Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 2, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Disconsolate this eighteen yearsold dark brown haired white boy was living his firsts hours as slave in hismaster's house, he registered in "The Millionaire Contest" in the poker eventbecause he was an excellent player and since he was a little kid he had beenplaying it and was considering as an expert. His dad had been a very wealthybusinessman that had invested in the petroleum industry, but suddenly all feltdown and his family was in very precarious financial conditions and that wasthe reason why he registered in "The Millionaire Contest", his family had hadin their wealthy years several slaves and even when they were tired of themthey gave them as a gift to the people that were good friend of the family butcouldn't afford to buy them despite that the slaves were very expensive. In his school he had two slavesone was on charge to clean his room, cook and his sexual needs, and the otherwas on charge to do the laundry and do the errands, although the slaves obligationswere changed each week, even when someof the students asked him for one of hissalves to be used in a sexual way by him, if the student was his friend anddidn't have the financial resources to buy one he gave the slave to his friendas a gift, or if only he borrowed the slave then when the slave wasn't need byhis friend anymore was sent back to his house and his father sent other slavethat wasn't sexually used by anyone. In his exclusive school he washis friends envy, because the slave that was on charge to do the laundry and dothe errands showered him and dressed him in the locker room after had been exercisedor had practiced a sport, but when his father began to have the financialproblems the slaves were the firsts to be sold, then his father had to go tohis school to ask for a scholarship for his son so he could keep studyingthere, thing that was very humiliating for the students and as it was expectedhe had to leave his room and sleep in another one that he had to share withother five boys that like him had scholarships, at the end they had to put onsale their house and go to lease a department in the city outskirts, and thatwas what made him took the decision to register in the "Millionaire Contest". When the lad went to register hewas surprised to see how many people wanted to participate in the poker eventand he had to wait hours in the line until his turn arrived to be with one ofthe boys that was registering the participants, and that by chance was one ofhis roommates that just like him he had a scholarship and that he want to earnsome money working for "The Millionaire Contest" on weekends registering theparticipants, so when the boy asked himhis name he was surprised and instead to write the name he lifted up his faceand when he saw him he smiled at him, and he asked him not to sign up and thathe looked another way to earn money, since the boy which family was goingthrough economic difficulties had given him a slave and his family had sold himto have more money, and always he would be grateful for his kindness and whathe didnt want was that he was enslaved, but unfortunately for the lad "The MillionaireContest" prize was the only one that could make that he had back the life thathe and his family used to have before they lost all.The school wasnt happy about oneof its students wanted to participate in "The Millionaire Contest" and aboveall because was well known the reasons why this lad was registering, andconsidering that was a discredit for the same school that one of its studentsthat once was one of the wealthiest ended up like that, but of course theschool was powerless to avoid that the student registered in that kind ofcontest, but here in reality they didnt have much to worry about because ifthe student won he would be extremely wealthy and the school would see the waythat the student paid the fine for his daring to ridicule the school, and if helost then they didnt have to worry anymore because the wretched studentwouldnt be more than a despicable and naked slave which was not even worth tothing about him again.As expected the lad didnt followhis roommate advise and once he was registered a supervisor that was behind thetable where the contenders were registering told him that he had to go to thezone four, at the moment the lad didnt understand what the supervisor wastelling but he received his participant number and he believed that he had togo to that place so they could tell him the date that he would participate, butwhen he was walking following the signs he saw that several lads and even nakedmen were screaming in pain while they were taken naked receiving lashes intheir backs, buttocks and thighs and kicks on their buttocks by the SlavePolice (SP) agents, in front of the TV cameras so that the audience began tobid for the slaves in which they were interested to buy, and even he could seehow between them they were putting on their bodies and in their ass crack ahair remover cream and then be wet by jets of ice water and they were put in frontof the TV cameras, and they were forced to put apart their buttocks so theaudience could see the most intimate part of their bodies their anuses and theycould see if they were virginals or not. When the boy saw that horrificscene was the first moment in which he really felt afraid and for the firsttime he understood that had been a stupid idea have registered because thatcould be his last day as a free citizen, since being sent to the zone four itwasnt to receive the date when he was going to participate but was the placewhere he was going to participate in those moments, and despite that he knewthat he was and excellent poker player in that moment he understood that therecould be many player better than him, because among the young guys that he hadseen be taken naked by the SP given themkicks in their buttocks and lashes was the national youth champion and in thosemoments he wished have listened his roommate but was too late, so when hearrived to the zone four and he gave his participant number the SP guard gavehim a tunic opened on the side and pointing a tent he told him that he had tostrip naked and that included his underpants, sox and shoes and only wearingthe tunic which was sleeveless went to the table number ten where in five minutesmore he would start