Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 6, 2019


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These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These whiteys has just been arrested by the black guards while they were having a free school day thinking that they Latin and black authorities were remodeling their school, never they thought that their lives would be a living hell because always they had had the power, but suddenly all changed and now the once powerful white race became the persecuted one although in their country still they're majority but is very common see them exhibited naked for sale in the supermarkets.

However this family was one of those that still were free and wasnt been persecuted by the Latins and blacks although this country had been one of the firsts that began to enslaved the whites, because they wanted to give an image that in their country nothing was happening and all was as used to be and the only difference was that now the Latins and blacks were the ones who dominated, and in several cities were residential places that had been chosen where the whiteys that still hadnt been enslaved could live and had the false sensation that all was fine, despite that they could see the naked whiteys being sold in the supermarkets as another merchandise more, but how they no longer had the power and there was a desired to take revenge for the things that they had done, it was only a matter of time before these families were enslaved too as had happened to the others, because for this new society dominated by the Latins and blacks having white slaves working for them was very beneficial.

The white boys schools were very austere since the classroom were made of cardboard and wood, and the boards were pieces of cardboard that were provided by the Latin or black authorities and for the white boys were mandatory practice a lot of sports outdoors without mattering the weather, since for they authorities was very important keep them in good physical conditions and although many times they had to sit on the bear concrete inside the classrooms since not even the authorities had provided chairs to sit down, the parents made efforts to buy the necessary utensils so their children could be as comfortable as possible in the schools that were exclusively for whites, but there were things that couldnt be changed and one of them was that after the white males did exercise they had to take a shower and this was a rule that the new authorities had enforced, but the showers were outdoors and were communal so anyone that passed by the area where the school was could see the naked boys, undressing, taking a shower or dressing, and despite that the parents had gone to talk with the Latin and blacks authorities to see the possibility that their boys had more privacy and avoid them the shame to be naked in public, until that moments they hadnt received any answer from them and the investment that they wanted to do to build a private place where their boys could shower and dress couldnt be made, because the whites that wanted to buy slaves although they were of their same race or material to build needed to show in the establishment where they wanted to buy that kind of merchandise a special authorization issued by the authorities.

But like always has happened the white families and specially the boys had adapted to the adversity despite that life was harder than before, and still be free and with the capacity to buy things was considered by them something very good beside that the houses where they were living could be considered until certain point luxuries and what was more important for them was the place where they were living was exclusively for whites, despite the discomfort that they had to endure that such as many times a week the water or the electrical power was suspended so they had to be very careful in the use of water and about the electrical power they couldnt do much since generally the service was suspended when they needed at most, but they knew that was better keep their mouths shut and dont complain because if they did then they were in risk to be enslaved, but there was other thing that they authorities had very controlled and this was the information that the whites could receive, since the news that they saw every night was censored and never they knew about what the authorities both Latin and blacks were thinking to do, since the news that they listened were very different of those that the Latins and blacks listened and of course the whites also had censored the internet, since only they were allowed to see pornography and play on line games where the whites always were defeated by the Latins or blacks that was something in which the authorities were very interested in inculcating into the whites' minds and especially the young males, in which by one side they inculcated that the whites natural condition was always be naked and do dirty things and be weak and by the other side inculcate in their mind that be naked was something shameful, humiliating and degrading, but that was precisely what the whites loved to do make shameful and degrading things, and be humiliated in public.

But the time to clean one of the places assigned to the whiteys where they could live in one of the most important cities in the country has arrived, but the whites were unaware about that because never in the news that they saw the authorities had informed them about that decision an usually who gave the news were naked white teenager and young males that had been enslaved, and although the whites knew that the supposed journalist that were bringing the news were slaves because they were naked they preferred ignore that sad reality and think that all was fine, and one night before that place was cleaned since the Latins wanted a luxury mall in that place instead the despicable whiteys, by the news the white boys that went to the nearest school to the area where they lived were told that the class day was suspended because some modifications were going to be done to their school, and the ingenuous parents and the students felt very happy thinking that finally the authorities had them paid attention to their petitions without knowing that modifications that are going to be done was the school demolition, when in reality they were going to be enslaves and then sent to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) to be assigned their Slave Identification Number (SIN) and they were going to be distributed among the different slaves sale centers including the supermarkets, to be put on sale and exhibited naked as any other merchandise or animal, but these three guys two males and a female parents found out what was going on and they could ran way to the forest although they couldn`t tell their children what was happening, because the communication had been cut in that zone and go back would implied be enslaved and for more that the parents tried to go back for them some friends that also had found out by chance what was going on forced the parents to go with them to the forest.

The two eighteen years old white males because they were stepbrothers one black haired and the other dark brown haired and the twenty five years old dark brown haired female that were the sister of the dark brown haired boy were in their respective rooms when the Slave Police (SP) with a kick opened the door and went in, then they were forced to get naked in their rooms and the two males were taken into the female room and the two males have been forced to exhibit their bodies in a lewd way, while a black journalist is recording and narrating the news for the Latin and blacks citizens about how the neighborhood where until few moments a go the whiteys used to live was being cleaned, the black haired male that is seated on the bed is jerking off and he can't cum, while the other male that is the dark brown haired male was forced to lay down on the floor, lift up his legs and open his buttocks with his hands so now his most intimate body parts are exposed, the female was allowed to cover her tits on the wall and has been forced to lift up his arms over his head keep them on the door and turn toward the camera smiling while all what is happening to this wretched white guys is being broadcast live in the news, and also will be broadcast again on the afternoon and evening news, and from now on these whiteys never again are going to have privacy and they will be naked all the time as well, and now they're waiting the transport that will take them to the SPC where they will be assigned their SIN and from there to an auction house where they will be put on auction and sold as slaves to the Latin and black masters, the girls will be a naked flight attendant in one airline servicing the passengers and will have to endure be touched impudently all over her body and when a passenger wanted even she would have to serve sexually to the passenger in one of the aircrafts private rooms, while the black haired boy is going to be bought by a zoo and exhibited as a naked animal caged together with other whites while they are forced to work hard and have anal sex between them in public so the zoo guest can enjoy the show, and the dark brown haired boy is going to be in charge to give the news naked about traffic, sports and weather in the TV news either for the Latin and black masters and the whiteys that are free as well, and the payback time has been very sweet for the now superior races the Latins and blacks but very hard and bitter for the whites that have seen how the things had been reversed and now they are the slaves, with any possibility to get back the power at least in several centuries, and as always happens what you sow is what you harvest.

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Next: Chapter 574: Society Is Changing 30

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