Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 9, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my nativelanguage, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for thiscircumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanksfor your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These white slaves are notconsidered as prime meat, so they have been put on sale by the slave dealer innot so luxury area where no rich costumers can make their bids for purchasethem during the auction, their pictures with their naked bodies were uploadedin internet and despite that most of the slaves were sold nobody were interestedto buy this four slaves. One of these whiteys was takenout from the place he was and in a brutal way was sent naked to the SlavesProcessing Center (SPC) where his register as free citizens was changed for hisslave identification number (SIN), and after being for a while into themerciless training centers to be preparefor their sale as the animals that they were now they were sent to the auction center to be sold asslaves, because the society after had reintroduced the slavery no much timeago, was demanding a huge quantity of slaves of all races but much more whites and blacks.In this time they can be boughtas a lot or individually and is recommended that they are used as sexual slaves servicing in cheap brothels and at the same time be used in the breed farms sotheir offspring can be used as burden beast.But in this occasion for thefirst time has been put on sale a modify boy, that means that the boy insteadof have ball and cock, his brother who was who enslaved him, took him to theSPC to practice a corporal modification, where now he has a pussy and his peniswas put inside his body and cut, and now the glans only serves as a clit andgives pleasure to the cocks that are fucking him, and the reason why this boyis not considered prime meat is because his brother already has sexually abusedhim after the modification, in addition hes very skinny and hes not veryhandsome but at least he has the option to be sold as an exotic animal.The human meat merchants now thatthe slavery had been reintroduced in the country, had made their fortuneputting on sale the slaves that now were considered as animals with prohibitedprices if they were considered prime meat, or accessible prices is they weren'tconsidered as such, but also how the population now had improved theirfinancial situation now was possible that all of them could have white, blackor slaves of other races servicing them regardless their age.But the fact that the white orblack slaves that weren't considered as prime quality meat were sold in theauctions at several slave dealers' houses, didn't mean that the richest Latins,Asians, blacks. whites or even entrepreneurs weren't on those auctions, becausemany of those slaves could be used in different activates, and how in thisoccasion even some of the slaves that were being sold weren't "fresh" as werecall the slaves that were sent to the Training Centers by their masters thatwere tired of them and wanted sale them to get a profit for the sale of thatused meat, because they wanted to buy "fresh" slaves or other used, and in may timesthey were used as sexual slaves and servants for their sons so they can helpthem both clean their rooms and wash their clothes if they were in boardingschools or at their homes.The small area where the slavesare being sold is divided in three parts and is roofless and even has showersto clean the slaves in case to be necessary, the slave dealer agencies eventhey paid assessors to tell them which was the best way to exhibit the slavesto make them as more attractive as possible to the buyers, and their expertauctioneers since not everyone could be because he had to be a true connoisseurboth of the human body and psychologist, since he had to know perfectly the wayof thinking and behaving of the animal that was being sold to highlight somevirtue of the animal in case that was ugly or considered unruly. The first is the general area,and two more divisions on the back, in the general area two "used" slave boysare having sex in front of the potential buyers, they are two eighteen yearsold black haired white boys and the one that is on the full four position isbeing fucked by the one that is knelt, and presenting to the public two no freshsalves having sex between them was something recommended by the assessors andauctioneers because that made that the potential buyers were horny, and beingexcited looking live sexual intercourses that will make that they wantedto buy a slave without mattering thatwasnt virginal because the auctioneers knew that a hard cocks and somebuttocks in motion in the sexual act, was a powerful weapon to make that manyinexperienced buyers wanted to buy an animal considered no fresh. Both naked whiteys were put onsale because the sons of their masters were tired of them, but this time oneslave is fucking the other because one of the potential byers requested to seehow much cum he can produce, so the slave cant cum in his fellow salve rectumsince he was told that he scream Im cumming and take out his cock and can cumin the slave's hands that he's fucking, and the interested buyer can see theamount of cum that the enslaved balls have produced.The fact that he's fucking theslave is because also he wants to see how their buttocks look with the natural movementof be tense and relax while he is in sex action, because he's interested inusing him as entertainment fucking and be fucked by other slaves, beside thatcheck his recovery capacity after he has cum, to see how much cum he producesbecause his guest love put on their food sauce recently produced by the slaves'balls.The boy that had been modified isvery nervous, not only