Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 21, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


One of this breeding farm's alphamale is overseeing the cleaning process of the slaves that have just arrived, theslaves arrived from other breeding farm that closed its doors because its ownerdidnt know how to administer it and they ended up in bankruptcy, beingenslaved for life for the felony of financial fraud, because they couldnt paytheir debts and then this breeding farm owner considered that they fulfilledthe requirement to be added to his animal stock whose spunk could be sold tobreed the slaves' next generation, since they owed him money they were given tothe farm owner without the need to have to buy them, in addition he boughtseveral of the slaves that were as studs since beside that they were ofexcellent quality their price of sale was so low that was a bargain buy them.Since slavery was established theneed of slaves in the societies had been increasing, but in most of the casesthe slaves were needed as servants and their owners wanted to exhibited them asexotic naked animals to show how rich and powerful they were, and even thoughthat business also needed them those slaves that needed be exhibited in publicfor the way that they were servicing they masters they must be of anexceptional quality, since both their bodies and faces had to be very pleasantto the sight of the free citizens because a slave that wasn't handsome or goodlooking they would scare away the clientele, thing that didnt happen with theslaves that worked in the farms or factories or in other production businessexcluding the blacksmiths, because they weren't seen by the free citizensdespite the hard work that they had to perform they had excellent bodies, heredidnt matter if they were good looking since what the master were looking forwas that they were strong and productive,However the societies whereslavery had been reinstated were ruthless because when one of the free citizensabove all those that were considered rich or entrepreneurs felt in disgrace,everyone rejoiced for the wretched guy fall and even when he was put on auctionall those that once had been his friends went to see him naked and humiliatedand they took advantage of the opportunity to make degrading and offensivecomments of who once was their equal, although in many times the wretched richfelt in disgrace was bought by someone that knew him to face a life ofhumiliation and desperation because he was considered as someone that didnthave to have any kind of consideration despite that he had been an acquaintance,and in case that the free citizen felt in disgrace was directly assigned tosomeone and that was his acquaintance his new master take care to exhibit himas the animal that he was now and helooked for the way to humiliate him as much as possible forgetting completelywhat once they had been, but this was the way that this society and they live init and they had accepted slavery and the way that it was practiced withoutthinking that they could be on the other side of the coin and become in adespicable slave and be humiliated, but everyone thought that this never wasgoing to happen to them. The tree brothers that wereenslaved and now they're into the cleaning process being supervised by debreeding farm alpha male in which now they are three more slaves, went throughvery traumatic moments before and after have been enslaved, since before two ofthe brothers desperately were looking for the way to save themselves when theysaw that they were in risk to be enslaved, while one of the brother foolishlywanted to be a slave since what he most wanted was live naked and be milkedeither by the slaves and by a free citizen or even by the milky machine aswell, but like always happens he never thought that one thing was be milkedwhen he wanted and other very different be forcibly milked without matteringthat he didnt want or his schlong was irritated, but he will have time toregret of that when he discovers that what he thought was not as he believed,and his brothers had to go through the humiliation to go to talk withbusinessmen that they knew and even they didnt know them to try to sale thefarm and with the money pay their debts without mattering they didnt haveprofits in order to save themselves of being enslaved, but foolishly they thoughtthat they were going to help them when in reality nobody was going to buy theirfarm because once they were enslaved the farms goods would be auctioned andsold in a very low price, hence was a better business let them be enslaved andbuy the farms goods at bargain prices than buy the farm to the price that theywanted and that was going to be much more expensive, but also they wanteddesperately avoid end up being the slaves of their competitor and serving himnaked, and desperation began to take control of them when the time that a judgehad stablished to pay their debts and dont be enslaved was running out andthey didn't get the money, even the brother that wanted be enslaved looked forthe way to save his brothers since he knew that any given moment he could offerhimself as salve to some farm, but all his effort were useless.The other traumatic and maddeningpart was when they lost they freedom, because like they couldnt give a proveto the judge that they had the money to pay their debts on the deadline to doit, the next day the Slave Police (SP) agents went to arrest them and tell themthat they already were slaves, and the regular police together with theauthorities also were there to confiscate the farm and put it on sale, but as wasexpected with the SP went the now owner of the three slaves because he wantedto be sure that his new property wasnt going to be damaged being taken to theSlave Processing Center (SPC) to be processed and they lost their freedom permanently, but their master wanted togloat in their fall and exhibited themcompleted naked in public to show to others that now they werent more thandespicable naked animals that were his property and they werent worthy anymoreto be considered decent people, so once the SP agents told him that these threeslaves were his property he ordered that they put metallic collars with shortchains that were hanging on the back of the collars and once the collars were on the wretchedslaves' necks, he ordered that the hands of his three slaves were immobilizedby the metallic writs band that were in the end of the chain so now the hands of the three boys felt indisgrace were chained on their backs without can move them and cover theirnakedness, but the thing didnt end there because the three slaves were puttogether with chains that were hocked to their collars and in addition anelectric golf car arrive and they were hocked to it, and