Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 18, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


For the herd that morning had begunwith a lot of activity, first the watchmen of these naked whites herd had seenseveral black guards very close from the caves where the herd's members wereresting, so as soon as they felt safe they changed the place going deeperinto the mountains, but that had madethem lost all the morning and theycouldn't go to get the food into the towns' trash deposits, furthermore sincethey were very far from the town now go and get the food would take them muchmore time despite that they walked very fast, and they could run long distanceswithout be tired, but for these naked males look for caves where to hide andprotect around the area was fruitless, so was very important find tress that could protect them from the sun and the rain and would have branches that could support their weight. When they found the appropriateplace to establish the afternoon was almost over, so the naked crackers thatwere the herd's leaders decided to go to get the food on the night because theywere very hungry, despite that all theherd had fed from the naked females breast milk that had sucked from theirnipples, and from the males cum that also they had sucked from their cocks, butthat hadn't been enough to stop their hunger since the breast milk and cumproduction was limited, so they had decide go into the town's trash deposits inthe night. However the wild naked Alfa malewasn't sure that the place where they herd had established was safe, he as theother herd's members were wild and his instinct was telling him that was muchbetter look for caves than be on the trees despite that all of them wereexcellent trees climbers even the pups, he as the herd's leader had mated withseveral females and as children he had several females but only one male thatwas born when he was a teenager and for the first time he had copulated with amature female, his father also was wildanimal butt now was a mature cracker but he never became to be an importantherd's member, and as a consequence very few times he could copulate with thefemales and he satisfied his sexual needs with the herd's young males. The herd's males were on the roadin the night to get their food in the garbage dump, and when they arrived intothe town outskirts the guards began to persecute them and they captured severalof them, and between the captives were the Alfa male and his son but when theywere ready to be loaded into the transport one of the wild crackers threw astone with the intention to distract the black guards, but instead he hit theguard that had captured the Alfa male and his pup and then both could run awaywith other cracker that also had been captured, and on the confusion they rantin to the woods being hidden by the darkness. In gratitude the Alfa male gave his son to thecracker that had saved them that also was a teenager that had his son same age,so the next day in front of all theherd's members the young cracker would take the Alfa male son's cherry and hewould became his personal servant, but the naked son of the Alfa male wasn'thappy with his father decision, since be fucked and louse his virginity infront of all the herd's members for a male without mattering if was young ormature was humiliating, but he was powerless to do something since his fatherwas the herd's leader and what he saidhad to be done or face the consequences to be punished in front of all theherd's member including the females, so the boy didn't have more option butaccept with resignation his fate to be the slave of other teenager, despitethat was well know that the adults and young males had anal sex between thembut like they fucked where nobody could see them, considering the herd's rulesthen it wasn't any problem but also the young naked black haired young maleaccording to his father didnt have any possibility to become the herd'sleader, and from some time ago he had been looking for a naked young male thathad the qualities to be trained and he became the next leader, however as the herd still was hungry becausethey couldn't get the food the males before arrive where the herd was decidedto feed themselves with their own cum and they coupled between them and suckedtheir own cocks to obtain the precious viscous liquid, that despite it couldn'tsatisfy their hunger at least they felt that they had something in theirstomachs. Was early in the morning when thenaked muscular dark brown haired Alfa male with an impressive muscular, roundedand small buttocks reunited all the herd's members and told them what hadhappened and that in front of all of the them the teenager that had saved themwould take his son cherry and then he would be his personal servant, and afterthe event they would go to get the food that they needed desperately, theentire herd clapped to the hero that had saved their leader, but when they wentto bring the boy that his cherry would be taken in front of all of them theycouldn't find him. The Alfa male with other maleswent to look for the boy, and the father find the naked teenager being fuckedby his grandfather laying down on their side on the grass and between thetrees, and the boy's face showed the pain that he was feeling for thepenetration since his grandfather's cock was very big and thick, but he was angrywith his son because although that he was being fucked he had a hard on, theAlfa male couldn't believe what he was looking at but was too late to dosomething since his son wasn't virgin anymore and he couldn't give him to theother teenager, so while he was looking at his son and father he's thinking onthe punishment that he'll enforce to both his son and father because they daredto disobey his orders, but the punishment will be something that they neverwill forget, so he enslaved both his father and his son and all the morningsare forced to eat the turds of the boy that had saved the leader to be huntedand the turds of his father and membersof that family including the females, and of all the herd's members includingthe females that wanted that they eat their shit, and they couldnt eat thefood that the other members eat but the left overs that the other members ofthe herd dont want to eat and only if the herd's leader authorized, beside that they have to dig the holes where the other herds members shitand clean them, and of course both his naked father and naked son are fucked bythe herd's male member that want to do it and if they wish they can also do itin front of the females to humiliate them, and even although being wild animalsthey had the right to fuck the naked females for breed purposes, now if theysee a female and want to fuck her or even they are fucking her and if otherherd male arrived and wants to fuck her they had to take out their cocks fromthe female pussy and allow the other male to fuck her, and of course they haveprohibited fuck other herd's male, since as slaves their anuses and mouthsbecame the cum dumps of the other herd's members without mattering their ages,and they are constantly being watched to avoid that they try to run away.

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Next: Chapter 547: Granjas De Crianza 11

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