Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 4, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These whiteys are in a ReunionCenter and were chosen to be transported and now they are going out of thedisinfection area, a sixty years old male bald in the middle of his head untilhis forehead and with black hair, a fifty years old female with his pussycompletely shaved and with black hair, and a black haired eighteen years oldteenage male with very long and unattractive buttocks, are going out of thepool that has the disinfectant and they think that in short time they're goingto be in their new homes clothed and with their family, and the Reunion Centernightmare is over, a second young male of the same age of the one with theunattractive buttocks is seated but also he has been chosen to be transported.The four have been classified asenough mature so they'll be send to different auction centers, where they aregoing to be sold to the best bidder, but the Latin masters in charge toadministrate the Reunion Center can't believe how naïve the whites arebelieving that they are taken to their new houses and theyll find clothes tocover their nakedness, when all the time since they arrived to the ReunionCenter have been kept naked as any other animal, living in the extensivecenter's gardens and working, the malesdigging holes where shit and piss because they havent bathrooms to do theirbusiness and then take the shit out and put in sacks to carry them by loadingthemselves to the trucks that will take it away the twenty four hours a day, aswell as unloading form the truck the meal and also loading the garbage andfixing anything that was needed in the administrative offices and building newbuildings as well, and the females cocking and trying to keep clean the placewhere the whiteys slept that was outdoors and the offices where the Latins thatadministrated the center worked as well, and treating all those that were sickor hurt.The huge garden where the whiteyswere kept living outdoors naked was divided according to their work hours, sothat those who were resting werent bothered by those that were working besidethat the Latin administrators had found a very effective way to keep thewhiteys in order, and that was that the same whiteys were in charge to watchtheir misfortune companions and in exchange their received a tinny loin clothto cover their nakedness that in reality didnt leave anything to theimagination, and at the same time served as a distinctive that they were guardsand also they had whips to used them and give lashes to those whiteys accordingtheir criteria that were causing disturbs or werent working as was expected,although the whiteys could go to the administration and complain if theyconsidered that one of those almost naked guards was abusing of his power, andin that case the guard was suspended while the investigation was done and if hewas found guilty then the guard was severely punished because each of the nakedwhiteys that had received the lashes form the guard had the right to give tenlashes to that guard and the privilege of being a guard was taken away, butonly were chosen to be guards young males and beside to wear the tinnyloincloth, they eat special food and they slept in special places that werentoutdoors like the other whiteys had to do and beside that they sleep on cotsand they even could have blankets if the night was cold, thing that the othernaked whiteys didnt have and if they wanted to be warm they had to warm upwith the heat of their bodies that were together.But not only the work was anintegral part of the naked whiteys, but also the sex above all among the maleswas something very important and much more between the young males, even thoughthat they had to work as the adults did and the job that they had to performdepended of their age, and the teenagers boys looked for the way to have sexboth oral and anally, and of course many girls were taken to the slaves salesauctions centers pregnant and also they were fucked by the males by theirpussies and anuses and even they have lesbian sex among them, although theyoung males preferred have sex between them because in that way the hadnt muchproblems about the Latins masters investigated when a females was pregnant,because the naked center inmates had strictly forbidden have sex between maleand female, male with male and female with female, but due that were so manywhiteys living in that place waiting to be sent to the auction centers or tothe Maturity Centers , and having as a guards whiteys that practically werenaked and that also loved have sex with other males and even with girls and inexchange they allowed them have some privileges, was practically impossiblecould stop the whiteys sexual promiscuity about all with young, although if afemale was sold pregnant she reached a higher price that the one that wasntand the investigation was made to know who was the father and have an ideaabout the offspring quality that was going to born, but how the females fuckedwith so many males was almost impossible to know it, while a male that was soldif he wasnt virgin always that situation brought consequences since his saleprice was much more lower than a virgin male as long as the male was young,because for the adults and mature didnt matter if they were or not, because intheir case the most valuable was their professional knowledge because they wereused by their masters in their different business so they worked in theirbenefit without the need to have to pay them, and if they did something thatdisplease them always punishment was their incentive and if they did their jobproperly they didnt received anything in exchange because that was their duty,this young male with unattractive buttocks already had had oral and anal sexwith other boys of his same age or older and even he already had fucked and hadbeen fucked by the boy the was seated beside him, so in few hour mores when beput for sale the auctioneer will let know to the potential buyers that healready had had cocks in his anus and he wasn`t virginal, so his sale pricetogether with his friend is going to plum, but like this is a young anattractive male probably a medium category brothel buys him or a middle classyoung Latin or Black boy bought him so they can use him as his servant and beexhibited in public as the animal that now he's. From now on what is awaiting tothese whiteys is humiliation, punishmentand very strict discipline, but for the young male with unattractive buttocksthe adaptation to his new life will be harder for him because he comes from awealthy family, but since the Latin superiors took the country control all changed, and in few minutes more he'll begin to discover that indeed insteadto be a rich boy, now he's not more than an object that can be bought and even used as barter if his Latin andblack masters wish to be changed for other slave or merchandise, his butt verysoon will discover pain and despite that the first days he'll fight against hisnew condition, the discipline and the constant punishment will break him.Feedbacks, comments and ideas arewelcome sent them to

Next: Chapter 539: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 38

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