their new masterordered that they had to wear wooden flip flops to avoid that their feet weregoing to be hurt since he didnt want that his property suffer any kind ofdamage and completely naked without the possibility to cover with their handstheir cocks, balls and buttocks and they had to walk the long distance fromtheir former breeding farm to the SPC exhibited as the animals that now theywere while the free citizens made fun and insulted tem.At the SPC the things werentbetter for them because firstly they had to wait in the street chained to thegolf car to receive the authorization to go into the building to be processed,in addition that the free citizens could touch any part of their bodies as longas the didnt cause them any harm, even some teenage boy put apart theirbuttocks to see their anuses, the journey had been very humiliating because thewooden flip flops made a lot of noise when they were walking and that hadcaught the pedestrians and motorists attention when turning to see what thatnoise was they mock at them, once they were inside the SPC being in sight ofthe free citizens they had to wait standing with their hands on the back oftheir heads, with their legs as a part as possible in a painful way being their feet on red squares and theirarms fully extended to the sides while they were waiting with many other slavesthat their fingers tip were scanned and then their free citizens registers weredeleted forever, and once they went through that process to be a free citizento a slave for life, they had to form in other line and wait their turn to shitand pee, and this process was very simple they had to squat with their solesfully touching the floor and their hands on the back of their heads and thelegs as a part as possible in a painful way and their feet being on redsquared, this with the intention that their buttocks went as low as possibletogether with the schlong and the anus was over the hole as close as possibleand they shit and pissed in the presence of the SP guards, the other slaves andthe most humiliating in sight of the free citizens that were in an observationdeck where they can see the slaves waiting to be processed and when they shitand peed as well, but this slaves were very lucky because unlike other slavestheir master didnt ordered anybody modification or practiced on them anypiercing, and even he ordered that the collars were removed, and after to seethe humiliating process to shit and pee and how the slaves had to clean theirbutts with a hose he asked that they were delivered to him and they took themto the breeding farm in his cars trunk, being the three white animals beingpiled on top of each other. The three brother has just bathedand the middle brother is who is in front and is twenty two years old with darkbrown hair and is very muscular and has middle size light brown nipples, andhes being checked by the slave in charge or the alpha male and he'sstimulating his left nipple to check which is his corporal reaction and howmuch sensible he's, and while the now slave had his head down for the shamethat he's felling of being touched on his buttocks and that a finger is beingput into his rectum by his anus and that his nipple is being caressed withhorror is watching how slowly his cock is getting hard, but unknowingly this isan excellent signal because that means that hes very sensible and not onlyhe's going to serve as a stud but also at nights hes going to be used to givesexual pleasure to his master and friends and when possible to the alpha maleas well, and despite that he has his body smooth only he has been allowed tokeep his pubes that despite that is an abundant bush is trimmed and is pleasantto the sight, the oldest of the brothers that is behind is the tallest of the three and is twenty three withblack hair, also is muscular and is waiting his turn to be evaluated but unlikehis brother he wasnt allowed to keep his pubes and his body is completesmooth, the younger brother that is behind is twenty one and has black hairalways he was depilated so only he has been allowed to keep the head hair andis waiting his turn to be checked by the alfa male, but unlike his brothershe's enjoying what he's doing to his brother and soon he's going through thesame, but little he knows that he's the first of the brother that is going todiscover the terrible reality to be milked by force and without wanted becauseone of the breeding farm's customers of which now he's slave has beeninterested to buy his spunk, and the worst of all is the one that used to behis best friend, and not only this slave is going to hate to be milkedconstantly despite to be tired or he dont want to be, but also he'll have toendure the mocks of the guy that was his best friends and too late he is goingto realize how bad is be a slave and is going to regret have wished it, butthis is the way that the slaves future generation are conceived and now he's partof that productive chain, and he cant do nothing to change it. The alpha male that also is whiteand is eighteen years old with dark brown hair but short that also is verymuscular and his body is completely smooth, is smiling while is inspecting thethree brothers which two of them feel very humiliated and the third one isexpectant, and being in the slaves' reception cleaning area that consist in anarrow aisle with showers is smiling because always is good have fresh meat toenjoy when the master allows it, however his life as alpha male is not an easyone because who decides which one is the alfa stallion is the master but thefight to show it between the slaves is fierce, because inside the slaves animalsociety exists the strongest law, and even though but the fight to show it between the slavesis fierce, because inside the slaves animal society exists the strongest law,and even though the master decides who is the best male between the slaves isdecided who is who control them in case that they have the free time to do it,and here the most valuable is not to reach the sexual pleasure by the ejaculating,but that the others suck your cock since the machines dont give such type ofpleasure, and there isn't for a slave nothing more humiliating to be overpowered by other slave, and despitethat the masters and overseers know this they don't do anything to stop thiskind of controlled anarchy because is the best way to keep the slaves calmdown, and soon these three brothers are going to realized how hard is live asslave and not to say the servitude conditions in which they live being forcedto serve their betters, but inside the slaves' society and hierarchy life canbe much more hard.

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Next: Chapter 531: Chicos Tontos 38

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