because he knows that he's going to be sold by hisbrother and never again he's going to see him, but also because he doesn't knowwhat kind of reaction the public might have when they see that he has beenmodify with female sexual organs, because after he recovered from themodification operation his brother began to exhibit him as an exotic animal,and the reaction of both his friends and relatives were mixed, because some ofthem said that was fantastic other said that was unpleasant and disgusting lookat him in that condition, and to make the things worst his brother made that thesize of his nipples were bigger and they didnt look very esthetic in his body.But his humiliations didn't endthere because once he was recovered from the operation, his brother began tofuck him and his cock raped him merciless fucking his three corporal orifices,however he loved that his brother fucked him by his pussy, because when hisbrother glans touched his gland converted in a clit that gave him a lot ofpleasure, but the things changed and suddenly not only his brother was the onlyone that was fucking him but also his best friends including his relatives, andthe situation reached such grade that in many times his three body cavities,mouth, anus and pussy were being raped at the same time by three differentcocks, and in many occasions his brother had invited his former schoolmates tofuck him and in other times his own cousins.When the boy knew that he wasgoing to be sold with desperation asked his brother the reason why he had beenso mean enslaving him and modifying his body and above all exhibiting him as ananimal making that he was used sexually as a whore, and his brother smilingsimply had told him that he had done that because their parents in their willhave left to the younger son much more things than the older one and hedisagreed with that, and if he had decided to sale him was because he was sickto put his cock in to his body holes where other cocks already had been there,and with the money of his sale he was hopping can pay the operation of hisactual boyfriend to change him as he had done with him in a modify boy, and whenhe was tired of him enslave and sale him and then look for other boyfriend todo with him the same.And at the end of this lot in theleft compartment is a young eighteen years old black haired white teenage boywith a prominent and beautiful buttocks that in normal circumstances he wouldconsidered as a first calls meat, but in the Training Center he was foundhaving anal sex with other slave that neither would be a problem, but due thathe was being fucked and he had lost his virginity his category immediatelychanged and this is the reason why he was put on sale together with the slavesof low quality, and that made that the training center had to paid a very highfine and was closed and both the employees and the owners were enslaved and putfor sale, and the sale price of all the enslaved owners and employees would begiven to the young slave owner as a compensation because the animal couldnt besold at a premium price. He's wanking himself by the auctioneerorders and like the potential buyers can see his right side this is the reasonwhy they can see both his buttocks and his hand that is moving over his manhood,however at the time of his sale he is going to let the potential buyers see hisenslaved teenage cock hard so they can see the size that it has reached,although for this slave will be easy be bought because several potential buyershave been interested in him and since now they are bidding for his body, thiswhite animal was enslaved because one of his school's prefects accused him unfairlythat he had stolen an exam and when the Slave Police (SP) went to his school totake him to the SPC he was forced to strip naked in front of his classmates,which were allowed to touch the most intimate parts of his body and as theywere precisely in the slavery class the teacher took advantage of the opportunitythat the SP gave them, to touch the naked body of the humiliate former studentto explain the students how a slave's body had to be evaluated and eventouching his balls to be sure that they werent artificial and making that hiscock was hard wanking him, and then allowing that all the students that wantedmade the same and as expected all the students except his closest friends tookadvantage of the opportunity to touch the naked body, and at the end the poorenslaved student ended up cumming and his cum felt on the floor and he wasforced to lick his cum on the floor being in the full fours position with hislegs wide opened, so all the studentscould see his exposed anus, perineum and his balls and cock hanging between hislegs and then be taken through theschool's aisles so all the students could see his naked body to the transportthat would take him to the SPC .Although the sale of white slavesboth first or second class without mattering their ages is very lucrative forthe slaves white meat dealers, because even the old ones can be sold and beused in the different business as cleaning animals or if they have professionalexperience in their masters business development, and those that are not freshas beasts of burden or servicing in cheap brothels or hotels and even if theyare handsome in luxury hotel to satisfy their customers sexual needs and demands, thanks to the assessors andauctioneers knowledge that always can find a place where one of these animalswithout mattering their race can serve a free citizen, and there is no doubtthat society is changing but the bad thing is that now anyone can be enslavedand nobody is safe and neither you can trust in anyone.

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Next: Chapter 559: El Experimento 27

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