Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 11, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This white dark brown hairedtwenty two years old young man, was hired to supervise a very special slaves,since the slaves that were under his responsibility when they had been free hadfinished college, but for different reasons they had been enslaved, He wasselected between several candidates that had applied for the job, since hisknowledge was excellent and therefore he was capable of say if the slaves weredoing a good job or they were trying to mislead their masters. Between his many other activitiesand responsibilities he has the authority to order when a slave had to bepunished if he considered that he had done a bad job or if he has beendisrespectful with a better, and was well known by the slaves that was betterdon't do anything that would make their overseer angry because his punishmentswere very cruel, and one of the aspects that he most enjoyed as overseer washave the power to use the slaves in a sexual ways when he wanted, this was a privilegethat he had and he took advantage of this situation very often, but the slaveshated be forced to please their overseer in a sexual way but they didn't havemore option but obey everything that he ordered them if they didn't want beseverely punished. The overseer knew that hecouldn't be friend of the slaves because that might bring him troubles with hisbosses, whom depicted all those that were considered inferiors and always theytreated them in a cruel way, but be cruel with the slaves brought him severalbenefits since not only the job that the slaves performed its quality wasexcellent, if not also since he was the slaves' overseer the administrationhasn't any problems with the slaves, furthermore the job was finished beforehis bosses were expecting, and all the slaves were sent to the mines orquarries where their lives had a radical change since from have a relativepeaceful and comfort life working in the lab, now they were treated asanimal being forced to perform jobs thatthe physical force was needed instead their intellect and they weren'tconsidered useful anymore, and the whip was constantly over their backs, makingthat the slaves had a life of pain, filth, hunger, thirst and desperation. Even several slaves were sold aswaste and ended up in the fertilizers factories being them the fertilizer or inthe organ banks and mines, and those that had better luck were kept working inthe quarries, the research that the slaves had done in the lab was discover avitamin that allowed the slaves be stronger to can work more and rest less time, without the need to be betterfeed and the first months the vitamin was a real success, but afterseveral months the vitamin brought secondary effects and its sale was stoppedsince the slaves were impeded to keep working for suffering severe malnutrition,and that brought huge loses to the company that even they couldn't recover the original investment that they had madefor the research. So the directors boarder giveinstruction that all the slaves that were in the mines and quarries werebrought back to the lab and the research was reopened and the secondary effectsfixed, however like almost all the slaves had been sold and the few that were stillalive weren't in conditions to work in the lab because they had been workingunder very hard conditions, then the administration tried to buy new slaves,but the Slave Market didn't have any more slaves with that qualifications, sothe overseer was enslaved and now he's who make the research to try to fix theproblem that the vitamin causes. Now he's inside his concrete cellin the building's underground, it is very narrow, and despite that there is athin pad where he can lay down and sleep on the floor and he isn't on the barecold concrete and always he's kept naked, like he made that his overseer isangry with him that night he is going tobe knelt with his ankles shackled with a very short chain, his hands are cuffedon his back over his buttocks and attached by a short chain to his ankles chainand the chain that is attached to his collar is hooked to the wall, and like isvery short he can't change his position,so all night long he's going to beknelt, hungry and thirsty because his overseer had forbidden feed and bring himwater and the bowl where the food and the water are put into is empty, and the slave even now is wishing that his overseer allowed him spendthe night into the uncomfortable cage that is in the back part of the cage andthat he hates be in there, because he knows that would be more comfortable bein there that spend the night knelt without the chance to move, furthermore as he's nakedand he can't be covered by the blanked that his overseer provides him everynight he's going to be cold.But this handsome slave since hewas enslaved has suffered the same vexations than the other slaves suffered withhim, since not only his overseer fucks him and force him to drink his pissbecause now he's his urinal, but also the young workers that had the lowestranks in the lab where once he worked for and that now is the slave have theright to use him in a sexual way when they want, and for those boys fun manytimes he's fucked at the same time by his two body holes the mouth and anus,but even many times the better young males while a cock is in the slave's mouthtrying to suffocating him other two cocks are fucking him by his anus at thesame time, and the pain the he fells is execrating since many of the boys thatfuck him are well endowed and they stretch his anus to the maximum, and despitethat the tears run freely down his face and the snot comes out of his nose,that doesn't matter to his young masters who enjoy humiliating him in such wayand they enjoy the pleasure that his two body holes can give them, beside thatthe punishment that he has to face are very cruel, such as the one that willhave to face that night without anyone having mercy of him.And despite that those that oncewere his employers and that now are his masters didn't want to know anythingabout him because as slave he hasn't any value for them, they demand him thatfinds and very soon the vitamin that at the time the other slaves were lookingfor, but this young white slave has discovered with his suffering, anddesperation that for the moment there is nothing that can replace the food andthe vitamins only are a complement to help the slaves to render more, eventhough neither can replace the rest since there is nothing that can replacesleep to change the food in the calories that this generates into energy, sothe life that lies ahead for this slave into the labs is going to be suffering,humiliation and much pain, beside that when his masters notice that he hasn'tfound what they want his fate will be the same of the other slaves that wereunder his orders and that he already knows and this is what most anguishes him,but what he doesn't know is where he's going to end up if in the organs banks, the fertilizersfactories being him the fertilizer, in the mines to never again see the sun anddie underground among his own shit and piss, or have the good luck to be sentto the quarries and that the son of one of the owners sees him and like him,and he can serve him as his personal slave, but as always happens now he'ssorry that he have accepted that job butnow is too late, and he became one more victim of the human avarice where theonly that matters is the money without mattering how live or what happen to theless fortunate.

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Next: Chapter 545: Salvajes 39

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