to compete and if he wasn't there in that timeautomatically he would be enslaved, and if apart of wearing the tunic he waswearing another piece of clothing automatically he would be disqualified andenslaved. So he took the tunic from the SPagents hand and he went to the tent where in the sight of all those that wereinside he had to undress, and even when he went in he saw that severalparticipant were in different states of nudity and that they looked as worriedas him and the place even hadnt a box were he could put his clothes, but hehad to put on the floor where he could find a free place, and all the boys thatwere undressing to put on the tunic were of his same age but none of them weregoing to be at his table and for one side he felt relieve but by other he wasworried, but not even in those moments he had time to think because the timewas passing by and he needed get naked as soon as possible to put on the tunicand go as fast as possible to the table number ten where he would know whichwas going to be his fate, and while he was naked went into the tent to girls whichinstinctively caused that he turned around so they couldnt see his schlong andballs although he couldnt avoid that they saw his buttocks, and as soon aspossible he put on the tunic to leave that place where also the girls began toundress to put on the tunics and go to the place where their fate would bedefined. While he was going to the tablenumber ten wearing only the tunic made that this boy felt more than ever veryvulnerable because he really felt that was naked despite that the tunic coveredby the front his balls and schlong and by behind almost all his buttocks, buthe knew that if he wasnt careful from the sides could be exposed his body'smost intimate parts and to the sight of those that were in that place, but atthe same time he nervously laughed because in that place only were theparticipants either naked because they already had lost and had been enslaved,or those that still were wearing the tunics indicating that they still were inthe game and they had some hope to win the event in addition of the SP guardsand the judges, and when he arrived to the table number ten where wereparticipating boys and girls of his age that like him they were only wearingthe tunics but they werent allowed sit down, and other thing that was verystrange for him was that on the table weren't the chips that indicating who waswining or who was losing, and then a guard asked him his name and he gave theboy a cloth bag and told the boy that there were the bet chips, and he had totied it up on his balls because he had forbidden put the chips on thetable, and the boy didnt have moreoption but tied up the bag on his cock and balls at the sight of both the girlsand the boys that were at the table ten and then he began to participate, although for his relief the TV camerasdidn't broadcast when he tied up the bag to his balls and either when the boysand girls that were at the table put much attention when his balls and cockwere exposed to everyone sight.As soon as the poker game beganthe TV cameras also began to broadcast so the audience could see both the gameand the half-naked bodies that were participating, and since the beginning thisboy knew that wasnt going to be easy win since many of the boys made very highbets and he hadnt more option but to bet the same amount that was regulated bya judge, considering how many chips had been given to him that had just joinedthe game, and with desperation he saw how a girl that involuntarily showed oneof her nipples when she made a movement to check how many chips she had, she madea bet in which this boy had to bet all what he had and for his desperation hehadnt a good game, and even though hedidnt want make the bet he knew that he would have to do it otherwise if hedidnt made it he would lose and immediately enslaved, even he could heard howstreams of water were hitting the floor and that was because the participantsfor the fear that they were felling peed and that was allowed by the rules andhe almost peed too when he bet all what he had, and he knew that the girlmaliciously made the bet so he was enslaved immediately, and when everycontender showed the cards he released that he had won and suddenly he had muchmore chips that he had imagined and with pleasure he saw how the girl wasstripped naked and the SP gave her slashes and kicks on her buttocks because withthat bet and losing she had lost all the chips that she had, and now nothingelse was left but wait that the next participant took the place of the enslavedgirl and the event continued, and still in that game due to the chips that hehad won he was moved to the table number four where the two boys that wereputting on the tunic inside the tent when he arrived and one of the girls thatsaw his buttocks exposed were playing, so only he was at the table number tenone game but what he couldnt understand why he had been changed to the tablenumber four. While he was waiting for the gameto begin at table four, he could see that two twenty five years old boys weretaking his place and the place of the enslaved girl, and even the game beganand ended before that the game begin at the table where he was and with horrorhe saw how all the boys and girls of his same age that had been at the tableten, were undressed and enslaved because one of the twenty five years old boyshad made a bet in which all those that were at that table couldnt match thebet and then immediately they were enslaved, since all those that had beenplaying at that table had participate in the same number of games the rulewhere only was allowed to bet the amount of chips that the player that had justarrived to table had didnt apply, because as they had the same number of gamethey were competing in equal circumstances thing that when he arrived to thetable ten wasnt fulfilled and then heunderstood the reason why he had been changed to other table, and in thatmoment one of the boys that had been inside the tent when he went in made avery high bet, but these boy felt confident for the cards that he had and heovercame the bet, and for the other boy bad luck he couldnt match it because he didnt have more chips left and wasenslaved, and now only remained to see if the other boys and girls that were athis table matched the bet and one of the girl overcame it and that made thatthe boy was nervous because he