatawful place running through the corridors, only are going to make that thepossible buyers be more interested for him looking at his balls and cockbouncing on his thighs or his cock moving from one side to other or in circles,and when he is captured not only he's going to be dragged by the guards throughthat place of horror for the wretched young slaves while the potential buyereven when he is fighting to get a way they will be able to see his little brownanus, and he not only is going to be admitted, but also he's going to be put onsale and like all those that arrived there before him, he's going to be lost inthe slaves' world and his family never is going to find him.

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Next: Chapter 527: Salvajes 38

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