barely had chips to match the bet, and he couldmatch it but he saw that the other participants of the table number four withthe exception of the girl that had seen his buttocks were enslaved because theywerent capable of match the bet, and he being very nervous waited that thegirl didnt overcome the bet and even in act of nervousness he looked at thebag where he had the chips leaving exposed his shlong and balls and the girllooked at them with interest, so trying to hid his nervousness and cursing haveregistered in "The Millionaire Contest" he waited to see if the girlincremented the bet but for his good luck she didnt, and now only oneparticipant of the table four after that game would be still free and washappening the same that had happened at the table number ten, and when the boyand the girl showed their cards for this boy was a real relieved see that hehad won and the wretched girl was stripped and enslaved.And when this boy was waiting foreither be changed to other table or the arrival of the new participants a judgedisqualified him since a viewer that was interested to have him as his slavedhad complained with the authorities, since this boy had committed the crimetypified as Indecent Public Exposure because at the moment that he checked thebag by the nervousness that he had to check if he still have more chips to bethe leaved exposed to the sight of the public both his schlong and his balls,and not being a slaves he had broken the law thus he had to be enslaved forlife, and the boy when he heard the charge he wanted to protest because theclothing that they had provided them wasnt the adequate to participate in this event considering that the chipscouldnt be put on the table and the tunics didnt have pockets to store them,in addition that he was told that the bag had to be tied up on his genitals ,but his reclaims didnt proceed because despite that he had the reason hehadnt been enough careful to cover his nakedness with the table and avoid thatthe people saw both his schlong and balls, and in a desperate try the boy askedwhat would happen if the win had blown considering that they were outdoors andhis genitals and buttocks would have been exposed, but they didnt putattention because that hadnt happened and he deliberately when checking thebag hadnt taken the necessary precautions to cover his nakedness and thereforehe had broken the law, while the authorities of the exclusive school for boyswhich this boy attended were enjoying the fall down of the brat that hadridiculed the exclusive school that boasted that only they accepted verywealthy students and if they gave scholarships to students that werent richwas because they were interested to help less fortunate boys and contributedwith the community. As the other slaves he was lashedand kicked on his buttocks while he took off the tunic and was taken to thearea where would apply the depilation cream so he could show to the audiencehis hairless anus, however since the moment of his disqualification the TVcameras had been broadcasting his fall down and the person that had requestedhis enslavement because he had broken the law was enjoying that moment althoughhe didnt know if he was going to be able to buy him, but anyway his goal hadbeen fulfilled because he had been enslaved, and for the boy was exasperatingsee how unfairly they had enslaved him and nobody had tried to help him andwhile his naked body was exhibited in the TV the buying bid were arriving withthe intention to be the owners of that piece of animal flesh that wasconsidering as good or very good quality, and when finally he was sold he wassent in a transport for pigs to his new master's home and the uncertainty ofnot knowing who had bought him or either which was the future that was awaitinghim made that he peed while the TVcameras were broadcasting him.Now he's naked as any other salveon the full fours position however his arms and chest are resting on a big balland his knees are on the carpet because he was told to wait for his master likethat, and his nakedness makes notorious the tan line between the body and hisbuttocks and the place where is his schlong and balls, and his hands arecrossed on the ball and he's looking at the door waiting for his new masterarrival since he's in his room. Clothes and papers are everywhereon the room's carpet and he knows that his responsibility is going to keep theplace clean, however he's thankful because his new master put on his neck athin brown collar, but there is other thing that keeps him very worried andthis is that when his master bought himhe told him that he was going to take him to his school where he would have toserve him, and the problem is that his master's school is the exclusive schoolwhere he used to study and he is going to be the slave with the lower rank andthe slave that will be on charge of him once he was his slave, but also heknows that be naked in front of his former schoolmates and have to serve themsexually is going to be something veryhumiliating, but much more painful is going to be to know that was his masterwho at the end had been his best friend when he was rich was who complainedwith the authorities that he had exposed in public in an indecent way, but nowdespite of the pain and the desperation that he is going to fell still will bemuch more cruel know that his best friend was who betrayed and enslaved him,but it will not matter anymore because as slave he is powerless to do somethingand only the humiliation, desperation and pain is what hes going to have aheadsince apart that his master is going to exhibit him to his friends naked and asthe animal that now he is and that hes going to use him sexually in front of them and even hes going allowthat they use him in the same way, the school authorities also are going tomake that his life is even more miserable than the other slaves because hedared to register in "The Millionaire Contest" and the wretched slave is the one that will bemore regretful of all of them because in realty he didnt lose in "The MillionaireContest" but for the selfishness to have him as slave servicing to his master,made that his best friend betrayed him but apart he became in other victim of"The Millionaire Contest" despite that he didn`t lose for the betrayal and theexcessive desire to have the power to can control other human been.

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